Lecture - 2 - 1642855339845 Operation Managent
Lecture - 2 - 1642855339845 Operation Managent
Lecture - 2 - 1642855339845 Operation Managent
Operations Management
BITS Pilani
Gaurav Nagpal
Competitive dimensions of
For Canada
4.Rx = 8.Ry
Rx/Ry =2
For Mexico
4.Rx = 6.Ry
Rx/Ry = 1.5
In Portugal,
manhours requirement per unit cloth = 90/80 times manhours requirement per unit wine
In England,
manhours requirement per unit cloth = 100/120 times manhours requirement per unit wine
Therefore, England has comparative advantage in producing cloth and Portugal has
comparative advantage in producing wine
Byju’s said the deal is a strategic partnership with AESL, a leader in test-prep services. “I am happy to have
Aakash Educational Services Limited (AESL), a market leader and the most trusted name in the test-prep
services, on board with us,” said Byju Raveendran, Founder, and CEO, Byju’s. “Our complementary strengths
will enable us to build capabilities, create engaging and personalised learning programmes. The future of
learning is hybrid and this union will bring together the best of offline and online learning, as we combine
our expertise to create impactful experiences for students.” Raveendran said the pandemic has brought the
importance of the blended format of learning to the forefront. “As we unite our forces to bring together
decades of expertise and experience, this partnership will further accelerate Aakash’s growth and success.”
“At Aakash, we are looking to transform student experiences by steering innovative and digitally-enabled learning
solutions. Together with Byju’s, we will work towards building an omnichannel learning offering that will accelerate
test-prep experience to the next level,” said Aakash Chaudhry, managing director, AESL.
For example:
Om Sweets started with Dhodha
Jain Shikanji started with shikanji
Also important to keep surprising your customers with new product innovations so as
to make them feel that the brand is livid
Pulp: PuLP is an open-source linear programming (LP) package which largely uses Python syntax and comes
packaged with many industry-standard solvers. It also integrates nicely with a range of open source and commercial
LP solvers. You can install it using pip (and also some additional solvers)
Gurobi: The fastest and most powerful mathematical programming solver available for your LP, QP and MIP (MILP,
GLPK: The GNU Linear Programming Kit (GLPK) is a software package intended for solving large-scale linear
Pyomo is a Python-based, open-source optimization modeling language with a diverse set of optimization capabilities.
The beauty of using Pyomo is that you can try different solvers by just changing the name of the solver. The
standard utility for installing Python packages is pip. You can install Pyomo in your system Python installation by
executing the following in a shell: pip install pyomo. You can install Pyomo in your system Python installation by
executing the following in a shell: conda install -c conda-forge pyomo
BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956
Purchasing Problem- allocating
your share of telephone calls
You, as a purchase manager, have been approached by three telephone companies to subscribe to their long-distance
service in the United States. MaBell will charge a flat $16 per month plus $.25 a minute. PaBell will charge $25 a month
but will reduce the per-minute cost to $.21. As for BabyBell, the flat monthly charge is $18, and the cost per min is $.22.
You usually make an average of 200 minutes of long-distance calls a month. Assuming that you do not pay the flat
monthly fee unless you make calls and that you can apportion your calls among all three companies as you please, how
should you use the three companies to minimize the monthly telephone bill? Max cap for any operator is 120 minutes.
Obj fun min of total cost = 0.25x1 + .21x2 + .22x3 + 16y1 + 25y2 + 18y3
x1 + x2 + x3 = 200
x1 <= 1000000.y1 If y1=0, x1 has to be zero; and if y1=1, x1 can be any number
x2 <= 1000000.y2 If y2=0, x2 has to be zero; and if y2=1, x2 can be any number
x3 <= 1000000.y3 If y3=0, x3 has to be zero; and if y3=1, x3 can be any number
x1, x2, x3 <= 120
x1, x2, x3 >=0 20
model = pyo.ConcreteModel()
model.avg_call = pyo.Constraint(expr = sum(x[i] for i in range(3))==200)
model.x0limit = pyo.Constraint(expr = x[0]<=120)
model.x1limit = pyo.Constraint(expr = x[1]<=120)
model.x2limit = pyo.Constraint(expr = x[2]<=120)
opt = SolverFactory('glpk')
for i in range(3): 23
print('x[%i] = %i' % (i, pyo.value(x[i])), 'y[%i] = %i' % (i, pyo.value(y[i])))
BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956
Code using Pulp
import pulp as p
# Objective Function
Lp_prob += 0.25*x1+0.21*x2+0.22*x3+16*y1+25*y2+18*y3
# Constraints:
Lp_prob += x1 <= 120
Lp_prob += x2 <= 120
Lp_prob += x3 <= 120
Lp_prob += x1 <= 1000000*y1
Lp_prob += x2 <= 1000000*y2
Lp_prob += x3 <= 1000000*y3
Lp_prob += x1 + x2 + x3 == 200