Bp220 Report

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FOR BP 220

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Scope of Application

These rules and standards shall apply to the development of

economic and socialized housing projects in urban and rural areas as
defined in Section 2 of BP Blg. 220. They shall apply to the
development of either a house and lot or a house or lot only.

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Declaration of Policies

It is a policy of the government to promote and encourage the

development of economic and socialized housing projects, primarily
by the private sector in order to make available adequate economic
and socialized housing units for average and low income earners in
urban and rural areas.

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Compliance with Standards and Guidelines

Development of economic and socialized housing projects shall be

in accordance with the minimum design standards herein set forth.

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Basis and Objectives of the Minimum Design Standards
A. Protection and safety of life, limb, property and general public welfare.
B. Basic needs of human settlements, enumerated in descending order as follows:
1. Water
2. Movement and circulation
3. Storm drainage
4. Solid and liquid waste disposal
5. Park/playground
The provision of these basic needs shall be based on the actual setting within which the project site is located.

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Basis and Objectives of the Minimum Design Standards
C. Affordability levels of target market
Affordable cost - refers to the most reasonable price of land and shelter based on the needs and
financial capability of Program Beneficiaries and Appropriate Financing Schemes (RA 7279)

D. Location
Both economic and socialized housing projects shall be located within suitable site for housing
and outside potential hazard prone and protection areas.

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Technical Guidelines and Standards for Subdivisions
A. Site Criteria
1. Availability of basic needs
2. Conformity with the Zoning Ordinance or Land Use Plan of the City/Municipality
a. Slope
b. Preservation of Site Assets
c. Ground Cover
3. Physical Suitability
4. Accessibility

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Technical Guidelines and Standards for Subdivisions
B. Planning Considerations
1. Area Planning
2. Site Preservation/Alteration
3. Easements
a. Chapter IV, Section 51 of the Water Code of the Philippines on water bodies
b. National Power Corporation (NPC) on transmission lines
c. Fault traces as identified by PHIVOLCS per Resolution No. 515, series of 1992
d. Right-of-way of other public companies and other entities.
e. For projects abutting national roads (primary roads) adequate easement shall be provided for road including
loading and unloading as may be required by national/local government units.
f. Other related laws
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Technical Guidelines and Standards for Subdivisions
4. Circulation
a. Depending on the classification of roads adjacent to the subdivision and the size of the project site, road network
should result into a hierarchy of functions and should define and serve the subdivisions as one integrated unit.
b. Roads complemented with path walk within the subdivision must be so aligned to facilitate movement within and
in linking the subdivision to the nearest major transportation route and adjacent property. Whenever there is/are
existing roads within the project site which shall be made part of the subdivision, these shall be improved in
accordance with the standards set forth herein.
c. Streets should conform to the contours of the land as much as practicable.
d. Provisions of major street extension for future connection to adjoining developed and/or underdeveloped
properties shall be mandatory and integrated or aligned with existing ones, if any.
e. Streets shall be so laid out to minimize critical intersections such as blind corners, skew junctions, etc.
f. Roads shall conform with civil work design criteria as per Section 10.B.3 of this rules and sound engineering
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Technical Guidelines and Standards for Subdivisions
C. Design Parameters
1. Land Allocation
a. Saleable Areas
b. Non-saleable Areas
b.1. Allocation of Area for Parks and

Table 1: Parks and Playgrounds Allocation

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Technical Guidelines and Standards for Subdivisions
b.2. Area Allocated for Community Facilities

Table 2: Facilities According to the Number of Saleable Lots/ Table 3: Community Facilities
Dwelling Units for Subdivision Projects 1 Hectare and Above Allocation

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Technical Guidelines and Standards for Subdivisions
b.3. Circulation System
a. Observance of the hierarchy of roads within the subdivision.
b. Conformance to natural topography.
c. Consideration for access and safety, e.g., adequate radius, minimum number of roads at intersections,
moderate slope/grade, adequate sight distance, no blind corners, etc.
d. Optimization as to number of lots to lessen area for roads, at the same time enhances community

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Technical Guidelines and Standards for Subdivisions
b.3.1. Hierarchy of Roads b.3.2. Road Right-Of-Way

Table 4: Hierarchy of Roads Table 5: Road Right-of-Way

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Technical Guidelines and Standards for Subdivisions

