Strategic Quality Management
Strategic Quality Management
Strategic Quality Management
Craftsmen Early days, generations learning, own inspector. Early 20th CenturyUnskilled repetitive, start of interchangeability. Ford Story. Standardization, concepts for quality, Mass Mfg. Post War.. American Society for Quality 1944, Safety, Public interest
producer beware
Journey to TQM.
yAll Employees involved yEmpowerment yTeamwork yQuality Strategy
yError Detection yRectification yUnhappy Customer
Leadership Strategic Planning Customer & Market Focus Information & Analysis Human Resources Development & Planning Process Management Business Results
..TQM relevance
Traditional Leadership for Quality Assortment of behaviors vision, hope, stimulation, mission, transformation dreams to reality, stewardship, Integration, courage, communication, consensual, conviction, empowering, deploying, motivating, motivating and tenacity. Executive Leadership-not the only one Changed Business Scenario & New Economy demanding Unit, Team, Project and Transformational Leadership No more the one or few men show Strategic Plan Integration Quality is the key element to strategic planning for Quality management and Performance Excellence under the current business environment Identification of such competitive advantages that is driven by customer and market.
..TQM relevance
Effective Leadership Five Core Skills vision, empowerment, intuition, self-understanding & value congruence Leadership Practices Customer Focus, Strategic vision, Quality value Creating sustainable leadership, environment, empowerment, innovate Setting high expectations, demonstrate substantial personal commitment and involvement, missionary zeal and constancy of purpose Integrating quality values in daily values, extensive communication Integrate public responsibility and community support in business practices TQ Leadership Contrasts.. Details Leadership & Public Responsibilities Public Health, safety & environment Compliance Corporate Citizenship, Community education, welfare, conservation Industry Obligation to Community
TQ Leadership Contrasts
Plan Projects Make plans Organize resource Preach M.B.O Push Products Lip service to quality Sell to customer Perform R&D Control People Control through systems Reward conformance punish deviation Maintain status QUO
TQ Leaders
Practice Envision the future Optimize the resource Participative management Produce Exemplary quality Service the customer Innovate Motivate people Development, talent & system Reward effort, skill development and empower Continuous improvement
Leadership Strategic Planning Customer & Market Focus Information & Analysis Human Resources Development & Planning Process Management Business Results
Understanding of Criteria
1. Leadership Leadership System.. How the senior leaders guide the company in setting directions and in developing and sustaining an effective leadership system. Company Responsibility & Citizenship How the company addresses the its responsibility to the public and how it practices good citizenship. Strategic Planning Strategy Development Process.. How the company sets strategic directions to better define and strengthen its competitive position and how the development process leads to action plan for deploying and aligning key plan and performance requirements. Company Strategy.. How the performance requirements and measures align with the human resource plan and how the plans project the cos future as compared to the competitors and key benchmarks. Customer & Market Focus Customer & Market Knowledge.. How the company determines the long term requirements and preference of target and potential customers and market and anticipate needs to develop business opportunities . Customer Relationship & Satisfaction Enhancement..How the company determines and enhances the satisfaction of customers to strengthen relationships to improve current offerings and to support customer and market related planning.
Understanding of Criteria
4. Information & Analysis Selection & Use of Information & DataHow the co. selects, manages and uses the information and data needed to support key company process and improve the cos performance. Selection & use of comparative information & data.. How the company selects, manages and uses comparative information data to improve cos competitive position. Analysis & Review of Companys Performance..How the co. analyses and reviews overall performance to assess the progress relative to plans to identify key areas of improvement. 5. Human Resources Development & Management Work Systems.. What is the companys work & job design and its compensation and recognition approaches to enable and encourage all employees to contribute effectively to achieve the cos performance and learning objective. Employee Education Training & Development.. How the cos training and education addresses its plan and needs including building knowledge & capabilities & contribute to improved employees performance and development. Employee Well-Being & Satisfaction..How the company maintains its work environment and work climate to support the well-being, satisfaction and motivation of all its employees
Understanding of Criteria
6. Process Management Management of Product & Service Processes..How the significantly modified and customized products and services are designed. How the product/services delivery systems are designed, implemented and improved. Management of Support Process.. How the cos key support processes are designed, managed and continuously improved. Management of Supplier and Partnering..How the cos supplier and partnering processes, performance and relationships are managed and improved. 7. Business Results Customer Satisfaction Results..How the co. performance on Customer Satisfaction Financial & Market Results.Cos key financial & marketplace performance Human Resource ResultsCos Human Resource results including employee wellbeing, satisfaction, development and work system performance Supplier & Partner ResultsCos supplier and partner results Company-Specific ResultsHow the companys key operational performance and results significantly contribute to key company goals- customer satisfaction, operational effectiveness and financial/market place and performance.
