4-5 Tomato, Climate and Soil
4-5 Tomato, Climate and Soil
4-5 Tomato, Climate and Soil
• Soil :drained, fertile, rich in organic matter with a fair water- holding
capacity is ideal.
• sandy loam –early crop.
• Heavy soils rich in organic matter.
• soil - pH 6.0-7.0.
• moderately tolerant -(pH 5.5).
Preparation of field
• 4-5ploughing .
• Leveling should be done.
Nutrient requirement and
• NPK large amount.
• nitrogen increases fruit quality, fruit size, keeping
quality, color and taste.
• High level of phosphorus -development and for better
of water and other nutrients.
• Phosphorus effect on increasing number of flower.
• Potassium is also required for growth, yield and
• For successful crop, application of about 20 tone fym,
90-100kg N, 60-70kg P2O5 and 50-60kg K2O /ha is
• 1/3N of all P and K before transplanting.
• The remaining N applied in 25-30 and 45-50
days after transplanting.
• Application of urea as foliar spray (1.25%) gave
better plant growth, fruit yield and quality.
• Zn, Cu and B significantly increased the
number of fruits, yield and quality.
• Application of 20-30 kg/ha of borax and 0.5%
Zn is beneficial for yield and good quality of
Tomato varieties suitable for different
Varieties for fresh market Pusa Early Dwarf, Pusa Ruby, Pusa
120,T 1 , KS 2 , Pant T 3 , Arka Vikas,
Arka Saurabh , CO 3, BT 12 , Punjab
Kesari , Sel 6, Sel 7 Sel 32 ,Pantbahar
• Varieties for long distance transport All F1 hybrids, Pusa Gaurav, Roma,
Punjab Chhuhera, Pusa Uphar,
• Varieties for processing Pusa Gaurav, Pusa Hybrid 2, Roma ,
Punjab Chhuhara, Pusa Uphar, Arka
• Varieties resistant to a biotic stresses Pusa sheetal (IARI)__ Low
temperature regime Pusa Hybrid 1
(IARI) ___ High temperature regime
Pusa Sadabahar (IARI)__ High
Temperature regime Pusa Sadabahar
(IARI) __ High and low temperature
Cropping systems
• An early spray may damage the foliage and reduce the size of fruits.
Use of ethrel
Pruning video
Harvesting and yield
• In indeterminate cultivars, fruits can normally be harvested
70-100 days after planting.
• Determinate cultivar may begin fruit at 70 days depending
on the environmental condition.
• Immature green state, mature green, turn pink or half ripe
or over ripe.
• Fruits are normally picked at an interval of 4-5 days in
summer .
• Winter crop picking should be at weekly interval.
• Average yield of open pollinated varieties ranges from 20-
25 t/ha.
• Hybrid varieties may yield up to 50 t/ha or more under
normal condition.
• Radial cracking is more damaging as
compared to concentric cracking.
• Use of resistant varieties like Sioux, Manulucie
and picking of fruit before full ripening
reduces the incidence of cracking.
Storage and marketing
• Tomatoes can be stored in low temperature and
evaporative cool storage.
• Pre-cooling of tomato.
Captafol 0.2%
Zineb 0.2%
3 Sprays15days interval
Buck eye rot
Chlorothalonil 0.2%