Biological Treatment

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The key takeaways are that biological treatment uses microorganisms to remove contaminants from wastewater through redox reactions, and aeration is required to supply oxygen for aerobic treatment. The amount of oxygen required depends on the wastewater characteristics and plant operation, and aeration device performance must be corrected for field conditions.

The main types of aerobic treatment processes discussed are fixed film processes like trickling filters, and suspended growth processes like activated sludge and ponds.

The amount of oxygen required is affected by the characteristics of the wastewater like COD and TKN levels, the type of treatment process used, and how the plant is operated including MLSS concentrations and target DO levels.

Biological Treatment

USFilter Products
Fine Bubble
Coarse Bubble
Trickling Filter
Jet Aeration
Surface Aerators
Bio Towers
■ Biological Treatment Fundamentals
■ Aerobic Processes
■ Activated Sludge Process
■ Determining Oxygen Requirements
■ Aeration Devices
■ Oxygen Transfer Characteristics
■ Translating Standard Performance to Field
■ Design Example
■ Summary
Biological Treatment
What is Biological Treatment?

■ Use of bacteria and microorganisms to

remove contaminants in wastewater by
using it as “food”, with excess biomass
(sludge) as a by-product
Why Use Biological

■ Economics
■ Treatment efficiency
■ Ability to treat contaminants more
conventional systems cannot
● Bugs can manufacture very efficient catalysts!
What Contaminants can a
Biological System Treat?
■ Organics (BOD, COD)
■ Solids (biodegradable, both dissolved and
■ Nitrogen
■ Phosphorus
■ Other - sulfides, metals

Note: Toxicity reduction can occur with removal of

many of these contaminants
Major Classes of

■ Aerobic
● Use oxygen as electron acceptor (oxidant or
electron acceptor)
● Highest energy yield
■ Anaerobic
● Nitrate, sulfate, CO2 as electron acceptor
■ Facultative
● Will use “best” electron acceptor
Aerobic Treatment of
Organic Compounds

Oxidation and cell synthesis

Microorganisms + O2
Complex substrate CO2 + H2O + Other end products
Aerobic and facultative organisms

Cells and stable

Biological Treatment of Nitrogen

Organic nitrogen NH4+
NH4 + O2 _
NO2 + O2 NO3=
Note: 4.6 lb O2/lb N and 7.14 lb alkalinity/lb N required!

NO3 , NO2
N2 gas

Note: 2.86 lb O2/lb N recovered, along with 3.57 lb alkalinity/lb N

Aerobic Treatment Processes

■ Fixed Film
■ Suspended Growth
■ Combination Systems
Aerobic Treatment Processes

■ Fixed Film
● Trickling Filter
● Submerged Biofilter
● Fluidized Bed
● Land Treatment
USFilter RBC’s/SBC’s
RBC System
Advantages Vs. Other Technologies
Activated Sludge
◆ Low life cycle cost
◆ Process consistency
◆ Ability to handle changes in flow
◆ Low operator attention
◆ Low power consumption
◆ Less space required
◆ Less sludge produced - no sludge recycle
◆ Less complex process control-monitoring
1994 CH2M Hill Study Found:

■ Operators who had experience with both

Activated Sludge systems and RBCs
preferred RBCs
■ Labor for operating and maintaining an
RBC system were one half of an Activated
Sludge system
Full Size USFilter RBC
Aerobic Treatment Processes

■ Suspended Growth
● Ponds
● Aerobic Lagoons
● Activated Sludge
Activated Sludge
Activated Sludge Process

■ Suspended growth - usually aerobic

■ High concentration of microorganisms
(biomass) achieved by sludge separation
and recycle
■ Microorganisms convert biodegradable
organics (and certain inorganics) to new
cell mass and by-products (CO2,H2O)
Activated Sludge Process

From Aerobic + Nitrifying Bacteria

Secondary Effluent
Primary +
Treatment Clarifier

Recycle Waste
Solids Solids
Activated Sludge Process
Process Variations

■ Conventional
■ High Rate
■ Contact Stabilization
■ Extended Aeration
■ Pure Oxygen
■ Selector Processes
■ Nutrient Removal Schemes (multiple tanks)
What is the PACT® System?

Combined powdered activated carbon + biological process in which synergistic

treatment occurs.

