Micep-Videbeck Presentation 2008
Micep-Videbeck Presentation 2008
Micep-Videbeck Presentation 2008
in Psychiatric Nursing
Responsible, Assertive, and
Caring Interactions in Practice
• Active listening
• Focus on client
• Self-awareness
• Professional caring
– Genuine
– Interest
– Acceptance
• Excessive self-disclosure
• Anxiety
• Distracting nonverbal
mannerisms of behavior
• Excessive talking
• Asking multiple questions
• Rushing the interaction
• General principles of
boundaries in professional
• Giving feedback
• Limit-setting
• Confronting incongruencies
• Cultural
• Spiritual
• Individual personal beliefs
Communication Questions
• Context is a variety of settings, not
just mental health
• Principles used to answer questions
are the same as those used to
respond to clients
• Assess context of situation and
desired outcome
• Not always I therapeutic and 3
nontherapeutic statements
Current Developments
in Nursing
• In a variety of health care settings
– Electronic medical records
– Hand held devices in the clinical setting
– Evidence-based practice
– Use of nurse practitioners and physician
assistants as primary care providers
• Medication for children and adolescents
• ADHD vs. Bipolar disorder
• Increased incidence of autism
• Early identification and treatment for
• Out-patient commitments – forced
medication vs. individual rights in the
• Use of restraint and seclusion
• Increased incidence of mental illness
among incarcerated population
Dr. Sheila Videbeck
Using silence
.... utilizing absence of verbal communication.
... giving indication of reception.
"I follow what you said."
• An accepting response, such as "I'm with you"
or "I follow what you're saying" indicates that the
nurse has heard and has followed the trend of
thought. Accepting does not indicate agreement,
but is non-judgmental in nature. The nurse
should not use accepting if the client's meaning
is unclear. Facial expression, tone of voice and
so forth must also convey acceptance, or the
words will lose their meaning.
Giving recognition
... .Acknowledging, indicating awareness.
• Broad openings make explicit the idea that the client has the lead in the
interaction. For the client who is hesitant about talking, broad openings may
stimulate him or her to take the initiative.
• General leads indicate the nurse is listening and following what the client is
saying without taking away the initiative for the interaction. It encourages the
client to continue if he or she is hesitant or uncomfortable about the topic.
Placing the event in time or sequence
.... clarifying the relationship of events in time.
• Putting events in proper sequence helps both the nurse and the client to see them in
perspective. The client may gain insight into cause-and -effect behavior and consequences, or
likewise help the client to see that perhaps some things are not related to each other. The
nurse may gain information about recurrent patterns or themes in the client's behavior or
Making observations
.... verbalizing what is perceived.
"You appear tense."
"Are you uncomfortable when you ... ?"
"I notice that you're biting your lip.'.'
• The nurse often makes observations which can be called to the client's attention. The client
may be showing signs of anxiety of which he or she is unaware. Or the client may have begun
to hallucinate. Or the nurse may be uncertain what the client is thinking or feeling. Making an
observation gives the client the opportunity to agree or disagree with the nurse's observation.
The client might say, "Yes, now that you mention it, I am feeling anxious." Or the client might
say "No, I'm not aware of being anxious.'''' Either way, the nurse and client can then discuss
how the client is feeling.
Encouraging description of perception
.... Asking the client to verbalize what he or she perceives.
"Tell me when you feel anxious."
"What is happening?"
"What does the voice seem to be saying?"
• If the nurse is to understand the client, he or she must come to see things from
the client's perspective. The client should feel free to describe his perceptions to
the nurse. Nurses sometimes believe that encouraging the client to describe his
or her ideas will fix them more firmly in his or her mind. This may be especially
difficult for the nurse if the ideas are suicidal or aggressive in nature. However,
the client may feel less inclined to act on ideas once they are spoken aloud.
Encouraging comparison
… Asking that similarities and differences be noted.
"Was this something like…”
"Have you had similar experiences?"
.... directing questions, feelings, or ideas back to the client.
Client: "Do you think I should tell the doctor. .. ?"
Nurse: "Do you think you should?"
Client: "My brother spends all my money and then has the nerve to
ask for more."
Nurse: This causes you to feel angry."
Reflection encourages the client to recognize and accept his or her own feelings.
The nurse indicates that the client's point of view has value, and that the client
has the right to have opinions, make decisions, and think independently.