Strategic Planning
The process of envisioning organizations future and developing necessary procedures and operations to shape and achieve that future Concept Plan that integrates an organizations major goals Policies and actions sequences in alignment and supporting the goals Marshalling and allocating organizations resources into an unique and viable posture Based on ones relative strengths and competencies and anticipated changes in the environment Counter measures and actions anticipating contingent moves by intelligent opponents
Strategic Planning
Influence of TQ culture
Leading Practices Top management, employees & even customers actively participate in the planning process Systematic planning process for strategy development and deployment including measurement, feedback and review. Gathering and analysis of variety of data external & internal factors Alignment of short-term action plans with long term strategic objectives.
Strategy Development Vision Mission
Guiding Principles
Environmental Scan
Action Plans
Strategic Deployment
TQ way
Converting the strategies into small doable goals and then ultimately deployed to the right teams & people in form of SMART objectives Hoshin Kanri or Hoshin Planning Policy Deployment Management by Planning Team based deployment is most suited to TQ environment
Strategic Planning
Customer & market driven quality integrated into bloodstream Integrated into the product, operations and service processes Operational Excellence to deliver on above
Deployment to the right people with smart objectives Organizations ability to translate strategic objective into action plans
TQ aspects include Empowerment Diffused Leadership Institutionalized Learning Innovation and Experimentation
Building of Customer Loyalty by developing Trust Communication Interaction Relationships Moments of Truth
Direct Contact . Phone, letter, product & personnel Problems arising out of un-kept promises Airlines examples (Scandinavian, South-West) * Opportunities during the entire process (ticketing to baggage delivery) Dignity of Customer
Process Management
Product Processes Support Processes Service Process Supplier & Partnership Processes Managing the Change 3 Contact Classes
Module Covers
Process Management
New Economy
Online shopping becoming common Frequent Customer Dissatisfaction reported it takes more than just a web site and brand communication
Q Was necessary attention to customer requirements and relevance to process paid? Did the product designers have all the information & data about the customer & environment?
Examples Delhi Road traffic design & management (not so good?) Delhi Metro ( can we say good so far?)
Demming Most quality problems have been due to processes and seldom have they been due to men as normally thought
Some leading practices:
Process Management
Translation of customers requirements into product & service design early enough in the process taking into account all linkages between product design requirement, conversion processes, supplier capabilities & legal and environmental considerations. Ensuring that quality is built into the product and services and use proper technologies, qualitative tools and approaches during the developmental process. Product development process manages cross functional communication, reduce time, smooth and uninterrupted introduction of product and process. Define and Document important product, delivery & support processes and manage them as an important business process Define performance requirement for suppliers, partners and relationships Control quality and operational performance, identify significant variations, analyze root- causes, apply corrections and verify results. Continuously improve process Innovate for breakthrough performance improvements through benchmarking and re-engineering.
TQMProcess Management
.Support Processes
Supplier Involvement
Product Development From Design to Delivery Service & Spare parts Bench marking on Technology, Materials, Practices & Designs
Guiding Principles
Realization of the strategic importance of suppliers Developing win-win relationship with suppliers Establishing trust through transparency leading to mutual benefits
TQMProcess Management
.Supplier Partnerships
No. of suppliers Multiple/Many Duration of suppliers Annual Contracts Quality Criteria Conformance to Specifications Emphasis on Surveys Procedures, Data & systems Quality Planning Separate Pattern of Partnership Arms Length Secrecy Mutual Supervision
TQMProcess Management
.Service Processes
.Managing Change
Cross Functionalism of TQM New culture demanding on Organizational Change Type of Changes;
Developmental Transitional Transformational
.Managing Change
Vision communication
Clear, concise & easily understandable Memorable Exciting & inspiring Challenging Excellence centered Stable but flexible Implementable & Tangible
.Managing Change
.Human Resource Development & Management Alignment with the Strategy The competition can copy everything, but for the edge that your people
can create. It is only them who can make 2+2 more than Four Satisfaction, loyalty and commitment of customer possible only through satisfied, loyal & committed employees Only Loyal employees can create Loyal customers
Change of Paradigm
Human Resource Management from Personnel Admin & Management From watch dog to strategic leadership through developing, coaching, training, teamwork, motivation & recognition Traditional versus Total Quality Human Resource Paradigm (table)
Traditional versus Total Quality Human Resource Paradigm (table) (PLEASE SEE THE WORD DOCUMENT ATTACHED)
How do the Leading Companys do it; Integrate human resources plans with strategic objectives and action plans to fully address the needs and development of entire workforce Design work and jobs to promote organizational learning, innovation and flexibility for ever changing business needs. Develop effective performance management plans, compensation, reward and recognition approaches to support high performance and motivate employees. Promote cooperation and collaboration through teamwork Empower individuals and teams to make decisions that impact quality and customer satisfaction Make extensive investment in training, education and development Maintain work environment conducive to well-being & growth of all employees Monitor the extent and effectiveness of human resources practices & measure employee satisfaction as a means to continuous improvement.
