1.1.2 Market Research
1.1.2 Market Research
1.1.2 Market Research
Learning Intention: To be able to understand the difference between product
orientation and market orientation.
To be able to identify uses/limits of primary and secondary market research data
Success Criteria
Remembering Apply Analyse Evaluating
State the difference Illustrate examples Analyse the use of Evaluate the uses and
between a product and
market orientation and
the purpose of market
of different
methods of market
research. (Grade D)
market research and
tive factors.(Grace
limitations of market
research and the
different methods used
research. (Grade E) C/B) (Grade B/A)
Complete a case study answer
Core values
Thinking about market research
Exploring different methods used
Enterprising examples of businesses using market
From the specification
a) Product and market orientation
b) Primary and secondary market research data
(quantitative and qualitative) used to:
identify and anticipate customer needs and wants
quantify likely demand
gain insight into consumer behaviour
c) Limitations of market research, sample size and bias
d) Use of ICT to support market research:
social networking
e) Market segmentation
Lesson Objectives
To be able to discuss product and market orientation
To be able to identify uses for primary and secondary
market research data
To be able to explain limitations of market research
To be able to describe uses of ICT to support market
To be able to discuss market segmentation
Extension – Read pages 10 and 11 of the textbook and make detailed notes on each of the
different primary/secondary methods of market research.
Challenge: Find examples of businesses that have used this specific method.
Limitations of market research
• Research carried out did not give enough information
• The data is inaccurate or misleading
• The data (mostly secondary ) is non-specific to the organisation
• Reliability of data collected- were the same questions asked of each person, was the
sample big enough and reflective of the people who will use/buy the product would the
same results be obtained from a different set of people
validity reliability bias
Validity of data collected- does
it measure what it claims to
measure, is it accurate?
• Cost effective- are the costs of
carrying out the research going
to be worth while?
• Time limitations
• Budget limitations
• Asking wrong questions in
primary research gathers the
wrong data
• Reluctance of respondents to
participate in research
ICT in Market research
• Market research is all about the
gathering and analysis of data to
make decisions, computers can be
used both at the gathering stage
and at the analysis stage to speed
up the process.
• Internet data gathering is very cost
effective as it reaches all customers
using the website, requires no staff
and customers can fill it in, in their
own time. Data is more likely to be
reliable as it is not rushed.
Market segmentation
• Definition: an identifiable group of individuals
(or part of a market) where consumers share
one (or more) characteristic or need
– Demographic, e.g. gender
– Geographic, e.g. Scotland, Wales, South of England
– Behavioural, based on usage or attitude to product
e.g. Occasional, everyday
– Psychographic e.g. personality types, good with
money (safe savers), or impulsive thrill seekers
– Religion / ethnicity e.g. Halal or kosher foods
Market segmentation - Social Class
Categorises individuals according to their occupation, a business may
decide to target ABC1 or DE consumers, depending on the product .
2 marks
1 mark
2 marks
Yotel website
Answer question 1
Sample question 2
2 mark question – no context needed, just demonstrate
your knowledge and give a correct definition
Answer question 2
Sample question 3
4 Mark question – half the marks are for context, case
study on next slide
1 marks
1 mark for for
knowledge 2 mark
Vi Spring
Answer question 3
Revisionstation revision video
Revision Video
• Qualitative data; data gathered that is numerical such as % of customers
who buy more than once a week
• Quantitative data; non numerical data such as how customers use the
• Product orientation; to sell products and services that the business wants
to produce
• Market orientation; to sell products or services based on customer needs
and wants
• Primary market research; information which has to be gathered
• Secondary market research; information which already exists
• Market segmentation; a whole market can be divided into sections called