Chapter 6 Staffing
Chapter 6 Staffing
Chapter 6 Staffing
6.1 Introduction
After jobs are identified, grouped and the organization structure created,
Human resource refers to the sum total of the inherent abilities, acquired
knowledge and skills represented by the aptitudes, and talents of an
organization work force.
Staffing are efforts designed to attract, hire, train, develop, reward, and
Rapid technological changes and
2. Determining over all human resource needs: This is predicting the need for
and availability of people with required needed to perform the present and future
Supply/Sources-there are two sources of supply. These are:
a) The internal supply source-consists of present employees who can be
promoted or transferred to meet anticipated needs.
b) External supply source- it becomes important when there is no replacement.
Labor market analysis is important to estimate future supply of human resource.
3. Taking inventory of existing personnel
As the plan is for future ,this inventory has to take in to consideration expected
changes like promotions, transfers, retirements, deaths, quits, resignation, and
4. Determining net new personnel requirements
It requires comparing overall personnel requirement with personnel inventory where
the difference is net new requirement.
5. Developing action plan
Once the supply and demand of human resource are estimated ,adjustments may
be needed.
5.2.2 Recruitment
It is the process of searching for prospective employees
It is evaluate applicants and finding those best qualified to a job and most
It can be done by oral communication and physical
Training is defined as any process by which the aptitude, skill and
abilities of employee to perform specific jobs are increased .It is the
act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a
particular job. It is usually to operational or technical employees.
Objectives of training
a. To provide the knowledge, skills and abilities or attitudes for
individuals to undertake their current job effectively
b. To help employees became capable of assuming responsibilities
with in organization
c. To reduce waste and increase efficiency
d. To help employees to adapt to changing circumstance facing
organization such as new technologies, new products and so on.
e. To minimize inputs use and maximize output
f. To relieve supervisors from close supervision and gets time for
other duties.
Training methods
There are many training methods to be used.
Appropriateness of training methods depends on-cost effectiveness, desired
Training methods
6.4.1 Compensation
It is an adequate and equitable remuneration of personnel for
These are:
a. employees working on similar job in other enterprises
(external equity)
b. employees working on different jobs with in the same
enterprises(internal equity)
Factors affecting compensation decisions:
1. External factors
a. The government influence through wage controls and
b. Unions influence demanding for better pay and working
c. Economic conditions of the industry
d. The labor market
2. Internal factors
a. The size and age of the organization
b. The labor budget or resource allocation
c. Managerial philosophy and strategy
Methods of payment of employees can be computed based on:
a. The time they worked e.g. Salaries
b. The output they produced and a combination of both
6.4.2 Fringe Benefits (Supplementary Compensation)
These are extra benefits given to employee in addition
to salary or wages.
Benefits-meaning it is legally required or voluntary