Sacraments - Holy Communion
Sacraments - Holy Communion
Sacraments - Holy Communion
Never Too
Little to
Jeanne Willis
Jan Fearnley
to Western Vic Presbytery’s
Introduction to the
led by
Rev Jen Pretty
Presbytery Minister: Mission and Education
Leader :
God of refreshment
We thank you for the night’s sleep and our safe
journey here.
Thank you for new learnings, and this
opportunity to be together.
Be present in our explorations today.
Deepen our insights and help us to respect and
treasure the life and gifts of each person in
whom we see your love mirrored.
We commit the coming day and our
conversations to you, Lord God.
We commit to working together in the
love of Jesus Christ that binds and
liberates, in the full expectation of
being inspired by your Holy Spirit.
We open our hearts and minds to you
and to each other.
Lay Presidency
at the
Why Lay Presidency?
• Normally only Ministers preside – link
between Word and Sacrament – need for
those who preach to be properly trained –
not matter of privilege
• Lay Presidency for pastoral reasons, where
people would be deprived of sacraments if
they had to wait for a minister to be available
• Sacraments given to people of God as
community of faith – absence of minister
does not mean Christ is not present!
Link with the community
• Ignatius of Antioch, 110CE – bishop or one
appointed by him presides
• Essential link between leader and
community because the Eucharist is a
celebration of the community
• But by mediaeval times, this link was
overshadowed by the awesome power of
the priest
Fears about lay presidency
• That things might get out of hand
• That things might not be done in accord with
UCA polity: sacraments of the whole universal
church, so UCA is careful not to celebrate them in a
highly individualistic or different way – need to bear
witness to the continuity with the apostles and unity
with world-wide church
see 1 Corinthians 11 and
accounts of the Last Supper
& stories of Jesus feeding the crowds
through which Christ acts
• “efficacious” – they have an effect on the
lives of those who participate
Note: because Christ has already acted in our baptism,
we do not re-baptise
Lord’s supper
Holy Communion
from your reading, what are the
different emphases of these names
• Whatever name it is called,
the Lord’s Supper is a
deeply Trinitarian
• a meal of communion
with the crucified and
living Christ who is
God’s gift to the world;
• and a meal of joy and hope in the
power of the Spirit who gives us
new life
a short slideshow
about the Eucharist,
intended for catholic groups
What makes a meal a Eucharist?
i. A gift from God
life-blood = self
How would you set the table ?
What else would you have on the table?
Gestures? Voice?
How will
people be
What about food allergies?
Practicalities: How will
people receive the elements?
Coming forward to the Table
• We are a pilgrim people, on the way to
our promised inheritance; Christ feeds us
along the way
• Faithful discipleship involves a
willingness to ‘stand up and be counted’
• Non-physical Reality
= “Metaphysical” Reality
– The “World of Ideas”
– Love
– “Good” and “Evil”
– Mathematics
– Meaning, Purpose
Code of ethics:
was not written for Lay Presiders - but recognize
that when you preside, others may see you
You may not feel at all powerful! In fact, you
might feel quite inadequate! But being in this
position gives you power / authority, because
the church has authorised you.
Others may even feel jealous; or feel you are
better than them. You may even be tempted to
think you are better than others!