29th Sun C
29th Sun C
29th Sun C
The prayer of petition is one of the most common among all
human beings. This is the prayer more easily associated
with the poor and those in need. To humbly ask for the
favors and graces we need can be a beautiful way of
professing our faith in God’s generosity, as well as of
practicing charity when we pray for the needs of others. Our
Lord Jesus Christ took this into account and included a
series of important petitions in the prayer he taught his
disciples. He also taught them to present their requests to
But this type of prayer is also open to many forms of abuse
and exaggeration. It is our duty to align our petitions with the
priorities of the Lord’s Prayer. Concern for God’s glory and
the growth of His Kingdom must come first. We must,
likewise, keep in mind the example of Jesus who subordinated
his petition to the fulfillment of the Father’s will. Once these
conditions are observed, our prayer becomes very powerful,
for it makes us share in God’s omnipotence.
Sign of the cross
Lord God, heavenly Father, we thank You for giving us
Your holy Gospel and for revealing Your love to us. In
Your boundless mercy, help us hold on to this blessed
light of Your Word, and through Your Holy Spirit
govern and guide our hearts, so that we may never stray
from it, but hold fast to it and finally be saved through
Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Invitation to Lectio
Saint Augustine,
pray for us.
Sign of the cross
Sign of peace