Keep your breath to cool your porridge Shiko punen tende. They welcomed with hisses E zune me fishkellima. To fown upon sb I lepihesh dikujt. I am not telling stiff yarns Nuk po tregoj gjera qe sbesohen. My legs are growing stiff in the joints Po me mpihen nyjet e kembeve.
They didn t let grass to grow under their feet Se lane kohen qe tju shkoje dem. Necessity is the mother of invention Nevoja te meson. We had as good make tracks Me mire tjua mbathim kembeve. Now he is the big noise hereabouts Tashme ai eshte me I madhi I vendit.
Main Character: Bambi (a fawn) Other characters: Forest Prince Faline Thumper (the rabbit), Squirrels Robins Wrens Birds Ena (aunt).
One spring morning ,a fawn was born .What will you name?- asked all the animals. Bambi, the mother answered. Oh no. Keep your breath to cool your porridge . Said Bambi s mother.
The forest was fill with friends, squirrels , robins and wrens. They all said: hello ,young Prince! They welcomed him with hisses. Hey you, don t fown upon me:- said Bambi.
One morning Bambi s mother took him down a path where he had never been . At the end of the path was a wide green meadow.
Another fawn came up to him .Hello, she said softly. Bambi tried to hide behind his mother. Hey Bambi this is Faline . Her mother is your Aunt Ena.
Soon Bambi and Faline were racing around the meadow together.
Suddenly they heard hoof beats . Oh it s prince of the Forest. He was brave and wise . He just said one word MAN and all the birds and animals followed him back into the woods .
That was Man in the meadow, Bambi . He brings danger and death to the forest with his long stick that roars and spurts flames. Someday you will understand:- Said Bambi s mother.
It s snow , his mother said . Come on Thumper :- said Bambi. The water is stiff. I am not telling stiff yarn . My legs are growing stiff in the joints.
Food was scarce. Sometimes Bambi and his mother had nothing to do but bark on the trees. Suddenly they saw a few pale of grass. So they didn t let grass grow under their feet but they ate it all.
Mother! he called, Mother , where are you ? Your mother cant be with you any more . The Prince of the Forest said :-You must learn to walk alone. Necessity is the mother of invention.
One day Bambi met a beautiful, graceful doe in the woods. Who are you? I am Feline . Gently ,she liked Bambi s Face.
That night Bambi and Faline went out to the meadow and stood in the moonlight , listening to the east wind and the west wind calling to each other.
One morning in autumn ,the old Prince came and said:- The forest has caught fire. We had as good make tracks .
At last Bambi and Prince struggled across the rushing river . When the forest is green again ,I will be very old, said the Prince. Bambi ,you must take my place then. Bambi bowed his head.
When spring came ,green leaves and grass and flowers covered the scars left by the fire. Squirrels and rabbits and birds were peering. And not far away was Bambi, the proud father and the new great Prince of the forest . Now he is the big noise hereabouts.
Thank you
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