Mis 5
Mis 5
Mis 5
IT in business as there are business activities to be Performed, business problems to be solved, & business opportunities to be pursued. As a business professionals, you have a specific understanding of how ISs affects a business functions & Appreciation of the major ways. ISs are used to support each of the functions of the business that must be Accomplished.
Marketing MIS
Sale Management
Interactive marketing
Product Management
Manufacturing MIS
IS used for operations of mgt & transaction processing Support of all firms that must plan, monitor, & control inventories, purchases & flow of goods & services. IS helping them to plan & control their operations. Mfg IS help companies to simplify, automate, & integrate the many activities which are needed to produce Products. Examples; CAD & CAE, CAM
Mfg resource planning Systems Production forecasting Production scheduling Material Requirement planning Capacity planning Pro. Cost control Quality control
Engineering system
Shop floor scheduling Shop floor control Machine control Robotics control Process control
Computer Integrated
Accounting MIS
A/C ISs are the oldest & mostly widely used IS in business Computer based A/C systems produce records & reports, the flow of funds through an org & produce important financial statements such as balance sheet & income statements Operational A/C systems emphasize legal & historical records keeping & the production of accurate financial
Typically, these systems includes TPS such as order processing, inventory control, accounts receivable, A/C payable, payroll & general ledger systems Mgt A/C systems focus on the planning & control of business operations, & analytical reports comparing forecasted to actual performance
Systems maintain Eyees records, track Eyee skills, job performance, training, Eyee compensation & carrier development information by support planning.
Eyees data (from various Dept) To pay roll
HR Systems
Mgt Report
Online queries
application form Appointment letter Appraisal form Wage/salary agreement Record of complaints, grievances, accidents Biodata, self & family
Attendance Manpower Leave Loans & deductions Skills Production data
1. Probable absence versus workload 2. Projection of personnel cost against manpower increase, etc
Statutory report Information update Operation update Decision analysis Action update
Financial MIS
Computer based financial IS supports business mgers & Professionals in decisions. 1. The financing of a business 2. The allocation & control of financial resources
Cash Mgt Investment Mgt Capital budgeting Financial planning
Financial MIS
A/C Application
Query Application
Analysis Application
Control Application
Print Reports
Screen Display
Statutory Compliance
Knowledge Update
Operation Update
Decision Analysis
Action Update
MIS in Banking
Banking is generally understood as a place where the financial services are offered, viz checking, savings, & providing credit to the customers. The customers choose the bank mainly on the following 3 factors; 1. The ease of doing business 2. The quality of personnel & service 3. The range of the financial service The MIS in banking industry revolves around this aspect. The customer of the bank would like to know the status of the A/C very fast to make decision on withdrawals or payments. Hence the MIS is to be designed to identify, decide & design a service strategy for offering a distinctive service to the wide range of customers seeking a variety of service demand. the following points should be taken care of while designing an MIS for a bank
Customer DB 1. Customer 2. Operator 3. Range of Service 4. Class of customers 5. Working Hours Service to the A/C holders Service for business promotions The index monitoring system Human resource upgrade
MIS in Hospital
role of a hospital in todays world has changed from the medical and clinical assistance to health care with a concern for the people who need it. It is a missionary organisation established to provide health care services to the needy with the motto dont make them sick while they are trying to get well. well.
The hospitals may handle a person who is not a patient and hence we call a preson visiting a hospital a customer and not a Patient. Hence, the customer profile would includes besides a patient, an associate of a patient, a consultant, a para medical personnel, a medicine suppplier and so on. The customer can easily discriminate between the quality of care and quality of caring, between treated medically and being treated personally, between being served at least cost and served with efficiency an effectiveness.
customer can easily discriminate between the quality of care and quality of caring, between treated medically and being treated personally, between being served at least cost and served with efficiency an effectiveness.
Todays hospitls use a lot of medical hardware and software in health care activity. Health care based on diagnostic aids and assistance through an X ray, scanning, pathological tests, and knowledge base of case history etc. The role played by these aids is so vital and important that is is called Medical Engneering The medical engineering has helped the medical professionals to reduce the drudgery of health care and concentrate on diagnosis, prescriptions and treatment.
database to handle the queries on the existing patients and the patients treated and discharged. Medical server database name, addresses,telephones , etc. of all medical staff including doctors, nurses, technicians. Holidays work times, and locations on weekdays for contact.
planning and control an online query facility to answer the number of queries on the availability, scheduling and rescheduling of the resourses and the facilities. For judging the usage of the facilities and to put them in proper use.
case history database knowledge on the case history for the guidance and research. Monitoring the effect of the drugs to judge the efficiency in terms of the patients response. Analyse the health care demand and make planning for the health service.
Man power and personnel planning Hospital billing and recovery Inventory contol, planning and expiry date management Resource utilisation and analysis
control applications
Evolve the basic stndards for control and provide exception reports to the management for forward planning and control
The MIS for the hotel management addresses the issues of assessing the customer expectations and their perceptions and fulfilling hem in the est possible manner. The MIS, therefore, has the following the responsibilities to provide the best information support. 1.keep track of customers profile. 2.monitoring occupancy level. 3.project future needs. 4.monitor the level of expectations. 5.monitor the communication needs. 6.customer data base.
The following information is to be kept in the customer data base. 1.type of the customer 2.the nature or purpose of visit 3.the service demanded 4.the duration of stay 5.the socio-economic class of the sociocustomer 6.the religion,language, and culture of customer
information will helps to anticipate the expectations about the service and the process of offering the service and its output. This will enable the hotel management to make the investment decisions to offer different service based infrastructure. Eg:swimming pool, travel related information counters, transport facilitiesetc
is necessary to control the occupancy at high level. The MIS provide the information on a high or low level. This would help the management to take action by evolving different tariff schemes, personalized service and so which make the difference to the customer.
The MIS should provide information on new needs which are emerging in the foreseeable future. for eg: the hotels where originally eg: conceptualized as a place of stay,but the role has now changed. It is now a place for business meetings, conference, marriage parties and entertainment source also. The management than has to provide the necessary infrastructure at all levels to meet such needs.
The customer expectations on the service level norm differs from class to class and service to service. The efficient and effective process is a function of training, understanding and knowledge of man power. It is therefore, necessary to built a proper man power grid to take care of the quality of service. If the service level expectations have changed,the norm should be changed. The MIS should certainly monitor the expectations and the man power needs.This would help the hotel management in the HRD function.
The communication makes interaction with the customer a comfortable exercise. It is necessary to upgrade the knowledge and skills of all employees to fulfill the needs of customer. For example: the employees at the reception should be well informed to answer the queries from the tariff to the facilitates in the hotel, the service offered by various hotel agencies, the information on sight seeing places, the other hotels,important locations, a different way of greeting to the different customers and so on. The MIS should monitor such communication needs helping the management to improve the knowledge and skills of employees.
Most of the hotels create a customer data base for handling a variety of applications. Such as data base handles a personal information about the customer. The data base is used by the management to build a good organization relationship, to create a sense of care and concern. Most of the MIS systems in an hotel or managed as front end back office systems. Front end system handle customer interaction and back office systems handle processing of commercial data such as billing,accounting, correspondence, inventory and general admissions.