Standard Template Library

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Standard Template Library

• Templates offers us the feature of generic programming with the help
of generic functions and classes( we can create user defined function
and class templates).
• C++ also offers us inbuilt template library to provide predefined
function and class templates
• The main purpose of this library is to help the user in generic
programming, so a set of general purpose templatized classes (Data
structures) and functions (algorithms) are there that could be used as a
standard approach for storing and processing data.
• The collection of these classes and functions is called Standard
Template Library (STL).
Standard Template Library
• The standard template library (STL) contains
– Containers
– Algorithms
– Iterators
• A container is an object that actually stores data. It is a way data is organized in
memory, for example an array of elements.
• Algorithms in the STL are procedures that are applied to containers to process their
data, for example search for an element in an array, or sort an array.
• Iterators is an object (like a pointer)that points to an element in a container.we can
use iterators to move through the contents of containers.For example you can
increment an iterator to point to the next element in an array
Containers, Iterators, Algorithms
Algorithms use iterators to interact with objects stored in

Container Container

Objects Iterator

Iterator Iterator

• A container is a way to store data, either built-in data
types like int and float, or class objects
• The STL provides several basic kinds of containers
– <vector> : one-dimensional array
– <list> : double linked list
– <deque> : double-ended queue
– <queue> : queue
– <stack> : stack
– <set> : set
– <map> : associative array
Types of containers
•Sequence container
•Associative container
•Derived container
Sequence Containers

• A sequence container- stores a set of elements in

sequence, in other words each element (except for the
first and last one) is preceded by one specific element
and followed by another,
 <vector>
 <list>
 <deque>
Sequence Containers
• <vector> is an expandable array (dynamic array) that can shrink or
grow in size, but still has the disadvantage of inserting or deleting
elements in the middle. Allows insertions and deletions at back.
• <list> is a double linked list (each element has points to its
successor and predecessor), it is quick to insert or delete elements
but has slow random access.

