One Dimensional Steady State Conduction: By: Taz 1
One Dimensional Steady State Conduction: By: Taz 1
One Dimensional Steady State Conduction: By: Taz 1
By: Taz 1
Steady Heat Conduction In Plane Walls
If the air temperatures in and outside the house remain constant, then heat transfer
through the wall of a house can be modeled as steady and one-dimensional.
The temperature of the wall in this case will depend on one direction only (say the
x-direction) and can be expressed as T(x).
Noting that heat transfer is the only energy interaction involved in this case and
there is no heat generation,
The energy balance for the wall can be expressed as
Therefore, the rate of heat transfer into the wall must be equal to the rate of heat
transfer out of it. In other words, the rate of heat transfer through the wall must be
Temperature Distribution
boundary conditions
For one-dimensional, steady-state conduction in
a plane wall with no heat generation, the heat and
Applying the condition at x = 0
flux is a constant, independent of x.
If the thermal conductivity of the wall material is
Similarly, at x = L,
assumed to be constant, the equation may be
integrated twice to obtain the general solution
Steady Heat Conduction
For one-dimensional steady heat conduction through
the wall, we have T(x). Then Fourier’s law of heat
conduction for the wall can be expressed as
Note that A is the area of the wall normal to the direction of heat transfer and, for
the plane wall, it is a constant independent of x. The heat flux is then
The Thermal Resistance Concept
The rate of heat conduction through a plane wall
is the thermal resistance of the wall against heat conduction or simply the
conduction resistance of the wall.
Note that the thermal resistance of a medium depends on the geometry and the
thermal properties of the medium.
The equation above for heat flow is analogous to the relation for electric current
flow I, expressed as
Newton’s law of cooling for convection heat transfer
rate can be rearranged as
is the thermal resistance of the surface against heat convection, or simply the
convection resistance of the surface.
Note that when the convection heat transfer coefficient is very large ( ), the
convection resistance becomes zero and . That is, the surface offers no
resistance to convection, and thus it does not slow down the heat transfer
This situation is approached in practice at surfaces where boiling and
condensation occur.
The rate of radiation heat transfer between a surface
of emissivity and area As at temperature Ts and the
surrounding surfaces at some average temperature
Tsurr can be expressed as
is the radiation heat transfer coefficient. Note that both Ts and Tsurr must be in K
in the evaluation of hrad, depends strongly on temperature.
The convection and radiation resistances are parallel to each other.
When , the radiation effect can properly be accounted for by replacing h in
the convection resistance relation by
The thermal
network for
heat transfer
through a
plane wall
subjected to
on both
sides, and
the electrical
Thermal Resistance Network
Now consider steady one-dimensional heat flow
through a plane wall of thickness L, area A, and
thermal conductivity k that is exposed to
convection on both sides to fluids at
temperatures and with heat transfer
coefficients h1 and h2, respectively.
Assuming , the variation of temperature will be as shown in the figure.
Adding the numerators and denominators yields
Therefore, for a unit area, the overall heat transfer coefficient is equal to the inverse
of the total thermal resistance.
By taking the surface at which the temperature is to be determined as one of the
terminal surfaces. For once Q is evaluated, the surface temperature T1 can be
determined from
The Composite Wall
Consider heat transfer through two metal rods of cross-sectional area A that are
pressed against each other. Heat transfer through the interface of these two rods
can be expressed as
It can also be expressed in an analogous manner to Newton’s law of cooling as
The quantity hc, which corresponds to the convection heat transfer coefficient, is
called the thermal contact conductance and is expressed as
The value of thermal contact resistance depends on the surface roughness and
the material properties as well as the temperature and pressure at the interface
and the type of fluid trapped at the interface.
Generalized Thermal Resistance Networks
The thermal resistance concept or the electrical analogy can also be used to
solve steady heat transfer problems that involve parallel layers or combined
series-parallel arrangements.
Approximate solutions can be obtained by
assuming one-dimensional heat transfer and
using the thermal resistance network.
Consider the composite wall which consists of
two parallel layers. The thermal resistance
network, can be represented as
the resistances are in parallel.
Now consider the combined series-parallel
arrangement. The total rate of heat transfer through
this composite system can again be expressed as
Substituting A = 2πrL
and performing the
integrations give
Since This equation can be rearranged as
is the thermal resistance of the cylindrical layer against heat conduction, or simply
the conduction resistance of the cylinder layer.
Repeat the analysis above for a spherical layer by
taking and performing the integrations.
The result can be expressed as
is the thermal resistance of the spherical layer against heat conduction, or simply the
conduction resistance of the spherical layer.
Now consider steady one-dimensional heat flow
through a cylindrical or spherical layer that is
exposed to convection on both sides to fluids.
The thermal resistance network in this case
consists of one conduction and two convection
resistances in series, just like the one for the
plane wall, and the rate of heat transfer under
steady conditions can be expressed as
Note that the thermal resistances are in series and thus the total thermal resistance is
determined by simply adding the individual resistances.
Multilayered Cylinders and Spheres
Steady heat transfer through multilayered
cylindrical or spherical shells can be handled
just like multilayered plane walls by simply
adding an additional resistance in series for
each additional layer.
For example, the steady heat transfer rate
through the three-layered composite cylinder
of length L with convection on both sides can
be expressed as
The variation of with the outer radius of the insulation r2 is plotted. The value of r2 at
which reaches a maximum is determined from the requirement that
(zero slope).
Performing the differentiation and solving for r2 yields the critical radius of insulation
for a cylindrical body to be.
The critical radius of insulation for
a spherical shell is
Heat Transfer from Extended Surfaces
The rate of heat transfer from a surface at a temperature Ts to the surrounding
medium at is given by Newton’s law of cooling as
Fin Equation
Substituting and dividing by Δx, we obtain
Substitution of this relation into Eq. 3.1 gives the differential equation governing
heat transfer in fins,
In general, the cross-sectional area Ac and the perimeter p of a fin vary with x,
which makes this differential equation difficult to solve.
In the special case of constant cross section and constant thermal conductivity,
the differential equation 3.2 reduces to
The temperature excess
The temperature of the plate to which the fins are attached is normally known
in advance.
Therefore, at the fin base we have a specified temperature boundary condition,
expressed as
Boundary condition at fin base:
This function satisfies the differential equation as well as the requirements that
the solution reduce to θb at the fin base and approach zero at the fin tip for
large x.
Noting that and the variation of temperature
along the fin in this case can be expressed as
The fin tip can be assumed to be insulated, and the condition at the fin tip can
be expressed as
The application of these two conditions on the general solution (Eq. 3.4) yields,
after some manipulations, this relation for the temperature distribution:
The rate of heat transfer from the fin can be determined again from Fourier’s law
of heat conduction:
Adiabatic fin tip:
3) Convection (or Combined Convection and Radiation) from Fin Tip
The fin tips, in practice, are exposed to the surroundings, and thus the proper
boundary condition for the fin tip is convection that also includes the effects of
A practical way of accounting for the heat
loss from the fin tip is to replace the fin
length L in the relation for the insulated tip
case by a corrected length defined as
Fin efficiency relations are developed for fins of various profiles and are plotted
in Fig. below for fins on a plain surface and for circular fins
Fin Effectiveness
In fact, there is no assurance that adding fins on a surface will enhance heat
transfer. The performance of the fins is judged on the basis of the enhancement
in heat transfer relative to the no-fin case.
The performance of fins expressed in terms of
the fin effectiveness fin is defined as
where S is the conduction shape factor, which has the dimension of length,
and k is the thermal conductivity of the medium between the surfaces.
The conduction shape factor depends on the geometry of the system only.
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