Corporate operating principles to provide full opportunity to employees to reach their full potential by developing a high performance culture to support its vision, mission & goals Attract, develop, challenge & retain a diverse workforce to have skills in the organization to build business
Involve & empower employees to improve processes & participation in decisions that impact business
Involved Employee
Recognize & reward performance that contribute to the business strategy and goals
Continuous Improvement
Continuously improve those elements of the work environment That enhance employees well-being, satisfaction and productivity 38
Resource Management
Characterized By
Flexibility, innovation, knowledge & skill sharing, alignment with organization directions, customer focus and rapid response to ever changing business needs and market requirements.
Extensive employee involvement Empowerment Training & Education Teamwork Communication Compensation & Recognition Attention to Employee well-being
Resource Management
(Refer Table)
Core Job Characteristics Skill Variety Task Identity Task Significance Autonomy Feedback from job
Experienced Meaningfulness of the work Experienced Responsibility of outcome Knowledge of the outcome/results Moderators 1. Knowledge & skill 2. Growth Need Strength 3. Context Satisfaction
High internal work Motivation High growth job Satisfaction High general job Satisfaction High work effectiveness
Resource Management
Employee Involvement
Levels of involvement (refer table) Suggestion Scheme Resistance to EI
Sincere belief and trust in people Leaders and managers relinquish some authority New responsibilities of managers Building of confidence
Managers decide and inform employees Managers get input and then decide Managers assign one time problems to selected employees Intact groups meet weekly to solve local problems Cross functional teams meet to solve mutual problems Intact groups deepen daily involvement in a specific issue Teams at selected sites function full time with minimum supervision Executives facilitates self management in an all team company
Conformance Acceptance Contribution Commitment Cooperation Concentration Accountability Ownership
Resource Management
Resource Management
Quality circles Problem solving teams Management teams Work teams ..self managed teams Project teams Virtual teams . Boundary Less
Success Factors
Team goal clarity Improvement plan Clarity of role/definition Clarity of communication Decision procedures Clear ground rules Information access
TQMHR Management
Behavioral Influence
Horizontal job enlargement Vertical job enlargement/enrichment Job Rotation
Contemporary Trends
Job flexibility Responsibility & empowerment Training & development Teamwork Hourly rates/ daily rates/ monthly rates Piece rates- generally detrimental to quality Incentives Profit sharing
Financial Measures
Shareholders returns, Profitability, revenue growth, ROI, EVA
Internal Measures
Quality levels, Productivity, Cycle time, Costs, etc.
Customers perspective
Service levels, Customers Satisfaction, repeat Business etc
Non Conformance
Internal External failures
Quality costs do not appear in the accounting ledger There is a considerable time delay between costs and results Accounting rules do not put quality on the credit side Numerous estimates to be made There are considerable hidden costs Behavior of cost elements during implementation of TQM
Overall satisfaction Complaints Gains & Losses of Customer Customer awards & satisfaction
Business Performance
Market share % new product sales Absenteeism Turn over Training effectiveness Grievances Suggestion Rates Employee Satisfaction
Human Resource
Supplier & Partner
Quality & Delivery Price & cost saving
Organizational Effectives
Defects & errors Productivity Cycle time Regulatory & legal compliance New product introductions Community Service 53 Safety Environment
Closing of Gaps . Between final output & the expectations and needs of
the customers. Addressed through either continuous improvement, breakthroughs, or a combination of both Application of the two, not only relevant to quality improvements but also to general management Concept of foolproofing or POKAYOKE.
Types of data
Numeric or quantitative Categorical or qualitative.
54 not available
1. Qualitative 1. Tally sheets 2. Location plots 3. Bar charts 4. Paired bar charts 5. Pie charts 6. Pareto diagrams 2. Quantitative 1. Tally sheets 2. Histograms 3. Stem & leaf 4. Run charts
Select a problem and describe it clearly Study the present system Identify the possible causes Plan and implement a solution Evaluate Effects Standardize the effective solution Reflect on process and develop future plans. PLAN DO CHECK ACT
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Data Collection Determination of trial control limits Analysis and Interpretation use as a problem solving Use the chart for process capability analysis
X R Charts
__ X = Xi -------- ; i=1 to k k __ __ __ X = Xi -------- ; i=1 to k k __ R=Range; R= Ri -------- ; i=1 to k k
Normal Distribution Curve NDC with different Mean and identical different standard deviation
50 40 30 20 10 0
Difference between Run- Charts and Control Charts Variable Control Charts
STATE OF CONTROL OUT OF PROCESS CONTROL Seven continuous above or below mean Six consecutive increasing or decreasing Two consecutive points in outer quartile
CONTROL CHARTS FOR ATTRIBUTES P Chart Proportion defective in a sample C Chart Nos. defective in a sample RANGE CHART (R) __ __ LCL = D3R UCL = D4R __ R = u R/ K K= No. of samples; R = Range of Each Sample; D3 & D4 = Table Constants
A2 = Tabular Constant
61 not available