• <deque> is a double-ended queue, that means one can insert and

delete elements from both ends, it is a kind of combination
between a stack (last in first out) and a queue (first in first out) and
constitutes a compromise between a <vector> and a <list>
Difference between Array and Vector
• Vector is template class and is C++ only construct whereas arrays are built-in
language construct and present in both C and C++.
• Size of arrays are fixed whereas the vectors are resizable i.e. they can grow and
shrink as vectors are allocated on heap memory.
• Arrays have to be deallocated explicitly if defined dynamically whereas vectors
are automatically de-allocated from heap memory.
• When arrays are passed to a function, a separate parameter for size is also
passed whereas in case of passing a vector to a function, there is no such need
as vector maintains variables which keeps track of size of container at all times.
• When array becomes full and new elements are inserted; no reallocation is done
implicitly whereas When vector becomes larger than its capacity, reallocation is done
Difference between Vector and List
Insertion and Deletion
Insertion and Deletion in List is very efficient as compared to vector because to
insert an element in list at start, end or middle, internally just a couple of pointers
are swapped.
Whereas, in vector insertion and deletion at start or middle will make all elements
to shift by one. Also, if there is insufficient contiguous memory in vector at the
time of insertion, then a new contiguous memory will be allocated and all
elements will be copied there.
So, insertion and deletion in list is much efficient than vector in C++.
 Random Access:
As List is internally implemented as doubly linked list, therefore no random
access is possible in List. It means, to access 15th element in list we need to
iterate through first 14 elements in list one by one.
Whereas, vector stores elements at contiguous memory locations like an array.
Therefore, in vector random access is possible i.e. we can directly access the 15th
element in vector using operator [] 
Program example 1-vector
#include<iostream> cout<<"size is\t"<<v1.size()<<"\n";
#include<vector> for(int i=0;i<=19;i++)
using namespace std; {
int main() cout<<v1[i]<<"\t";
{ }
vector<int> v1(10); v1.pop_back();
//vector<int>v1; //Zero size vector v1.pop_back();
cout<<"size is\t"<<v1.size()<<"\n"; cout<<"\n New size of the vector:"<<v1.size();
for(int i=0;i<=9;i++) // use iterator to access the values
{ vector<int>::iterator v = v1.begin();
while( v != v1.end())
v1[i]=i; {
} cout << "\nvalue of v = " << *v;
for(int i=10;i<=19;i++)
return 0;
Member functions of vector
• size(): It will give total number of elements in the vector
• erase(): It is used to delete some specific element/ or range of
• begin(): It gives the reference of beginning of vector
• end(): It gives the reference after the last element of vector
• clear():It is used to delete all elements of vector at once
• pop_back(): It is used to delete element from the last only
• push_back():It is used to insert element at the last only
• insert(): It is used to insert element at any given position in the
Program example 2-vector
#include<iostream> v1.insert(i,100);
#include<vector> //v1.erase(v1.begin());
using namespace std;
int main()
{ for(int i=0;i<v1.size();i++)
vector<int> v1(10); {
cout<<"size is\t"<<v1.size()<<"\n"; cout<<v1[i]<<"\t";
for(int i=0;i<=9;i++) }
v1[i]=i; v1.clear();
} cout<<"\n"<<v1.size();
vector<int>:: iterator i=v1.begin(); }
Program example 1-list
#include<iostream> list<int>::iterator p;
using namespace std; cout<<"\n Displaying Second list:";
void display(list<int> &l) display(list2);
{ cout<<"\n Pushing element at front:";
list<int>::iterator p; display(list1);
for(p=l.begin();p!=l.end();p++) cout<<"\n Poping element from front:";
cout<<"\n"<<*p; list2.pop_front();
} display(list2);
cout<<"\nSorting first list:";
int main() list1.sort();
{ display(list1);
list<int> list1; cout<<"\n Sorting second list:";
list<int> list2(5); list2.sort();
for(int i=0;i<3;i++) cout<<"\n Merging list:";
list1.push_back(i); list1.merge(list2);
cout<<"\n Displaying first list:"; display(list1);
display(list1); list1.reverse();
cout<<"\n Reversed merged list";
Member functions of List
• size(): It will give total number of elements in the list
• begin():It gives the reference of beginning of list
• end(): It gives the reference after the last element of list
• push_front():It is used to insert element at front
• pop_front():It is used to delete element from front
• push_back(): It is used to insert element at last
• sort():It is used to arrange the elements in ascending order(by default)
• reverse(): It is used to arrange the elements in reverse order
• merge(): It is used to combine the elements of two lists[After combining the
elements will be sorted in ascending order automatically]
• clear(): It is used to delete all elements of list at once
Associative Containers
• An associative container are designed to support direct access to elements
using keys and they are non-sequential.
– The keys, typically a number or a string, are used by the container to
arrange the stored elements in a specific order, for example in a
dictionary the entries are ordered alphabetically.
– Elements are usually arranged in sorted fashion automatically
• There are 4 types of associative containers:
– Set
– Multiset
– Map
– Multimap
• All these store data in a structure called tree which facilitates fast
searching, deletion and insertion but slow for random access
Associative Containers
• A <set> stores a number of items which contain keys.The keys are the
attributes used to order the items, for example a set might store objects of
the class.
Person which are ordered alphabetically using their name
• A <map> stores pairs of objects: a key object and
an associated value object. A <map> is somehow similar to an array
except instead of accessing its elements with index numbers, you access
them with indices of an arbitrary type.
• <set> and <map> only allow one key of each value[unique], whereas
<multiset> and <multimap> allow multiple identical key values
Derived containers
• The containers derived from different sequence containers.
• Derived containers
– Stacks [LIFO]
– Queues [FIFO]
– Priority Queues[The first element out is always the highest priority
• Also known as container adaptors
• These do not support iterators so can not be used for data
• However , they support two member functions
– pop()
– push()
• Algorithms are the functions that can be used generally across a
variety of containers for processing of their contents.
• Each containers provides functions for basic operations.
• STL provides various standard algorithms to support more
extended or complex operations.
• STL algorithms are not member functions or friends of containers
• These Standard algorithms are standalone templates.
• STL algorithms reinforce the philosophy of reusability.
• include<algorithm>-This header file should be included to use
predefined algorithms

• STL algorithms, based on the nature of operations they perform,

may be categorized as under:
• Non mutating algorithms.
• Mutating algorithms
• Sorting algorithms
• Set algorithms
• Relational algorithms
• Non-mutating algorithms(Non-modifying sequence algorithms)
• for_each() Do specified operation for each element in a sequence
• find() Find the first occurence of a specified value in a sequence
• find_if() Find the first match of a predicate in a sequence
• find_first_of() Find the first occurence of a value from one
sequence in another
• adjacent_find() Find the first occurence of an adjacent pair of
• count() Count occurences of a value in a sequence
• count_if() Count matches of a predicate in a sequence
Mutating algorithms(Modifying sequence operations)