Figure 2: Setback Requirement Along

Main Public Road
Figure 1: Interconnecting
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Technical Guidelines and Standards for Subdivisions
b.3. Planting Strips
Planting strips as required under PD 953 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations shall be observed in
accordance with the following road specifications:

Table 6: Width of Planting Strips and Sidewalks

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Technical Guidelines and Standards for Subdivisions
b.3.4 Road Pavement
Major, minor roads and motor court for economic and socialized housing projects shall be paved with asphalt with
minimum thickness of 50 millimeters or concrete with minimum thickness of 150 millimeters and a minimum
compressive strength of 20.7 Mpa at 28 days. Sidewalk or alley shall be of macadam finish.

b.3.5 Road Intersection

Roads should intersect at right angles as much as practicable. Multiple intersections along major roads shall be
minimized. Distance between offset intersections should not be less than 20 meters from corner to corner.
Road intersections shall be provided with adequate curb radii consistent with sound engineering principles.

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Technical Guidelines and Standards for Subdivisions
b.3.6 Road Grade/Slope
Crown of the roads shall have a slope of not less than
1.5 to 9 percent. Grades and vertical curbs shall
conform to the design requirements of the Department of
Public Works and
Highways (DPWH).

Figure 3: Road Grade (Slope)

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Technical Guidelines and Standards for Subdivisions
2. Lot Requirement
a. Lot Planning
a.1 A lot shall be served by an independent access either by a road, motor court, or path walk. Path walk shall have a
maximum length of 60 meters intended only as pedestrian access to property for socialized housing projects.
a.2 Deep lots and irregularly shaped lots shall be avoided.
a.3 Whenever possible, lot frontage elevation shall be at street level.
a.4 Lots shall be protected against physical hazards. No lot shall be laid out where potential risks exist (e.g. erosion, slides,
flooding, fault lines, etc.)
a.5 Lots shall be protected against non-conforming uses and/or other risks through the provision of adequate buffer strips,
protective walls, and roads or other similar devices. RIGHT OF WAY 13
a.6 Lot shall be so laid out that administrative boundaries, water courses/drainage ways utility lines do not bisect the lots.

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Technical Guidelines and Standards for Subdivisions
b. Minimum Lot Area
The minimum lot area of various types of housing for
economic and socialized housing project shall be as

Table 7: Minimum Lot

c. Lot Frontages
The minimum lot frontages for various types of housing
both for economic and socialized housing projects shall
be as follows:

Table 8: Minimum Lot
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Technical Guidelines and Standards for Subdivisions
3. Length of Block
Maximum block length is 400 meters. However, block length exceeding 250 meters shall already be provided
with a 2-meter alley approximately at midlength.
4. Shelter Component
a. Floor Area Requirement The minimum floor area requirement for single-family dwelling shall be 22 square
meters for economic housing and 18 square meters for socialized housing.
b. Minimum Level of Completion The minimum level of completion for economic housing shall be complete
house based on the submitted specifications. For socialized housing project, it shall be shell house with doors
and windows to enclose the unit. Provision of firewall shall be mandatory for duplex and single-attached units
and at every unit for row houses.

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Technical Guidelines and Standards for Subdivisions
5. Setback/Yard
The minimum setback of dwelling unit both for economic and socialized housing project shall be as follows:

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Technical Guidelines and Standards for Subdivisions

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Technical Guidelines and Standards for Subdivisions

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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
A. Single-Family Dwelling (Applicable for both Economic and Socialized Housing)
1. Lot Planning
a. Access to the Property
Direct access to the single-family dwelling shall be provided by means of an abutting public street or path walk.
However, path walk shall only be allowed as pedestrian access to property for Socialized Housing projects.
b. Access to the Dwelling Unit
An independent means of access to the dwelling unit shall be provided without trespassing adjoining properties.
Acceptable means of access to the rear yard of the dwelling unit shall be provided without passing through any other
dwelling unit or any other yard.
c. Open Space Requirements
Open spaces shall be located totally or distributed anywhere within the lot in such a manner as to provide maximum light
and ventilation into the building.
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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
d. Sizes and Dimensions of Courts or Yards
The minimum horizontal dimension of courts and yards shall not be less than 2.0 meters. All inner
courts shall be connected to a street or yard, either by a passageway with a minimum width of 1.20
meters or by a door through a room or rooms.
Every court shall have a width of not less than 2.0 meters for one and two storey buildings. However,
this may be reduced to not less than 1.50 meters in cluster living units such as quadruplexes, row
houses and the like, one or two stories in height with adjacent courts with an area of not less than 3
square meters.
Provided, further, that the separation walls or fences, if any, shall not be higher than 2.0 meters.
Irregularly shaped lots such as triangular lots and the like whose courts may also be triangular in
shape may be exempted from having a minimum width of 2.0 meters, provided that no side thereof
shall be less than 3.0 meters.