.... concentrating on a single point.
"This point seems worth looking at more closely.
"Of all the concerns you've mentioned, which one is
most troublesome?"
• The client can be encouraged to concentrate his or her energies
on a single point, and may avoid being overwhelmed by a
multitude of factors or problems. It is also a useful technique
when the client jumps from on topic to another.
.... delving further into a subject or idea.
"Tell me more about that."
"Would you like to describe it more fully?"
"What kind of work?"
• When clients tend to deal with topics in a superficial manner,
exploring can help them examine the issue more fully. Any
problem or concern can be better understood if explored in
depth. However, if the client states an unwillingness to explore a
subject, the nurse must respect his or her wishes.
Giving information
.... making available the facts the client needs.
"My name is ... "
"Visiting hours are ... "
"My purpose in being here is ... "
"I'm taking you to ... "
• Informing the client of facts increases his or her knowledge about a topic
or lets the client know what to expect. The nurse is functioning as a
resource person. Giving information can also build trust with the client.
Seeking information
... seeking to make clear that which is not meaningful or that
which is vague.
"I'm not sure that I follow."
"What would you say is the main point of what you just said?“
"Have I heard you correctly?"
• Clarification should be sought throughout interactions with clients. This
can help the nurse avoid making assumptions that understanding has
occurred when it has not. It helps the client articulate thoughts, feelings
and ideas more clearly.
Presenting reality
.... offering for consideration that which is real.
"I see no one else in the room."
"That sound was a car backfiring."
"Your mother is not here; I'm a nurse."
• When it is obvious that the client is misinterpreting reality, the nurse can indicate
that which is real. The nurse does this not by way of arguing with the client or
belittling the client's own experience, but rather by calmly and quietly expressing
the nurse's own perceptions or the facts of the situation. The intent here is to
indicate an alternative line of thought for the client to consider, not to "convince"
the client that he or she is wrong.
Voicing doubt
... expressing uncertainty about the reality of the client's perceptions.
"Isn't that unusual?"
"That's hard to believe."
• Another means of responding to distortions of reality is to express doubt. Such
expression permits the client to become aware that others do not necessarily
perceive events in the same way or draw the same conclusions as the client does.
This does not mean the client will alter this point of view, but at least the client will
be encouraged to re-consider or re-evaluate what has occurred. The nurse has
neither agreed nor disagreed, however, the nurse has not let the
misinterpretations and distortions of reality pass without comment.
Seeking consensual validation
... searching for mutual understanding, for accord in the meaning of the
"Tell me whether my understanding of it agrees with yours."
"Are you using this word to convey the idea that ... ?"
• For verbal communication to be meaningful, it is essential that the words being used have
the same meaning for both (or all) participants. The client and the nurse may use the same
phrase, but it could have different meaning for both of them. In addition, it is important to
avoid slang or popular words or phrases that are more easily misunderstood.
Encouraging expression
.... asking the client to appraise the quality of his or her experiences.
"What are your feelings in regard to ... ?"
"Does this contribute to your discomfort?"
• The client is asked to consider people and events in the light of his or her own
values. The client is encouraged to make his or her own appraisal rather than
accepting the opinions of others.
• Often what the client says, when taken literally, seems meaningless or far
removed from reality. To understand, the nurse must concentrate on what the
client might be feeling in order to express him or herself in this manner.
Suggesting collaboration
.... offering to share, to strive, to work together with the client for his or
her benefit.
"Perhaps you and I can discuss and discover what produces your anxiety."
"Let's go to your room, and I'll help you find what your looking for."
• The nurse seeks to offer the client a relationship in which the client can identify problems in living
with other, grow emotionally, and improve the ability to form satisfactory relationships. The nurse
offers to do things with the client, rather than doing things for the client.
.... organizing and summing up that which has gone before.
• Summarization seeks to bring out the important points of the discussion and to increase the
awareness and understanding of both participants. It omits the irrelevant and organizes the pertinent
aspects of the interaction. It allows both the nurse and client to depart with the same ideas in mind
and provides the sense of closure at the completion of each discussion.
Giving approval
... Sanctioning the client's behavior or ideas.
"That's good."
