Lesson 1 - Climate Change Phenomenon
Lesson 1 - Climate Change Phenomenon
Lesson 1 - Climate Change Phenomenon
• Waste
– Promote proper waste disposal and
efficient waste management system such
as composting and sanitary landfills.
– Impose proper treatment of solid, liquid
and gas wastes generated by the industrial
Mitigating Climate Change
• Agriculture and Land Use Change and
– Promote massive reforestation and afforestation
– Support organic farming
– Mandate the local government units (LGUs) to
conduct vigorous information campaigns that
will encourage efficient use of water and proper
management of rice paddies and livestock.
Mitigating Climate Change
• Agriculture and Land Use Change and
– Install storage/treatment facilities to catch/reuse
run-off and rain waters.
– Promote the development of high-yielding seed
varieties that are drought resistant and require
less water and chemical fertilizers.
Mitigating Climate Change
• Industry
– Popularize the use of energy-saving devices
in manufacturing plants
– Encourage the use of alternative fuels and
renewable energy sources.
– Improve energy efficiency in production