The Art of Teaching Science: Introduction and Welcome
The Art of Teaching Science: Introduction and Welcome
The Art of Teaching Science: Introduction and Welcome
science teachers.
are needed to see this picture.
Part 1 The Art of Science Teaching Chapter 1 The Art of Science: A Reconnaissance
Chapter 2 Science for All
Part 2 The Goals and the Curriculum of School Science Chapter 3 The Goals and History of Science Education
Chapter 4 Science in the School Curriculum
Part 3 Connecting Theory and Practice in Science Teaching Chapter 5 How Students Learn Science
Chapter 6 Models of Science Teaching
Chapter 7 Designing Science Units and Courses of Study
Chapter 8 Assessing Active Science Learning
Part 4 Strategies of Science Teaching Chapter 9 Strategies Fostering Thinking in the Science
Chapter 10 Facilitating Learning in the Science Classroom
Chapter 11 Science, Technology, and Society
Chapter 12: The Internet: Moving Toward Web-Based
Learning Environments
Pedagogical Learning Tools in
The Art of Teaching Science
• Inquiry Activities • Problems and
• How to Read This Chapter Extensions
• Invitations to Inquiry • Reflective Teaching
• Think Pieces
• Microteaching
• Case Studies
• International
• Science Teachers Talk
• Research Matters Column
• Science Teaching
• On the Web
Literature • Readings
Conceptual Organization of
Pedagogical Tools
International Reflective
Connections: Pedagogical Teaching in
Science Tools Chapter 6
Teacher Teaching
Talks Experiences
located in
located in the
First Part of in Chapter 9
Each Chapter: Second Part of
Science in Major Theme of Each Chapter:
Australia, the chapter The Gazette
Russia Think Pieces;
Problems and
How to Extensions;
Read this On the Web;
Case Studies;
Chapter Research Readings
Leads to Literature;
Initial Case Science
Inquiry Teacher Talk
Activities in
the context Invitations
of the to Inquiry
content of
the chapter
Inquiry Activities
• Inquiry Activities are designed to engage
teachers in a wide variety of science education Inquiry Science There are 42
learning activities focusing of the processes of Activities teaching Inquiry
inquiry, problem solving, and reflection. investigations Activities
Inquiry activities have been written using the
format of cooperative and collaborative enabling you located in the
learning. Although inquiry activities are to reflect on first section
typically explored by teams of peers, they can the important of each
be used for individual investigation as well.
• The inquiry activities have been designed with
concepts of chapter of the
the constructivist learning model as a referent science Art of
and teaching Teaching
– enable students to use their existing schema or using hands Science.
conception in a problem solving situation
– enable students to design a plan to investigate a on and minds
problem in a contextual situation on processes.
– can be solved in many ways thereby resulting in
multiple solutions
– engage students in minds on strategies that
include reflective and high level cognitive
– engage students in cooperative learning groups
science activity.
• Read through the tools that are Key Pals
• Identify an STS or science
inquiry goal and design a web-
based activity using one or
more of the Web-based tools.
Invitations to Inquiry
• How important is it to the secondary science teacher to know about learning theory?
• What is constructivism, and why has it emerged as one of the most significant
explanations of student learning?
• How do cognitive psychologists explain student learning?
• How do social psychologist explain student learning?
• How do behavioral theories explain student learning in science?
• What was the contribution of theorists like Skinner, Bruner, Piaget, Vygotsky, and von
Glasersfeld to secondary science teaching?
• What is meant by multiple intelligences and how does it impact student learning?
• How do learning styles of students influence learning in the classroom?
• What is metacognition, and how can metacognition help students learn science?
Chapter 5 Map
Chapter 5
How Students
Learn Science
Cognitive Feminist Theory into
Constructivism Theories Perspective Practice
Theory to Idea of Inquiry 5.2: Inquiry 5.3: Inquiry 5.4: Inquiry 5.5: Conditioning Learning Brain- Case Teacher
Practice? Theory Conrete Formal Big Ideas Meeting of Styles 4MAT Based Studies Talk
Learning Learning the Minds Learning
Inquiry 5.1:
Student Inquiry 5.6:
Learning Learning
Think Piece
• A Think Piece is a question that is answered by
means of a short essay (generally no more than
two pages) or a poster (no more than one large
poster board) that reflects a teacher's view on
some topic or subject in science education Each
volume of the Science Teaching Gazette contains
several think piece topics. Think pieces can be
assigned individually or can be used to stimulate
problem solving in cooperative groups.
Think Piece
• Write an essay on the
topic “artistry of
teaching.” Make use
of your experiences as
a student and teacher.
Case Studies
• Case studies are problem solving dilemmas based on actual and
fictional events about science teaching. Case studies have been
become a popular feature in the education of professionals in business,
and medicine, and recently have become an innovation in the
professional preparation of teachers. The case studies that are included
in The Art of Teaching Science consist of a brief presentation of the
case, followed by a problem or dilemma statement. Cases can be
explored in a variety of ways: role playing, cooperative team problem
solving, written responses followed by group discussions, and debates.
Case enactments can also be video taped for replay and analysis.
After some contextual work in schools, and experience with a few
cases, teachers can suggest their own case study topics, create the
scenarios and problems, and engage the class in their creations. Each
chapter begins with a Case Study.
Science in…
• Australia
• Chile
• China
• Ghana
• Japan
• Russia