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Content Standard: The learner demonstrates awareness of global health

Performance Standard: The learner demonstrates competence in applying
knowledge of global health to local or national context global
After studying this module, you should be able to:
A. Discuss the significance of global health initiative (Sustainable
Development Goals) H10HC-IIIa-1;
B. Describe how global health initiatives positively impact people’s health in various
countries (Sustainable Development Goals) H10HC-IIIb-c2;
C. Analyze the issues in the implementation of global health initiatives (Sustainable
Development Goals) H10HC-IIIb-c3; and
D. Recommends ways of adopting global health initiatives to local or national context
(Sustainable Development Goals) - H10HC-IIId-e4.
What You Already Know?

 Before you start studying this module, let us first know your prior knowledge about Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) by answering the Pre-Assessment below. This activity may help your teacher identify how far you know about the

Multiple Choice. Directions: Read and analyze the questions below. Choose the best answer then write your answers in
your notebook.

1. What year did the members of the United Nations agreed to adopt the program Sustainable Developmental Goals?

A. 2012 B. 2013 C. 2018 D. 2015

2. Which of the following statements BEST describes the purpose of the Sustainable Developmental Goals?

A. Designed to bring the world to several life-changing activities in 2030

B. A universal call to action to protect the planet and to ensure that all people enjoy peace by 2030

C. Designed to bring the world to several life-changing ‘zeros’, including basic education, health peace in 2030

D. A universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and
prosperity by 2030

3. Which of the following is the guiding principle of the Sustainable Developmental Goals?

A. “Zero Hunger” C. “Leaving No One behind”

B. ‘Together We Can” D. “Save Mother Earth”

4. Which of the following is the first Sustainable Developmental
A. No poverty B. Zero Hunger C. Quality Education D. Climate
5. Which of the following is the objective of Goal No. 17(Partnerships
to achieve the Goal)?
A. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
B. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and
C. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and
promote sustainable agriculture
D. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for
sustainable development
6. What SDG number focuses on reducing inequality within
and among countries?
A. Goal 8 B. Goal 9 C. Goal 10 D. Goal 11
7. Which of the following is the correct meaning of MDG?
A. Millennials Device Goals
B. Millennium Developing Goals
C. Millennials Development Goals
D. Millennium Development Goals
8. Which of the following is the objective of Goal No. 13 (Climate Action)?
A. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns 
B. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
C. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable
D. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and
foster innovation
9. Which of the following is Sustainable Developmental Goal number 9 which targets develop
quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure?
A. Good Health and Well-being
B. Affordable and Clean Energy
C. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
D. Responsible Consumption and Production
10. How many years is the Sustainable Developmental Goals is set to be achieved?
A. 10 B. 15 C. 20 D. 25
What Is This Module About?
Are you aware of any government program which helps alleviate
the lives of the citizen in our country especially those who are living
in the poverty line? In this module, you will understand the purpose
of the Sustainable Development Goals.
This module is made up of three lessons:
Lesson 1: Background of the Sustainable Development Goals and
Sustainable Development Goals for the People
Lesson 2: Sustainable Development Goals for the Planet
Lesson 3: Sustainable Development Goals for Prosperity,
Peace and Partnership
What Will You Learn In This Module?
After studying this module, you should be able to:
 explain the background of the Sustainable Development
 identify and discuss the objectives of the 17 SDGs;
 analyze the issues in the implementation of the SDGs
 describe how SDGs can positively impact people’s health
in various countries; and
 recommend ways of adopting SDGs to local or national
Lesson 1

Sustainable Development
In this part of the module
you will learn the background
of the Sustainable Development
Goals. The 17 Goals are divided
into five parts; for the people,
planet, prosperity, peace and
partnership. In this lesson you
will get to know the five goals
After studying this module, you
should be able to:
• explain the background of the
Sustainable Development Goals;
• identify and discuss the 5
Sustainable Development Goals
for the people;
• describe how Goals 1 to 5 can
positively impact people’s health;
• recommend ways of adopting
Let’s Try This
Examine the picture and
answer the following
questions below. Write
your answer in your
activity notebook.
1. What possible
problems can you see
in the picture?
2. List five possible
causes of these
Let’s Learn
Background of the Sustainable Development Goals 
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the
Global Goals, were adopted by all United Nations Member States in
2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the
planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were born at the
United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de
Janeiro in 2012. The objective was to produce a set of universal
goals that meet the urgent environmental, political and economic
challenges facing our world.
The SDGs replace the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs), which started a global effort in 2000 to tackle
poverty. The MDGs established measurable, universally-
agreed objectives for tackling extreme poverty and hunger,
preventing deadly diseases, and expanding primary
education to all children, among other development
The legacy and achievements of the MDGs provide
valuable lessons and experience to begin work on the new
goals. But for millions of people around the world the job
remains unfinished. The SDGs are an urgent call to shift
the world onto a more sustainable path.
The SDGs are an intrepid commitment to
finish what has been started, and tackle some
of the more pressing challenges facing the
world today. All 17 Goals interconnect,
meaning success in one affects success for
Let’s Try This and Self-Check
 Now have an idea about Sustainable Development
Goals for the people; your task is to fill in the
graphic organizer on the next slide to check your
understanding about the topic.
Let’s Learn
One existing government program which helps the Philippine government fulfill its
commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals for the people is the Pantawid Pamilyang
Pilipino Program (4Ps).
The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is a human development measure of the
national government that provides conditional cash grants to the poorest of the poor, to improve
the health, nutrition and the education of children aged 0-18. The Department of Social Welfare
and Development (DSWD) is the lead government agency of the 4Ps.
The 4Ps has dual objectives as the flagship poverty alleviation program of the Aquino
administration: (1) social assistance, giving monetary support to extremely poor families to
respond to their immediate needs; and (2) social development, breaking the intergenerational
poverty cycle by investing in the health and education of poor children through programs such
as: health check-ups for pregnant women and children aged 0 to 5; deworming of
schoolchildren aged 6 to 14; enrollment of children in daycare, elementary, and secondary
schools; and family development sessions.
In partnership with the Commission on Higher Education, the Department of Labor and Employment,
and the Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges, 4Ps has enrolled 36,003 beneficiaries in
state universities and colleges as of June 2015. Additionally, in partnership with PhilHealth, 4Ps has
covered 4.4 million beneficiaries under the National Health Insurance Program.
Let’s Study and Analyze These
To learn more about the 4Ps, read the article entitled, “New law
institutionalizes 4Ps” by Pia Ranada found in this site
pamilyang-pilipino-program. Answer the following guide questions after
reading the article. Write your answers on a whole sheet of paper.
Guide Questions:
1. The Republic Act No. 11310 is also known as __________________________.
2. The 4Ps was introduced during the administration of President _________.
3. Give reasons why 4Ps should be implemented every year, under all future
4. What are the four conditional cash transfer schemes of 4Ps?
5. Why do 4Ps beneficiaries need to fulfill the conditions of the program?
Let’s See What You’ve Learned
You were given a chance to become a City Mayor and you will
deliver a speech for your constituents. The speech is about how you
will support the national government in the implementation of the
Sustainable Development Goals. What would be the content of your
Your output must answer the following questions:
1. What programs or ways will you enact in the city to help
eradicate poverty and hunger?
2. How will you encourage residents to live a healthy lifestyle?
3. How will you strengthen school youth programs?
4. How will you establish gender equality between men and
women in your city?
In this lesson, you will learn the Sustainable
Development Goals for the planet. Are you ready?
Let’s get started!
After studying this module, you should be able to:
 identify and discuss the Sustainable Development
Goals for the planet;
 analyze the issues in the implementation of the
 recommend ways of adopting SDGs to local or
national context.
Let’s Try This
Read the following statements in the next
slide carefully. Draw  if the statement
applies to you otherwise. Draw in the space
provided before the number.
Let’s Try This and Self-Check
Complete the following unfinished statements:
1. The Sustainable Development Goals (6, 12, 13, 14 &15) aim to help/save
the planet by ___________________________________________
2. The Sustainable Development Goals for the planet are important because
3. If the Sustainable Development Goals for the planet will not be realized,
the earth will be
Let’s Learn

Now that you have knowledge about SDGs for the planet, let us
identify some programs from government and non-government
organizations that support the implementation of the SDGs.
For Clean Water and Sanitation - Philippine Center for Water and
Sanitation is a non-stock, non-profit nongovernment organization.
PCWS promotes sustainable water and sanitation programs through
capacity building approaches. It works to improve the water supply,
sanitation and hygiene situation of the poorest communities in the
Philippines. Engineers of PCWS work with communities in
developing low cost water supply and sanitation technology options,
thereby enhancing local initiatives leading to benefits in health and
For Responsible Consumption and Production – The population of
the Philippines stands at roughly 102 million and 27 million of this
number live below poverty line. Moreover, 13.5 million of the
economically poor are unable to eat three times a day. This challenge
has led WWF(World Wide Fund for Nature)-Philippines (NGO) to
champion the concepts of sustainable consumption and production
as key drivers of achieving balance between the socio-economic
growth of the country as well as the protection of our natural
resources and food security. With The Sustainable Diner project,
WWF-Philippines hopes to lessen food wastage and contributes to
the improvement of the implementation of sustainable consumption
and production processes in the foodservice sector. The project aims
to engage the government, food service businesses, and consumers
in promoting sustainable dining practices and in making the
Philippines’ food service industry more environmentally friendly.
For Climate Action and Life on Land - Deforestation is a major
driver of biodiversity loss in the Philippines. Between 1934 and
1990, the country lost 10.9 million hectares of forest cover. The
National Greening Program (NGP) established through a Presidential
Executive Order in 2011, promotes reforestation, reduces poverty,
promotes food security, creates alternative livelihoods and enhances
climate change mitigation and adaptation. The NGP has successfully
reforested over 1.91 million hectares of area and planted over 1.5
billion seedlings. This best practice highlights the key achievements
of the NGP, and how it successfully contributes in achieving
Philippine’s National Biodiversity Targets related to reforestation and
climate change mitigation and adaptation. The NGP also successfully
contributes to Philippines’ international commitment under the U.N.
SDG13 (Climate Action) and U.N. SDG 15 (Life on Land)
For Life Below Water - Marine species conservation and
protection is the focus of the rehabilitation of Manila Bay
according to Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR). Secretary Roy A. Cimatu said in a
statement that the government is keen to have Manila Bay
restored to its traditional use as a fishing ground and
reinstated as a vital wetland area. Together with other
government agencies and local government units, the DENR
launched the massive cleanup and rehabilitation of Manila
Bay on January 27, 2019. According to Cimatu, World
Wildlife Day 2019 with the theme “Life Below Water: For Life and
Planet,” and the Manila Bay rehabilitation is aligned to SDG 14 (Life Below Water)
Let’s Study and Analyze These