~ 5 x 106 m2 surface area/m3 aeration tank volume

PACT® Wastewater Treatment
System General Process Diagram
Virgin Polyelectrolyte
Carbon Storage

Clarification (Optional)

Contact-Aeration Effluent

Carbon Recycle Division Thickener Feed

Box Thickener


To Regeneration
or Solids Disposal
In the PACT® System. . .
■ Powdered activated carbon stabilizes biological
treatment by:
● adsorbing toxic organics & metals
● reducing peak loads by adsorption
● protecting sensitive bacteria
● acting as growth site for bacteria
● acting as weighting agent to keep bacteria in the
● acting as a biological catalyst
In the PACT® System. . .
■ Powdered activated carbon:
● adsorbs organic contaminants
● adsorbs color
● adsorbs VOC and odor
● improves
• effluent bioassays (reduces/eliminates effluent toxicity)
• sludge settling & thickening characteristics
• sludge dewaterability
• hydraulic capacity
● reduces sludge volume
● reduces size of treatment plant
Effect of Sludge on Effluent
Soluble TOC
Temperature = 20°C (68°F)
Aeration Time = 8 hours
Carbon Dose = 100 ppm
Effluent Soluble TOC, mg/l

Activated Sludge

Carbon B
60 Carbon C
Carbon A


0 10 20 30 40 50
Sludge Age, Days
Biomass separation is
often the weak link!
Activated Sludge Process
Reactor Types

■ Plug Flow
■ Complete Mix
■ Looped Reactors
● Oxidation Ditch
● Orbal
■ Deep Shaft
The Sequencing Batch




Advantages of an SBR

■ Inherent BNR capability

■ Perfect quiescent settling
■ Reduced space requirements
■ Flexibility
■ Reduced labor through automated controls
■ Power savings due to lower oxygen
Advantages of an SBR
■ High quality effluent consistently achieved
at widely varying flows and loading
■ No sludge recycling decreases capital and
O & M costs
■ Phosphorus is biologically removed
■ Micro-organism selection minimizes sludge
bulking and controls filaments
■ No short circuiting
Key Advantages
■ Choice of Aeration/Mixing Device
■ Flexibility to retrofit existing basins
■ Solids Excluding Floating Decanter
■ Influent Distribution Manifold
■ State-of-the-Art Controls
■ Customer Service
Sequencing Batch Reactor
Batch PACT® System Diagram

Activated Carbon

trolyte Air Effluent

Waste Line
Optimal aeration system selection
will be strongly influenced by type
of reactor !
For a given wastewater, activated
sludge process selection will
determine design oxygen
requirement !
Determining Oxygen
Oxygen Requirements for
Biological Treatment

■ Total oxygen demand consists of:

● Oxygen for organic treatment (carbonaceous
demand - BOD/COD)
● Oxygen for nitrification (less that recovered
thru denitrification)
● Oxidation of inorganics such as sulfide
Carbonaceous oxygen demand

■ Lb O2 = ∆ biodegradable COD - 1.42 x lb biomass wasted

■ ∆ biodegradable COD ~ 1.6-2 x BOD5

Note: As sludge age , biomass wasting ,

and lb O2 required 
Nitrogenous oxygen demand

Oxygen for nitrification

■ Lb O2 = 4.6 x NH3-N(oxidized)
■ NH3-N(oxidized) = (TKNinfluent - TKNeffluent- TKNbiomass )
Note: biomass ~ 10% N by weight
TKN=Organic N + ammonia
Oxygen recovered thru
■ Lb O2 = 2.86 x (NH3-N(oxidized) - NO3-Neffluent)
Aeration Devices

■ Diffused Aeration
■ Mechanical Aeration
■ Combination Devices (jets, sparged turbines)
Aeration Devices - diffused air

■ Diffused Aeration
● Coarse Bubble
• SnapCaps, WideBand, AirBand, others
• Static Tubes, etc.
● Fine Bubble
• Ceramic and membrane discs
• Ceramic and membrane tubes
• Others
Coarse bubble diffusers

EnviroQuip Products

■ Stainless steel
■ Self sealing membrane
eliminates back flow
■ Simple male pipe thread
■ Cost effective

■ Stainless steel construction

■ 3/4” pipe connection
■ Non buoyant design
■ Virtually maintenance free
DualAir Membrane & Ceramic

 Patented dual base design doubles number of diffusers available

per 20’ of air header. As compared to competition

 System costs reduced with fewer headers, pipe supports, piping

connections, lower shipping costs, and less installation time

 DualAir’s flexible design allows use of membrane or ceramic media

DualAir’s simple

■ Typical installation
■ Excellent oxygen transfer

■ Typical installation

 Fine bubble tubular diffuser

 High air flow per diffuser; therefore fewer diffusers

 Good retrofit option for coarse bubble systems

FlexLine efficient design

■ Advanced design

■ Typical installation
Aeration Devices - mechanical
■ Low speed aerators
■ High speed aerators
■ Horizontal shaft
● Brush rotors
● Disc aerator
■ Aspirating type
Jet Aeration Benefits
■ No moving parts
■ High oxygen transfer efficiency
■ Independent control of mixing and O2 transfer
■ No maintenance required
■ Corrosion and abrasion resistant
■ Suitable to any basin geometry
■ Ideal for covered tanks
■ Efficient cleaning system without dewatering
Hutchinson, KS
Oxygen Transfer
Clean Water Oxygen Transfer

■ ASCE established a committee to develop

a standard technique for rating aeration
■ Tap water chosen as “standard” test media
■ Standard aeration rate based on transfer to
tap water at 20 deg. C. and 0 mg/l
dissolved oxygen
Clean Water Oxygen Transfer

