5s Pillars of The Visual Workplace
5s Pillars of The Visual Workplace
5s Pillars of The Visual Workplace
Continuous Improvements
Improving your Company
Seiri Sort Clearing Removal of all items that are not needed
within the scope of current production.
E-bay is your friend
Seitori Set in Arranging Every tool, bin, pallet should have a place.
Order Shadow boards, tape and paint
Shitsuki Standardise Discipline The methods used to maintain the gains, not
only standard ops, best current practice and
actively using ISO are applicable
Seiketsu Sustain Ongoing Ensuring that the gains are held and
Improvements continue to be made. Removal of friction
and waste
Overcoming Resistance
• As the first step, staff will be watching to see if this is just a pet
project, to be ignored if production pressure arises.
Red -Tagging
Date in
Both local and global red-tag areas are useful to
store items that are used in different areas.
Interactive bit
• Labelled correctly and clearly so anyone can use
the area
• The tools utilised during a shine activity are given the sort and set
Shine Incorporates
Inspection (Later!)
• Later, shine activities incorporate inspection.
No 5S Job
• Discuss
– A daily five minute routine that “rounds up a days
• Hence
– What (where) are the performance targets,
– Where do parts in and out go,
– What are the previous and next steps
– Are all the tools available
– What are the process steps and safety procedures
Five minute 5S
• 5S is a gradual process
checklists and evaluation sheets.