Traffic Studies
Traffic Studies
Traffic Studies
By MS. T. S. Rohilkar
Traffic Studies
Traffic studies are carried out to analyse the traffic characteristics. These
studies helps in deciding the geometric design features traffic control for safe
and efficient traffic movement.
The various traffic survey studies generally carried out are:
• Traffic volume study
• Speed study
• Spot speed study
• Speed and delay study
• Origin and destination study
• Traffic flow characteristics
• Traffic capacity study
• Parking study
• Accident studies
Traffic Volume Study
• It is the number of vehicles crossing a section of road per unit time at
any selected period.
• It is used as a quantity measure of flow: the commonly units are
vehicles/day or vehicles/hour Object and Uses of Traffic Volume Study:
• It is generally accepted as a true measure of the relative importance of
roads and in deciding the priority for improvement and expansion.
• It is used in planning, traffic operation and control of existing facilities
and also for planning the new facilities.
• It is used in the analysis of traffic patterns and trends.
• Useful in structural design of pavement
• Pedestrian traffic volume study is used for planning side walk, cross
walks, subway and pedestrian signals
Computing Desig
Accident rates n
Estimating SCOP
highway use E
traffic improve
managem ment
Main Methods of Counting
• • 1. Direct Method • 2. Indirect Method Manual Counting
Method • 1. Contact System • 2. Contact-less System
Automatic Counting Method
• Manual Method counts are typically used to gather data for
determination of vehicle classification, turning movements,
direction of travel, pedestrian movements, or vehicle occupancy.
Most applications of manual counts require small samples of data at
any given location. Manual counts are sometimes used when the
effort and expense of automated equipment are not justified.
Manual counts are necessary when automatic equipment is not
available. Manual counts are typically used for periods of less than
a day. Normal intervals for a manual count are 5, 10, or 15 minutes.
Traffic counts during a Monday morning rush hour and a Friday
evening rush hour may show exceptionally high volumes and are
not normally used in analysis; therefore, counts are usually
conducted on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday.
Manual Count Recording Methods
• • Tally Sheets
Recording data onto tally sheets is the simplest means of
conducting manual counts. The data can be recorded with a tick
mark on a pre-prepared field form.
A watch or stopwatch is necessary to measure the desired count
Automatic Counting Methods
• An automatic survey involves placing a tube or loop across a
road which is connected to a box containing the means for
storing the information.
• In this method, vehicles are counted automatically without any
human involvement.
• There are two techniques of automatic counting:
a) Contact system based on pneumatic, mechanical, magnetic or
b)Contactless system based on electrical/optical,
ultrasound/infrared radar, micro wave, CCTV/video image
processing method etc.
• The automatic count method provides a means for gathering
large amounts of traffic data. Automatic counts are usually
taken in 1- hour intervals for each 24-hour period. The
counts may extend for a week, month, or year. When the
counts are recorded for each 24-hour time period, the peak
flow period can be identified. Automatic counts are recorded
using one of three methods: portable counters, permanent
counters, and videotape
• Automatic Method Permanent Counters Permanent counters
are used when long-term counts are to be conducted. The
counts could be performed every day for a year or more. The
data collected may be used to monitor and evaluate traffic
volumes and trends over a long period of time. Videotape or
Videography Observers can record count data by videotaping
traffic. Traffic volumes can be counted by viewing videotapes
recorded with a camera at a collection site. A digital clock in
the video image can prove useful in noting time intervals
Bending plate A weight pad attached to a metal plate
embedded in the road to measure axel weight and
speed. It is an expensive device and requires alteration
to the road bed.
Equipment's Used For Automatic
Counting Method:
• 1.Pnematic Tubes
• 2. Weigh-In-Motion Sensor Types
Vehicles counting by video camera
Factors affecting vehicle counting
• Weather conditions.
• Purpose of the traffic counting.
• Method of traffic counting.
• Location of the counting sites.
• Traffic flow level.
• Road type.
• Traffic composition
Presentation of TRAFFIC VOLUME data
• Traffic Flow Maps
Show volume along various routes by using bands proportional to
traffic volume carried. Thickness of lines represent traffic
• Intersection Flow Diagrams
Give direction and volume of traffic through an intersection.
• Trend charts
Shows the hourly , daily or monthly changes in volume through
an area. Useful for planning future expansion, design and
• Annual Average Daily Traffic(AADT)
The total yearly volume divided by number of days in the year.
• Average Daily Traffic(ADT)
The total volume during a given time period, in whole days
greater than one day and less than one year, divided by number of
days in that time period.
Necessity of origin and destination study
and Method
• Necessity
In a transportation study it is often necessary to know the exact origin and
destination of the trip
Origin destination study provide a detailed picture of the trip patterns and travel
choices of city's or region residents.
These surveys collect valuable data related to households, individuals and trips.
This information allows stakeholders to understand travel patterns and
characteristics and to understand trends.
To monitor progress in implementing transportation policies.
To find location of new proposed road.
To locate expressway
To regulate movement of heavy vehicles
To locate new bridge as per traffic demands.
Methods of O and D Study
• Rodeside interview
• License plate mail-out sueveys
• Telephone survey
• Taxi survey
• Post card
• Online survey
• Home interview survey
• GPS receiver
• Tag survey
• Public Transport surveys
• Commercial vehicles surveys
Speed Studies : spot speed studies and it
• Types of speed studies
• Spot speed studies
• Travel time studies
• Speed delay studies