"I'm glad that you ... "
• Saying what the client thinks or feels is "good" , implies that the opposite
is "bad". Approval, then, tends to limit the client's freedom to think,
speak, or act in a certain way. This can lead to the client's acting in a
particular way just to please the nurse.
.... refusing to consider or showing contempt for
the client's ideas or behavior.
"Let's not discuss ... "
"I don't want to hear about...."
• When any topic is rejected, it is closed off from exploration. In turn, the
client may feel rejected by the nurse along with his or her ideas.
.... denouncing the client's behavior or ideas.
"That's bad.'
"I'd rather you wouldn't ..... "
• Disapproval implies that the nurse has the right to pass judgment on the client's
thoughts and actions. It further implies that the client is expected to please the
.... indicating accord with the client.
"That's right."
"I agree."
• While approval indicates that the client is "good" rather than "bad",
agreeing indicates that the client is "right" rather than "wrong". This
gives the client the impression that he or she is "right" because of
agreement with the nurse. Opinions and conclusions should be
exclusively the client's. When the nurse agrees with the client, there is
no opportunity for the client to change his or her mind without being
"wrong" .
.... opposing the client's ideas.
"That's wrong."
"I definitely disagree with .. ."
"I don't believe that."
• Disagreeing implies the client is "wrong". Consequently, the client feels
as if he or she has to defend their point of view or ideas.
.... telling the client what to do.
"I think you should ... "
"Why don't you ... ?"
• Giving advise implies that only the nurse knows what is best for
the client, instead of the client him- or herself.
.... persistent questioning of the client.
"Now tell me about. .. "
"Tell me your life history."
• Probing tends to make the client feel used or invaded. Clients
have the right not to talk about issues or concerns if they choose.
Pushing and probing by the nurse will not encourage the client to
... demanding proof from the client.
"But how can you be President of the United States?"
"If you're dead, why is your heart beating?“
• Often, the nurse feels that if he or she can challenge the client to prove
unrealistic ideas, the client will realize there is no "proof', and will then
recognize reality. Actually, challenging causes the client to become
defensive, and the client defends the delusions or misperceptions more
strongly than before.
... appraising the client's degree of insight.
"Do you stilI have the idea that. .. "
"Do you know what kind of hospital this is?"
• These types of questions are forcing the client to try to recognize their
problems. Having the client acknowledge that he or she doesn't know
these things meets the need of the nurse, but is not helpful for the
... Attempting to protect someone or something from verbal attack.
"This hospital has a fine reputation."
"No one here would lie to you."
"I'm sure that your doctor has your best interests in mind."
• Defending what the client has criticized implies that the client has no right to express his or
her impressions, opinions, or feelings. Telling the client that his criticism is unjust or
unfounded does not change the client's feelings.
Requesting an explanation
... asking the client to provide reasons for thoughts, feelings, behaviors,
and events.
"Why do you think that?"
"Why do you feel this way?"
"Why did you do that?"
... seeking to make conscious that which is unconscious, telling
the client the meaning of his or her experience.
"What you really means is ... "
"Unconsciously you're saying ... "
• The client's thoughts and feelings are his or her own, not to be
interpreted by the nurse, or interpreted for hidden meaning. Only the
client can identify or confirm the presence of feelings.
Introducing an unrelated topic
... changing the subject.
• The nurse takes the initiative for the interaction away from the client.
This is usually done because the nurse is uncomfortable, doesn't know
how to respond, or has a topic that the nurse wants to discuss.
A. Confronting behavior.
B. Making an observation.
C. Translating into feelings.
D. Verbalizing the implied.
8. The nurse enters the client’s room
and finds the client anxiously
pacing the floor. The client begins
shouting at the nurse to “get out of
my room!” The best intervention
by the nurse would be to:
– Approach the client and ask “What’s
– Call for help and say “Calm down.”
– Say “I’m leaving now, but I’ll be back.”
– Stand at the doorway and say “You
seem upset.”
9. A depressed client states, “I’m
such a burden to everyone. I’m
not worth all the trouble.” The
best response by the nurse
would be:
A. “I am sure you have led a good life.”
B. “I care about you and want to work
with you.”
C. “Try to forget those thoughts and
join our card game.”
D. “Your family loves you very much.”
10. A client with depression is hospitalized
following a suicide attempt. The client
tells the nurse “I’m such a failure – I
can’t even commit suicide. I can’t do
anything right.” The best response by
the nurse is: