Coordination Igcse Biology
Coordination Igcse Biology
Coordination Igcse Biology
• If your nerves are working properly, you will probably move or duck
quickly to avoid contact.
• Imagine another situation where you are very hungry, and you smell food
• In the first example, the approaching ball was the stimulus, and
your movement to avoid it hitting you was the response.
• Glands secrete (release) chemical substances, and they are the second
type of effector organ.
• Again, the link between the stimulus and the response is the nervous
• For example, the eye converts light energy into nerve impulses, and the
ear converts sound energy into nerve impulses (Table 6.1).
• Notice how a 'sense' like touch is made up of several components.
• As well as this, each sense detects different aspects of the energy it receives.
• For example, the ears don't just detect sounds, but different loudness and
frequencies of sound, while the eye not only forms an image, but also detects
brightness of light and in humans can tell the difference between different light
wavelengths (colours).
• A species of bacterium can also do this, but as yet no one can explain
why this might be an advantage to it!
• The biological name for a nerve cell is a neurone.
• The impulses that travel along a neurone are not an electric current, as
in a wire.
• Some nerves contain only sensory or motor cells, while other nerves
contain both - they are 'mixed'.
• The brain is inside the skull or cranium (nerves connected to the brain
are cranial nerves) and the spinal cord runs down the middle of the
spinal column, passing through a hole in each vertebra.
• This is the fibre that carries impulses to the effector organ, and is called
the axon.
• At the end of the axon furthest from the cell body, it divides into many
nerve endings.
• These fine branches of the axon
connect with a muscle at a special sort
of synapse called a neuromuscular
• Simpler animals, such as snails, use their eyes to detect light but cannot
form a proper image.
• Other animals, such as dogs, can form images but cannot distinguish
• The tough outer coat of the eye is
called the sclera, which is the
visible, white part of the eye.
• This is why we can't see colours very well in dim light: only our rods are
working properly.
• The cones, on the other hand, will only work in bright light, and there are three
types which respond to different wavelengths or colours of light - red, green
and blue.
• We can see all the colours of visible light as a result of these three types of cones
being stimulated to different degrees.
• For example, if red, green and blue are stimulated equally, we see white.
• Both rods and cones are found throughout the retina, but cones are particularly
concentrated at the centre of the retina, in an area called the fovea.
• Cones give a sharper image than rods, which is why we can only see objects
clearly if we are looking directly at them, so that the image falls on the fovea.
• The fact that the inverted image is seen the right way up by the brain makes the point that
it is the brain which 'sees' things, not the eye.
• Volunteers were made to wear special inverting goggles for long periods.
• At first this completely disorientated them, and they found it difficult to make even simple
coordinated movements.
• However, after a while their brains adapted, until the view through the goggles looked
• In fact, when the volunteers removed the goggles, the world then looked upside down
• To form an image on the retina, light
needs to be bent or refracted.
• You will find out more about reflexes later in this chapter.
• The purpose of the iris reflex is to allow the right intensity (brightness) of
light to fall on the retina.
• Light that is too bright could damage the rods and cones, and light that is
too dim would not form an image.
• The intensity of light hitting the retina is the stimulus for this reflex.
• Impulses pass to the brain through the optic nerve, and straight back to
the iris muscles, adjusting the diameter of the pupil.
• It all happens without the need for conscious thought - in fact we are not
even aware of it happening.
In the iris reflex, the route from stimulus to response is this:
stimulus (light intensity)
retina (receptor)
sensory neurones in optic nerve
unconscious part of brain
motor neurones in nerve to iris
iris muscles (effector)
response (change in size of pupil)
• There is one area of the retina where an image cannot be formed; this is
where the optic nerve leaves the eye.
• At this position there are no rods or cones, so it is called the blind spot.
• The retina of each eye has a blind spot, but they are not a problem,
because the brain puts the images from each eye together, cancelling out
the blind spots of both eyes.
• As well as this, the optic nerve leaves the eye towards the edge of the
retina, where vision is not very sharp anyway.
• To 'see' your own blind spot you can do a simple experiment. Cover or
close your right eye.
• Hold this page about 30 cm from your eyes and look at the black dot
• Now, without moving the book or turning your head, read the numbers
from left to right by moving your left eye slowly towards the right.