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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
e. Abutments
Abutments on the side and rear property lines may be allowed provided the following requirements shall be
complied with:
1. Open space as prescribed in the table below: 2. Window opening as prescribed in number 2.C.2
3. Firewall shall have a minimum of one-hour fire
resistive rating.

Table 9: Private Open Space Requirements

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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
2. Building Design Standards (Applicable for both Economic and Socialized Housing)
Spaces within the dwelling structures shall be distributed in an economical, efficient and practical manner so as to
afford the maximum living comfort 24 and convenience and to insure health and safety among the occupants. It
shall provide complete living facilities for one family including provisions for living, sleeping, laundry, cooking,
eating, bathing and toilet facilities.
1. Minimum ceiling height for habitable rooms shall be
measured from the finished floor line to the ceiling line.
Where ceilings are not provided, a minimum headroom
clearance of 2.0 meters shall be provided.
29 Figure 4: Minimum Ceiling
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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
2. Mezzanine floors shall have a clear ceiling height of not less than 1.80 meters above and below it,
provided that it shall not cover 50% of the floor area below it.

Figure 5: Mezzanine Floor

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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
1. Doors
a. A minimum of one entrance/exit shall be provided where the number of occupants is not more than 10 and 2
entrances/exits where the number of occupants is greater than 10.
b. Doors shall have a minimum clear height of 2.0 meters. Except for bathroom and mezzanine doors which shall
have a minimum clear height of 1.80 meters.
c. Minimum clear widths of doors shall be as follows:

31 Figure 6: Door
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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
2. Windows
a. Rooms for habitable use shall be provided with windows with a total free area of openings equal to at least
10% of the floor area of the room.
b. Bathrooms shall be provided with window/s with an area not less than 1/20 of its floor area.
c. Required windows may open into a roofed porch where the porch:
c.1 abuts court, yard, public street or alley, or open water course and other public open spaces;
c.2 has a ceiling height of not less than 2.0 meters.

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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
3. Interior Stairs
The stairs shall ensure structural safety for ascent and descent, even in extreme cases of emergency. It shall afford
adequate headroom and space for the passage of furniture.
a. Width. Stairways shall have a minimum clear width of 0.60 meter.
b. Riser and Run. Stairs shall have a maximum riser height of 0.25 meter and a minimum tread width of 0.20
meter. Stair treads shall be exclusive of nosing and/or other projections.
c. Headroom Clearance. Stairs shall have a minimum headroom clearance of 2.0 meters. Such clearance shall be
established by measuring vertically from a place parallel and tangent to the stairway tread moving to the soffit
above all points.
d. Landings. Every landing shall have a dimension measured in the direction of travel equal to the width of the
stairway. Maximum height between landing shall be 3.60 meters.

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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
e. Handrails. Stairways shall have at least one handrail on one side provided there is a guard or wall on the other
side. However, stairways with less than 4 risers need not have handrails, and stairs with either a guard or wall on
one end need not be provided with a handrail on that end.
f. Guard and Handrail Details. The design of guards and handrails and hardware for attaching handrails to
guards, balusters of masonry walls shall be such that these are made safe and convenient.
f.1. Handrails on stairs shall not be less than 0.80 meter or more than 1.20 meters above the upper surface of the
tread, measured vertically to the top of the rail from the leading edge of the tread.
f.2. Handrails shall be so designed as to permit continuous sliding of hands on them and shall be provided with a
minimum clearance of 38 millimeters from the wall to which they are fastened.
f.3. The height of guards shall be measured vertically to the top guard from the leading edge of the tread or from
the floor of landings. It shall not be less than 0.80 meter and no more than 1.20 meters. Masonry walls may be
used for any portion of the guard.

