Research On 150cc Bike Segment in India
Research On 150cc Bike Segment in India
Research On 150cc Bike Segment in India
b ik e se g m e n t in
In d ia , Y A M A H A F Z
Joseph KJ, Nikhil Philip
Indian Two-Wheeler
Industry: A Perspective
Automobile is one of the largest industries in global
market. Being the leader in product and process
technologies in the manufacturing sector, it has been
recognised as one of the drivers of economic growth.
During the last decade, well¬-directed efforts have been
made to provide a new look to the automobile policy
for realising the sector's full potential for the economy.
Steps like abolition of licensing, removal of
quantitative restrictions and initiatives to bring the
policy framework in consonance with WTO
requirements have set the industry in a progressive
Aggressive marketing by the auto finance companies
have also played a significant role in boosting
automobile demand, especially from the population in
the middle income group.
Conducted by students of IIM
The report has been prepared on the basis of
information collected from different
sources.In order to achieve the objective of
the project proper research method was
applied.. Aftergiving through brain storming
session, objectives were selected and the set
on the base ofthese objectives, A
questionnaire was designed major emphasis
of which was gatheringnew ideas or insight so
as to determine and bind out solution to the
Research included gathering both primary and
secondary data. :
· Findings are based on sample survey.
Popularity of Yamaha is
available in the age of 26-30
20%) also because of its
In this pie chart it is very much clear that 76% of the Yamaha’s
customer is mainly the youth who are single, so Yamaha’s new launch FZS is mostly
being accepted by the singles instead of family oriented people.
Once again we found that
In the income group
distribution we can analyze
that customers of FZS are
coming from the Middle
income group people which is
around 73% by including
10001-40000 slab of income
group. It shows that Yamaha
is placing their products in
the appropriate price range.
As the people of this income
bracket can easily afford this
Here again we can prove that
In this pie chart a very
important thing can be
referred that Indian Youths
are not so much independent
in the financial matters, still
they depends on the family,
as Yamaha claims that they
target the people of 18-25
age group, but here we can
say that they should promote
such kind of advertisements
where the Yamaha products
can link to the family.
Ultimately family is paying
the amount so Yamaha should
target according to family
also, so that the view of the
children and family shouldn’t
Majority of people is not
comparing Yamaha FZS to
any other product and the
number of such people is
around 39%, But the second
view which we have found
that FZS is getting a very
tough competition Fr BAJAJ &
launched their new edition of
Pulsar 220 at a very low price
(around 70000 ex showroom
price), which is the reason for
the tough competition giving
by BAJAJ. On the other hand
giving direct fight to the FZS
because of its MILEAGE only.
There are some more
competitors which are stable
at their market share in
automobile industry.
If we see the trend of Two
wheeler industry we found that
earlier people were looking
mainly towards the mileage of
the vehicle but now In our
research we collected data and
found that now customer’s
perception has changed and
they are shifting towards the
style, design & riding comfort of
the vehicle, 54% customers
have purchased FZS because of
its Style & Design and only 2%
people are looking for the
mileage. So in a way we can say
they Yamaha exactly changed
the perception of Indian
customers. They are trying to
attract customers with new
style, design or look of the bike
and creating passion in the
customers for the speed and
power. So through this we have
proved our First hypothesis
which was regarding the
Yamaha’s new launch of FZ &
FZS that has changed the
customer’s perception regarding
choice of bikes.
As we can see here the major
promotional tool which is
influencing the customers is
TVCF which stands for Television
Commercial, which is around
45%, after that the major source
of awareness among customers,
is Family/Friends. Magazine and
newspaper consists only 9% in
our research, but if we look
them at a very good sample size
then it is around 2% only.