• You should find that when the image of the dot falls on the blind spot it
• If you try doing this with both eyes open, the image of the dot will not
• A way to prove to yourself that the eyes form two overlapping images is
to try the 'sausage test'.
• Place your two index fingers tip to tip, and bring them up in front of your
eyes, about 30 cm from your face, while still focusing at a distance.
• You have probably seen the results of a camera or projector not being in
focus - a blurred picture.
• In a camera, we can focus light from objects that are different distances
away by moving the lens backwards or forwards, until the picture is
• In the eye, a different method is used.
• Rather than altering its position, the shape of the lens can be changed.
• A lens that is fatter in the middle (more convex) will refract light rays
more than a thinner (less convex) lens.
• The lens in the eye can change shape because it is made of cells
containing an elastic crystalline protein.
• Figure 6.4 shows that the lens is held in place by a series of fibres called
the suspensory ligaments.
• These are attached like the spokes of a wheel to a ring of muscle, called
the ciliary muscle.
• The inside of the eye is filled with a transparent watery fluid which
pushes outwards on the eye.
• The changes to the eye that take place during accommodation are
shown in Figure 6.7.
• When the eye is focused on a distant object, the rays of light from the
object are almost parallel when they reach the cornea (Figure 6. 7(a)).
• The cornea refracts the rays, but the lens does not need to refract them
much more to focus the light on the retina, so it does not need to be very
• The ciliary muscles relax and the pressure in the eye pushes outwards
on the lens, flattening it and stretching the suspensory ligaments.
• This is the condition when the eye is at rest - our eyes are focused for
long distances.
• When we focus on a nearby object, for example when reading a book,
the light rays from the object are spreading out (diverging) when they
enter the eye (Figure 6. 7(b)).
• In this situation, the lens has to be more convex in order to refract the
rays enough to focus them on the retina.
• You now need to understand a little more about the nerves involved in a
• The 'arc' part means that the pathway goes into the CNS and then
straight back out again, in a sort of curve or arc (Figure 6.8).
• The iris-pupil reflex protects the eye against damage by bright light.
• Other reflexes are protective too, preventing serious harm to the body.
• This happens when part of your body, such as your hand, touches a
sharp or hot object.
• Figure 6.9 shows the nerve pathway of this reflex in more detail.
• The stimulus is detected by temperature or pain receptors in the skin.
• The impulses enter the CNS through a part of the spinal nerve called the dorsal
• In the spinal cord the sensory neurones connect by synapses with short relay
neurones, which in turn connect with motor neurones.
• The motor neurones emerge from the spinal cord through the ventral root, and
send impulses back out to the muscles of the arm.
• These muscles then contract, pulling the arm (and thus finger) away from the
harmful stimulus
• A reflex action is a rapid, automatic (or involuntary) response to a
• However, this doesn't mean that the brain is unaware of what is going on.
• This is because in the spinal cord, the reflex arc neurones also form
connections called synapses with nerve cells leading to and from the brain.
• It is estimated that there are between 100 and 1000 million million
synapses in the CNS.
• A synapse is actually a gap between two
nerve cells.
• Remember that many nerve cells, particularly those in the brain, have
thousands of synapses with other neurones.
• The output of one cell may depend on the inputs from many cells
adding together. In this way, synapses are important for integrating
information in the CNS (Figure 6.11 ).
• Because synapses are crossed
by chemicals, it is easy for other
chemicals to interfere with the
working of the synapse.
• The potential inside the axon is about -70 mV lower than outside.
• The inflow of positively charged ions Figure 6.12 Nerve cell action potential.
• A nerve impulse is a propagated action potential.
• The action potential stimulates the next part of the cell membrane, so
that the depolarisation spreads along the axon.
• After the action potential has passed, ion exchange pumps in the
membrane sort out the imbalance of Na+ and K+ ions.
• The pumps use ATP for active transport - this is one reason why nerve
cells need a lot of metabolic energy from respiration.
• Nerve cells are called 'excitable cells' because they can change their
membrane potential in this way.
• This means that cells in the gland make a chemical which leaves the
cells through the cell membrane.
• The chemical then travels somewhere else in the body, where it carries
out its function.
• There are two types of glands - exocrine and endocrine glands.
• For example, salivary glands in your mouth secrete saliva down salivary
ducts, and tear glands secrete tears through ducts that lead to the
surface of the eye.