• copy() Copy range of elements

• copy_n()  Copy elements (function template )
• copy_if()  Copy certain elements of range (function template )
• copy_backward()Copy range of elements backward (function template )
• move()  Move range of elements (function template )
• move_backward() Move range of elements backward (function template )
• swap() Exchange values of two objects (function template
• swap_ranges()Exchange values of two ranges (function template )
• iter_swap() Exchange values of objects pointed by two iterators (function template
• transform() Transform range (function template )
• replace() Replace value in range (function template )
• replace_if() Replace values in range (function template )
• replace_copy() Copy range replacing value (function template )
• replace_copy_if() Copy range replacing value (function template )
Mutating algorithms(Modifying sequence operations

• fill() Fill range with value (function template )

• fill_n() Fill sequence with value (function template )
• generate() Generate values for range with function (function template )
• generate_n() Generate values for sequence with function (function template )
• remove() Remove value from range (function template )
• remove_if() Remove elements from range (function template)
• remove_copy()Copy range removing value (function template)
• remove_copy_if()Copy range removing values (function template )
• unique()Remove consecutive duplicates in range (function template)
• unique_copy()Copy range removing duplicates (function template)
• reverse()Reverserange (function template )
• reverse_copy()Copy range reversed (function template )
• rotate() Rotate left the elements in range (function template )
• rotate_copy() Copy range rotated left (function template )
• random_shuffle()Randomly rearrange elements in range (function template)
• shuffle () Randomly rearrange elements in range using generator (function template )
Sorting Algorithms
• sort() Sort elements in range (function template )
• stable_sort Sort elements preserving order of equivalents (function
template )
• partial_sort Partially sort elements in range (function template )
• partial_sort_copy Copy and partially sort range (function template )
• is_sorted Check whether range is sorted (function template )
• is_sorted_until Find first unsorted element in range (function
template )
• nth_elementSort element in range (function template )
Set algorithms

• set_union : Union of two sorted ranges

• set_intersection : Intersection of two sorted ranges
• set_difference : Difference of two sorted ranges
• set_symmetric_difference : Symmetric difference of two sorted
Relational algorithms

for_each()- Program example 1-Algorithm
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void show(int n)
cout << n <<" ";
int main()
int arr[] = { 12, 3, 17, 8 }; // standard C array
vector<int> v(arr, arr+4); // initialize vector with C array
for_each (v.begin(), v.end(), show); // apply function show to each element of
vector v
find ()- Program example 2-Algorithm
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int key;
int arr[] = { 12, 3, 17, 8, 34, 56, 9 }; // standard C array
vector<int> v(arr, arr+7); // initialize vector with C array
vector<int>::iterator iter;
cout << "\nEnter value :";
cin >> key;
iter=find(v.begin(),v.end(),key); // finds integer key in v
if (iter != v.end()) // found the element
cout << "Element " << key << " found" << endl;
cout << "Element " << key << " not in vector v" << endl;
• Iterators are pointer-like entities that are used to access individual elements in a
• Often they are used to move sequentially from element to element, a process
called iterating through a container.

array_ vector<int>::iterator

The iterator corresponding to
12 the class vector<int> is of
the type vector<int>::iterator
size_ 4

• The member functions begin() and end() return an

iterator to the first and past the last element of a container

vector<int> v v.begin()


12 v.end()

size_ 4
• One can have multiple iterators pointing to
different or identical elements in the container

vector<int> v i1
array_ 17



size_ 4
Iterator Categories
• Not every iterator can be used with every container for example the list
class provides no random access iterator
• Every algorithm requires an iterator with a certain level of capability. For
example to use the [] operator you need a random access iterator
• Iterators are divided into five categories in which a higher (more specific)
category always subsumes a lower (more general) category.
Iterators and their characteristics
Iterators for various containers

vector: Random access

list: Bidirectional
deque: Random access
set: Bidirectional
multiset: Bidirectional
map: Bidirectional
multimap: Bidirectional
stack, queue, priority queue: No iterator
Iterators—Program example
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int arr[] = { 12, 3, 17, 8 }; // standard C array
vector<int> v(arr, arr+4); // initialize vector with C array
for (vector<int>::iterator i=v.begin(); i!=v.end(); i++)
// initialize i with pointer to first element of v
// i++ increment iterator, move iterator to next element
cout << *i << " "; // de-referencing iterator returns the
// value of the element the iterator points at
cout << endl;

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