Raw Meal & Clinker Quality Control
Raw Meal & Clinker Quality Control
Raw Meal & Clinker Quality Control
% Liquid
Chemical Composition
Mineralogy of Raw meal
Desired Clinker Quality
Raw meal
Purpose of raw material
Control of the materials composition prior
to excavation enables selective quarrying
to achieve.
Correct composition of (integrated) stock
Medium to long term uniformity of stock
pile composition
Optimum utilization of materials and
Raw mix control
Circulation of volatile matter
A fraction of the volatile components evaporates in the
kiln burning zone and condense in the back end or raw
meal and re-enter the burning zone
The repeated evaporation and condensation results in
an Internal circulation where the concentration can go
up to fifty times the input concentration
At equilibrium state, the output of volatiles along with
clinker is equal to the total input from raw meal and
Higher degree of volatiles concentration exists either
due to more input or due to a high degree of volatility
(high burning)
External circulation
N o r ma l Ma x
Li mi t s Li mi t s
K2 O e q
=K 2 O +1 . 5 N a 2
O 3. 70% 6%
C hl or i ne a s C l -
0. 80% 2. 00%
Su l f u r a s SO 3 2. 50% 5%
Max Allowable Input of Volatile Components for a
SP kiln system Without bypass on LOI free Basis
N o r ma l Ma x
Li mi t s Li mi t s
K 2 O +0 . 6 5 *N a 2
O 1 . 00% 1 . 5%
C hlor ine a s C l -
0. 02% 0. 02%
Su l f u r a s SO 3 1 . 00% 1 . 6%
Max Allowable Input of VC for a CALCINER Kiln
system Without bypass on LOI free Basis
N o r ma l Ma x
Li mi t s Li mi t s
K 2 O +0 . 6 5 *N a 2
O 1 . 00% 1 . 5%
C hlor ine a s C l - 0. 01 5% 0. 01 5%
Su l f u r a s SO 3 0. 80% 1 . 2%
Hot meal process interaction
The level of volatile elements indicate
changes in the absolute and relative input
of circulation elements with raw meal and
fuel, and corrective actions can-if possible-
be initiated
Improving combustion efficiency of
precalciner and consequently maintain the
appropriate hot meal degree of calcination
before entering to kiln
Control Reducing
Methods Evop factor
Flame adjustments
Excess air
Discard the filter dust
Kiln by pass
SO3 / Alkali ratio
Calcination Degree Determination
Time, Pressure
Kiln temperature Zones
CS and CA
3 CaO+2 SiO2+ Al2O3-----> 2(CaO.
CA+3C+F-----> C AF
2.Decomposition rate of
Decomposition rate of limestone is increased
by :
Increase in temperature of raw meal
Lowering CO2 partial pressure in combustion
gases ….To prevent reverse reaction
Lowering dust load of combustion gases
Decreasing crystal content of CaCO3
High heating rate (E.g lower rpm of kiln , High
fuel rate ,installing precalciner)
Role of Precalciner (PC)
Around 90% of calcination is completed in
the precalciner
Precalciner reduces the thermal loading of
kiln and there by the length of the kiln.
The time taken by the raw meal to cross the
PC is called the residence time .
Higher the residence time, higher will be the
time available for the degree of completion
of calcination reaction
Melt formation
Raw meal melts at more than 1200 deg C
depending on the amount of fluxing material
Liquid formation is important for
Effective Granulation
Stable coating
Protecting the refractory
Melt formation (continues)
Raw mix composition determines the
temperature of initial liquid formation
the amount of liquid formation
physical properties of the liquid such as its
Fluxes(Al , Fe , Ba , Sr , Ce , Cr, P , Ti, Zn)
Lower melting temperature and melt
Melt formation(continues)
A mineraliser like Fluorides(CaF2,NaF,BaF
MgF2)can also be added to reduce the
temperature at which liquid phase is formed
Mineraliser modifies the viscosity and
surface tension of the clinker liquid to
promote the formation of clinker minerals
Alite formation
Liquid phase
CaO + 2CaO.SiO2 -------------> 3CaO . SiO2
t >1250 C3S (Solid)
Formation starts at 1250 degC as C3S and free
lime are only available as “Solid particles” in
kiln Charge
In the presence of liquid phase CaO and C2S
are dissolved and C3S is formed
When the temperature reaches 1450degC, in
the solid phase C2S, C3S and a little free lime
only will be available
Reaction Equilibria
Belite + CaO Alite
Shift in reaction equilibria by changes in:
Temperature (+R;-L)
Quantity of melt ((+R; -L)
% Liquid Amount of
Length of
size N burning
Operational measurements on
1.Litre Weight of clinker
It is usually of 5-10mm or 6-12mm particles
that are sieved and weighed in a cup with
fixed volume.
The top of the cup is leveled with a ruler. The
measurement in g/lt is generally between
1100-1300 (desired value 1250-1350)
Operational measurements on
Clinker (continues)
The litre weight of a clinker type at a
specific plant correlates to the free lime
when burnability remains constant.
Higher temperature generally gives higher
litre weight but very high temperatures
can lower the litre weight because of dust
Operational measurements on
Clinker (continues)
2. Free Lime ( Uncombined CaO )
The primary criteria of clinker
quality. This is because
Too high free lime: Loss in
strength potential, increase of
cement expansion, disturbances in
cement grinding
Operational measurements on
Clinker (continues)
Too low free lime : Loss in cement
reactivity, excessive heat consumption,
poor grindability
The free lime measurement to be
carried out on a representative sample
of the clinker product. Generally the
free lime is targeted just below 1.5%.
Operational measurements on
Clinker (continues)
Composition, temperature, residence
time & burnability influence the
achieved free lime level.
Generally CaO free inversely to liter
weight at a given SM
But there is loss of such correlation
between Free lime content and
Liter weight for over burnt clinker
Ref : Page 34
Kiln process variables ,control &
Air flow rates ( by ID fan Speed & cooler fans)
primary air
Secondary air
Tertiary air
Flame Characteristics (by air , fuel rate &
burner position)
Flame temperature
Flame length
Flame stability
Kiln process variables ,control &
Residence time of kiln meal with in the
kiln (kiln speed)
Chemical composition, parameters and
minerals of clinker (By Analysis)
Volatile concentration(By analysis)
What are the factors that
affects the correlation
between raw meal and
clinker composition?
Nowadays the challenge is to change the
cement industry from traditional mass
production into more effective production
system aiming to increase the productivity,
overall performance, and capacity utilisation
to meet high market demand. The cement
industry is forced to reduce the production
costs and delay times in order to take
advantages in the global competition
Process Optimization
Within the cement production line, Process
Optimation (an effective tool for cost
reduction) is an initiative to improve the
plant performance
The objectives for Process optimization
Optimization of all unit operations
Lowering the specific energy consumption
Process Optimization(continues)
Diagnostic studies of problems in raw
materials, electrical, instrumentation,
mechanical and process engineering
sections and trouble shooting
Quality assurance with optimized
utilization of resources
Measures for improvement in
Lowering the production cost
In current scenario of limited demand,
lower cost realization and increasing
competition in cement industry, lowering
the production cost has become the
need of the hour for survival. An
effective measure to reduce the
production cost is by optimization of the
operational practices