• Instead, their products, the hormones, are secreted into the blood
vessels that pass through the gland (Figure 7.1).
• This chapter looks at some of the main
endocrine glands and the functions of
the hormones they produce.
woks by nerve impulses transmitted through works by hormones transmitted through the
nerve cells (although bloodstream
chemicals are used at synapses)
nerve impulses travel fast and usually have an hormones travel more slowly and generally take
'instant' effect longer to act
impulses act on individual cells such as muscle hormones can have widespread effects on
fibres, so have a very localised effect different organs (although they only act on
particular tissues or organs if the cells have the
correct receptors)
• The positions of the main
endocrine glands are shown in
Figure 7.2.
• The pituitary gland (often just called 'the pituitary') is found at the base of
the brain.
pituitary follicle stimulating hormone • stimulates egg development and oestrogen / secretion in females
(FSH) and sperm production in males
luteinising hormone (LH) • stimulates egg release (ovulation) in females and testosterone
antidiuretic hormone (AOH) production in males
• controls the water content of the blood
thyroid thyroxine controls the body's metabolic rate (how last chemical reactions take
place in cells)
pancreas insulin lowers blood glucose
glucagon raises blood glucose
adrenals adrenaline prepares the body for physical activity
testes testosterone controls the development of male secondary sexual characteristics
ovaries oestrogen controls the development of female secondary sexual characteristics
progesterone regulates the menstrual cycle
• The pancreas is both an endocrine and an exocrine gland.
• The sex organs of males (testes) and females (ovaries) are also
endocrine organs.
• In addition to their role in producing sex cells, the testes and ovaries
make hormones that are involved in controlling reproduction.
• The pituitary is a link between the nervous and endocrine coordination
• When you are frightened, excited or angry, your adrenal glands secrete the
hormone adrenaline.
• Adrenaline acts at a number of target organs and tissues, preparing the body
for action.
• In animals other than humans this action usually means dealing with an attack
by an enemy, where the animal can stay and fight or run away - hence 'fight or
• This is not often a problem with
humans, but there are plenty of
other times when adrenaline is
released (Figure 7.3).
• 'Adrenal' means 'next to the kidneys', which describes where
the adrenal glands are located - on top of these organs (see
Figure 7.2).
• If an animal's body is going to be
prepared for action, the muscles
need a good supply of oxygen and
glucose for respiration.
The muscle cells absorb more glucose and use it for respiration.
Body hair stands upright, making the animal look larger to an enemy.
• You saw earlier that adrenaline can raise blood glucose from stores in
the liver.
• When the body is short of glucose, the glycogen can be broken down
into glucose, which then passes into the bloodstream.
• Adrenaline raises blood glucose concentration in an emergency, but
other hormones act all the time to control the level, keeping it fairly
constant at a little less than 1 g of glucose in every dm3 (cubic
decimetre) of blood.
• Sugars from digested carbohydrate pass into the blood and are carried
to the liver in the hepatic portal vein.
• In the liver the glucose is converted to glycogen, so the blood leaving the
liver in the hepatic vein has a lower concentration of glucose than when
it enters the liver.
• The pancreas also makes a hormone called glucagon, which
has the opposite effect to insulin - it raises blood glucose.
• Some people have a disease where their pancreas cannot make
enough insulin to keep their blood glucose level constant - it rises to
very high concentrations.
• There is also a 'type 2' diabetes, where the pancreas produces insulin but the body shows
insulin resistance, where insulin has less effect than it should do.
• At first the pancreas makes extra insulin, but eventually it can't continue to make enough
to maintain blood glucose at a nomnal level.
• Type 2 diabetes is common in people who are overweight and eat a poor diet that is high
in sugar and other carbohydrates.
• It can be prevented and controlled by eating a good diet and doing regular exercise.
• Type 2 diabetes also tends to happen in middle-aged or older people, whereas type 1 can
happen at any age, and is common in childhood.
• Another symptom of diabetes is a constant thirst.
• These 'thirst centres' are stimulated, so that by drinking, the person will
dilute their blood.
• They prick their finger and place a drop of blood on a test strip.
• The strip is then put into the sensor, which gives them an accurate
reading of how much glucose is in their blood (Figure 7.6).
• They can then tell when to inject insulin and how much to inject.