Face Mask Detection Using Machine Learning Technique
Face Mask Detection Using Machine Learning Technique
Face Mask Detection Using Machine Learning Technique
Custom alerts can be sent to the person with or without a face mask or the one
whose face is unrecognizable in the admin system.
No need to install any hardware as the system can be connected with your existing
surveillance system only.
Machine learning (ML) communities are developing various models withstanding the urgent
need for detecting masked faces.
The system can be used easily with any camera or hardware like surveillance cameras.
The system restricts access for those not wearing the masks and notifies the authorities.
Easy to access and control the movements from any device through face mask detection
Partially occluded faces either with mask or hair or hand, can be easily detected.
•Windows Os
•Minimum 4GB RAM
•Python Idle
•Anaconda Navigator
•Tensor flow
Alert Message
• Corporate giants from various verticals are turning to AI and ML, leveraging technology at the service of
humanity amid the pandemic. Digital product development companies are launching mask detection
API services that enable developers to build a face mask detection system quickly to serve the
community amid the crisis. The technology assures reliable and real-time face detection of users
wearing masks. Besides, the system is easy to deploy into any existing system of a business while
keeping the safety and privacy of users’ data. So the face mask detection system is going to be the
leading digital solution for most industries, especially retail, healthcare, and corporate sectors. Discover
how we can help you to serve the communities with the help of digital solutions.
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• S. Ren, K. He, R. Girshick, and J. Sun, ‘‘Faster R-CNN: Towards real-time object
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2015, pp. 91–99.
• J. Long, E. Shelhamer, and T. Darrell, ‘‘Fully convolutional networks for semantic
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