Chap 9 Input Modeling - 8-9
Chap 9 Input Modeling - 8-9
Chap 9 Input Modeling - 8-9
Input Modelling
1. Data Collection
2. Identifying Distribution
3. Parameter Estimation
4. Goodness-of-Fit Tests
5. Fitting a Non-stationary Poisson Process
6. Selecting Input Modeling w/o Data
7. Multivariate and Time-Series Input
Identify the Distribution
• Histograms
• Selecting families of distribution
• Parameter estimation
• Goodness-of-fit tests
• Fitting a non-stationary process
Histogram [Identify the Distribution]
Selecting the Family of Distribution [Identify the Distribution]
• Use the physical basis of the distribution as a guide, for
example (page 346):
– Binomial: # of successes in n trials
– Poisson: # of independent events that occur in a fixed
amount of time or space
– Normal: dist’n of a process that is the sum of a number of
component processes
– Exponential: time between independent events, or a
process time that is memoryless
– Weibull: time to failure for components
– Discrete or continuous uniform: models complete
– Triangular: a process for which only the minimum, most
likely, and maximum values are known
– Empirical: resamples from the actual data collected 16
Selecting the Family of Distribution [Identify the Distribution]
– Is it bounded?
Quantile-Quantile Plot [Identify the Distribution]
j - 0.5
y j is approximately F -1
Quantile-Quantile Plot [Identify the Distribution]
Quantile-Quantile Plot [Identify the Distribution]
Quantile-Quantile Plot [Identify the Distribution]
Quantile-Quantile Plot [Identify the Distribution]
Parameter Estimation [Identify the Distribution]
i1 X i
n n 2 2
X i n X
X S2 i 1
n n 1
j 1 f j X j j 1 j j
c n 2 2
f m nX
X S2
n n 1
Parameter Estimation [Identify the Distribution]
X 3.64
2 2080 100 * (3.64) 2
Goodness-of-fit Test
Chi-square Test [Goodness-of-fit Test]
(Oi Ei ) 2 Expected Frequency
i 1
Ei = n*pi
where pi is the theoretical
Frequency prob. of the ith interval.
Suggested Minimum = 5
where ai-1 and ai are the endpoints of the ith class interval
and f(x) is the assumed pdf, F(x) is the assumed cdf.
– Recommended number of class intervals (k):
Chi-square Test [Goodness-of-fit Test]
02 27.68 02.05,5 11 .1 31
Kolmogorov-Smirnov [Goodness-of-fit Test]
1 n
̂ (t )
nt j 1
9:30 - 10:00 20 13 12 30
Selecting Model without Data
• If data is not available, some possible sources to
obtain information about the process are:
– Engineering data: often product or process has
performance ratings provided by the manufacturer or
company rules specify time or production standards.
– Expert option: people who are experienced with the
process or similar processes, often, they can provide
optimistic, pessimistic and most-likely times, and they
may know the variability as well.
– Physical or conventional limitations: physical limits on
performance, limits or bounds that narrow the range of
the input process.
– The nature of the process.
• The uniform, triangular, and beta distributions are
often used as input models. 37
Selecting Model without Data
• Example 9.20: Production planning simulation.
– Input of sales volume of various products is required,
salesperson of product XYZ-123 says that:
• No fewer than 1,000 units and no more than 5,000 units will be sold.
• Given her experience, she believes there is a 90% chance of selling
more than 2,000 units, a 25% chance of selling more than 3,500
units, and only a 1% chance of selling more than 4,500 units.
• Multivariate:
– For example, lead time and annual demand for an
inventory model, increase in demand results in lead
time increase, hence variables are dependent.
• Time-series:
– For example, time between arrivals of orders to buy
and sell stocks, buy and sell orders tend to arrive in
bursts, hence, times between arrivals are dependent.
Multivariate and Time-Series Input Models
Covariance and Correlation
[Multivariate and Time-Series Input Models]
= 0, =0
– where cov(X1, X2) < 0, then <0
> 0, >0
Covariance and Correlation
[Multivariate and Time-Series Input Models]
cov( X 1 , X 2 )
corr ( X 1 , X 2 )
1 2
= 0, =0
– where corr(X1, X2) < 0, then < 0
> 0, >0
– The closer is to -1 or 1, the stronger the linear
relationship is between X1 and X2.
Covariance and Correlation
[Multivariate and Time-Series Input Models]
– If the autocovariance value depends only on h and not on t, the time series is
covariance stationary
Covariance and Correlation
[Multivariate and Time-Series Input Models]
1 n
côv( X 1 , X 2 ) ( X 1 j Xˆ 1 )( X 2 j Xˆ 2 )
n 1 j 1
1 n
X 1 j X 2 j nXˆ 1 Xˆ 2
n 1 j 1
côv( X 1 , X 2 )
ˆ1ˆ 2 Sample deviation
Covariance and Correlation
[Multivariate and Time-Series Input Models]
AR(1) Time-Series Input Models
[Multivariate and Time-Series Input Models]