At this point, you have already gained

understanding how the SDGs for the planet being
implemented in our country. What do you think are
the possible reasons which could disrupt the
implementation of these SDGs and what are the
possible solutions to solve these issues? Use the
table provided next slide for you answers.
Let’s See What You’ve Learned
Form a group with members belonging to the
same community. Interview your barangay
officials virtually on what programs are they
implementing in support to the government in
realizing the SDGs for the planet. The
interview should be recorded (video) to be
submitted to your teacher.
Lesson 3
Goals for
Peace and
After studying this module, you should be able to:
 identify and discuss the Sustainable Development
Goals for prosperity, peace and partnership;
 describe how Sustainable Development Goals can
positively impact people’s health;
 analyze the issues in the implementation of the
SDGs; and
 recommend ways of adopting SDGs to local or
national context.
Let’s Try This
Direction: List down four
essential programs/
policies that our
government should
prioritize for the
development of our
country with number 1
being the most important.
Explain why it is the most
important (1) and your
least (4). Write your
answer inside the ladder.
Let’s Learn

Sustainable Development Goals for

Prosperity, Peace and Partnership
Let’s Try This and Self-

Answer the given

question on
the table.
Let’s Learn
In this part of the lesson, you will learn the overview of a project
from our government which is aligned to Goal 9 (Industry,
Innovation and Infrastructure)
One of the programs of President Duterte is the Build! Build!
Build! Infrastructure Plan which according to the administration will
usher in the "Golden Age of Infrastructure". The goals of the program
are to reduce poverty, encourage economic growth and reduce
congestion in Metro Manila. As of November 2019, a total of 9,845
kilometers of roads, 2,709 bridges, 4,536 flood control projects, 82
evacuation centers, and 71,803 classrooms under the “Build, Build,
Build” program were completed.
Let’s Study and Analyze These
Using newspapers and magazines or internet websites,
identify programs/projects of government or non-
government organizations which supports the SDG Goals
(7, 8, 10, 11, 16 and 17).
1. Cut out/print out pictures or articles of the
2. Paste them on a whole sheet of paper.
3. Write the overview of the program/projects beside the
Let’s See What You’ve Learned
Reflective Questions:
1.What ways can you suggest to help our local
and national government in the
implementation of the SDGs for prosperity,
peace and partnership?
2.How can the SDGs for prosperity, peace and
partnership help the country in the future?
Answer Key
What You Already Know?
(pp. 2-3)
1. D 6. C
2. B 7. D
3. C 8. B
4. A 9. C
5. D 10. B
Ahmed, Heena. Pockets of Success in the Philippines’ National Greening Program.October 9,
2018. January 4, 2020, date

Balamban, Bernadette.The Challenges Of The SDGs To The Philippine Statistical System. .May 18, 2017.September 18, 2019, date accessed

Callo, Lualhati, Camiling, Mark Kenneth, Yap, Johannsen, Cagulang, Janeth, Doria, Jose, Deveraturda, Encarnita, Grecia, Jo-Ann. Physical Education
and Health – Grade 10 Learner’s Material.Pasig City, Philippines:Department of Education.2015 .September 1, 2019,date accessed

Mayuga, Jonathan. Focus: Conservation, protection of ‘life below water’. March 4, 2019.
protection-of-life-below-water/.January 4, 2020, date accessed.

Offcial Gazette.Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program. 4, 2020, date accessed.

Philippine Center for Water and Sanitation- International Training Network Foundation.For January 4, 2020, date accessed.

Philippine Statistics Office.

Philippines to Host the 2017 International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals Statistics. September 10, 2019, date accessed.

United Nations Development Programme.Sustainable Development Goals.

goals.html.September 8, 2019, date accessed.

United Nations Development Programme.Background of the Goals.

background/.September 8, 2019, date accessed.

WWF(World Wide Fund for Nature)-Philippines.Sustainable Production and Consumption. January 4,
2020, date accessed.

#Envision2030: 17 goals to transform the world for persons with disabilities. September
8, 2019, date accessed.

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