4.4. Water Conservation Laws
4.4. Water Conservation Laws
4.4. Water Conservation Laws
11/12/2022 ENVIRONM
of Nepal 1
• Water conservation means using our limited water supply wisely and caring for
it properly, since each of us depends on water to sustain life.
• In other words, water conservation is not a job that is reserved for scientists,
hydrologists, foresters, wildlife managers, city planners, farmers, or mine
owners. Instead, it is up to each and every one of us to conserve water.
• Water conservation includes all the policies, strategies and activities to
sustainably manage the natural resource of fresh water, to protect the
hydrosphere, and to meet the current and future human demand.
This Act was enacted to make arrangements for the rational utilization,
conservation, management and development of the water resources that are
available in the Nepal in the form of surface water, underground water or in
whatsoever form, and to make timely legal arrangements for determining
beneficial uses of water resources, preventing environmental and other hazardous
effects thereof and also for keeping water resources free from pollution.
• “Water Resources” means the water that is available in Nepal in the form of
surface water, underground water or in whatsoever form.
• “Beneficial Uses” means rational uses of the water resources within the
available means and resources.
• If not satisfied with the decisions then a person can make an appeal
within 35 days of the decision to high court.
• GoN if necessary for the soil and watershed conservation, may declare
any area of Nepal as a conserved watershed area, specifying the borders
thereof, by a Notification in the Nepal Gazette.
• The watershed conservation officer may carry out prescribed activities (section 4).
– To construct, maintain a prevention or control dam, check dam, embankment, terrace improvement,
– To arrange for trial plots and look after and maintain
– To carry out plantation, plant grasses, weeds or other vegetations,
– To conserve, maintain and support the forests, weeds, grasses and other natural vegetations in the
lands where landslide may occurs and in the sloppy lands,
– To do crops and fruits farming,
– To maintain the soil fertility, cleanliness of water and environment in a balanced manner, etc.
• The watershed conservation officer may classify lands as prescribed, within any conserved
watershed area (section 5).
• A person who commits any act in violation of the other sections of this Act or
the Rules shall be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3
months or with a fine not exceeding 5,000/- rupees or both.
• Any tools, four-footed animals, motor vehicles and other goods related with
any offense punishable under this Act shall be confiscated.