N (lb O2 / time) = K L a (CS − C )V

KLa = mass transfer coefficient

CS-C=driving force. C=0 mg/l at std conditions

Aerator Clean Water Transfer

Aerator Type Comments SAE lb/hr/hp

 Coarse Bubble Low maintenance. 2-3 lb/hp/hr

Low oxygen transfer

 Fine Bubble High clean water 5-9 lb/hp/hr

transfer efficiency.
Potential for fouling,
higher maintenance.
 Low Speed Good aeration 2.5-3.5 lb/hp/hr
Aerators efficiency, mixing
efficiency. Maintenance
with gear reducer,
 High Speed Low initial cost, flexible 1.8-2.2 lb/hp/hr
operation. Lower
aeration efficiency,
shallow mixing,

Source: WEF Manual of Practice 8

Aerator Clean Water Transfer

Aerator Type Comments SAE lb/hr/hp

 Horizontal (brush) Accessible for 2.5-3.5 lb/hp/hr

Good aeration
efficiency. Limited tank
geometry, aerosols.
 Horizontal (disc) Accessible for 2.5-3.5lb/hp/hr
Good aeration and
mixing efficiency with
less aerosols. Limited
tank geometry.
 Aspirating Aerators Low cost, flexible. Low 0.8-1.3 lb/hp/hr
transfer efficiency,
limited mixing.
Good mixing, high 3.6-5.7 lb/hp/hr
 Jets
SOTE. Lower SAE,
requires pumps and

Source: WEF Manual of Practice 8

Translating Standard
Performance To Field
Clean water testing is
“standard”, but field
performance is what really
Aerator field correction factor

[( β )(CS ) − C ]
FCF = α 1.024 (T − 20 )

(CS )


α =KLa (field) /KLa (standard)

β =CS(field) /CS(standard)
Field Correction Factors

■ Biggest factors are alpha and operating DO

■ Alpha - “low” for diffused air device (particularly
fine bubble), “high” for mechanical surface
● End result - an “efficient” mechanical aerator

can approach (or exceed) fine bubble efficiency

in the field - roughly 2.5-3 lb O2/hp/hr
■ Staging reactors with low initial DO can provide
significant energy benefits (selectors)
■ Aerated anoxic zones further enhance staged DO
Design Example
Design Example:

1. System data:
- Two aeration tanks, 80’ dia. x 23’ SWD
- Flow rate = 2,000 gpm
- CODinfluent = 480 mg/l
- CODeffluent = 65 mg/l
- TKN = 10 mg/l
- Temperature = 30 deg. C.

2. Operating data
- MLSS = 3,400 mg/l
- DO = 1 mg/l
Design Example (Cont)

3. Calculate oxygen demand

a. Total COD removed (assume biologically) = 10,000 lb/d
b. Estimated true biomass yield = 800 lb/day (per CMAS model)
c. Net oxygen demand = 10,000 - 1.42 x 800 = 9,000 lb/d

4. Estimated coarse bubble performance

a. 0.75%/ft submergence x 22’ (1 ft. above floor) = 16.5% SOTE
Note: SOTE performance per manufacturer
b. Field correction factor = 0.65 (α =0.75, DO=1 mg/l)
c. Actual OTE = 10.7%
5. Calculate required air flow rate
a. Qair = 9,000 ÷ (1440 x .075 x .232) ÷ .107 = 3,400 SCFM
Design Example (Cont)

■ Compare calculated 3,400 SCFM to actual

usage of 5,000 SCFM - difference may be
related to alpha. Severe foaming currently
noted - presence of surfactants!
■ If true alpha = 0.5, Qaircalculated = 5,000 SCFM
Design Example Comparison -
Fine Bubble vs. Coarse Bubble

■ Fine bubble SOTE ~ 35%

■ Field correction factor = 0.31 (alpha=0.35 -
conservative to account for surfactants)
■ AOTE = 11% (vs. estimated CB 7%)
■ Calculated FB air flow = 3,300 SCFM
■ Coarse bubble blower bHP = 200 HP, fine bubble
blower bHP = 300 HP.
■ At $0.05/kw-hr, $30,000 annual energy savings
with fine bubble
■ Estimated installed cost of fine bubble system =
$65,000. Potential 2-3 yr payback!
■ Biological treatment is basically a series of redox
reactions (catalyzed by bacteria). Aerobic systems use
oxygen as the oxidizer (nitrates in anoxic systems).
■ Aeration system selection is closely linked to type of
■ Amount of oxygen required is a function of the WW
(don’t forget TKN!), the type of process, and plant
■ Aeration devices are rated based on performance in tap
water, and must be corrected to field conditions. The
most important correction factors are alpha and
operating DO.
■ The most meaningful aerator performance rating is lb of
oxygen delivered (in WW) per total HP used.

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