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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
g. Winding and Circular Stairways. Winding and circular stairways may be used if the required width of run is
provided at a point not more than 300 millimeters from the side of the stairway where the treads are narrower but
in no case shall any width of run be less than 150 milimeters at any point. The maximum variation in the height
of risers and the width of treads in any one flight shall be 5 milimeters.
h. Ladders. The use of ladders may be allowed
provided that the maximum distance between
landings shall be 1.80 meters.

Figure 7: Winding and Circular Stairways

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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
Roofing material that is impervious to water shall be provided.
There shall be provided at least one light outlet and one convenience outlet per activity area.
Whenever a dwelling abuts on a property line, a firewall shall be required. The firewall shall be of masonry
construction, at least 150 millimeters or 6 inches thick and extend vertically from the lowest portion of the wall
adjoining the living units up to a minimum height of 0.30 meter above the highest point of the roof attached to it.
The firewall shall also extend horizontally up to a minimum distance of 0.30 meter beyond the outermost edge of
the abutting living units. A firewall shall be provided for duplex/single-attached units and at every unit for row
houses. No openings whatsoever shall be allowed except when the two abutting spaces of 2 adjacent living units
are unenclosed or partially open, e.g. carports, terraces, patios, etc.; instead, a separation wall shall be required.
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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
Ceiling should be compartmentalized and
should not be continuous from one living unit to another.

37 Figure 8: Firewall for Dwelling Units on Property

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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
B. Multi-Family Dwellings and Condominiums (Applicable for both Economic and Socialized
1. Lot Planning
a. Access to the property. Direct vehicular access to the property shall be provided by means of an abutting
improved public street.
b. Access to the dwelling. An independent means of access shall be provided to each dwelling, or group of
dwellings in a single plot, without trespassing adjoining properties. Each dwelling must be capable of
maintenance without trespassing adjoining units. Utilities and service facilities must be independent for each
dwelling unit. Each dwelling unit shall be provided with a sanitary means for the removal of garbage and trash.
c. Access to living units. An independent means of access to each living units shall be provided without passing
through any yard of a living unit or any other yard.

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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
d. Non-residential use. Portions of the property may be designed for nonresidential use provided the type of non-
residential use is harmonious or compatible with the residential character of the property. Some examples of
allowable non-residential uses are private clinic/office, garages, and carports. The computation of the non-
residential area shall include hallways, corridors or similar spaces which serve both residential and nonresidential

Figure 8: Non - Residential Use

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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
e. Cooperative store, and structures for the homeowners’ association. Any non-residential use of any portion
of the property shall be subordinate to the residential use and character of the property. The floor area authorized
for non-residential use, whether in the principal dwelling structure or in any accessory building, shall not exceed
25% of the total residential area. 30
f. Open Space Requirements. Portions of the property shall be devoted to open space to provide adequate light,
ventilation and fire safety.
1. Setbacks from the property line shall be maintained, the minimum of which shall be the following:

Table 10: Minimum Setbacks per

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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
2. Distance between buildings shall also be adequately maintained to ensure light and ventilation. In general, the
minimum distance between 2 buildings in which the taller buildings does not exceed 2 storeys shall be 4.0 meters.
And the minimum horizontal clearance between the two roof eaves shall be 1.50 meters.

Figure 9: Distance Between 2-Storey

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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
The minimum distance between two buildings wherein the taller building has 3 or 4 storeys, shall be 6.0 meters.
And the minimum horizontal clearance between the two roof eaves shall be 2.0 meters.

Figure 10: Distance Between 3 - Storey

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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
The minimum distance between buildings with more than 4 storeys shall be 10 meters. The minimum horizontal
clearance shall be 6.0 meters. Except, however, in cases when the two sides of the buildings facing each other are
blank walls, i.e., either there are no openings or only minimal openings for comfort rooms, the minimum distance
between the buildings shall be 2.0 meters. And the horizontal clearance between the roof eaves shall be 1.0 meter.

Figure 11: Distance Between Blank Walls of

Two Buildings
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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
In the measurement of distance between two buildings, measurement shall be made where the distance between
the two buildings is shortest.

Figure 12: Measurement of Distance Between

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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
g. Parking Requirements. For multi-
family dwellings and condominiums, the
parking requirement shall be one (1)
parking slot per eight (8) living units. The
size of an average automobile (car) parking
slot must be computed at 2.5 meters by 5.0
meters for perpendicular or diagonal
parking and at 2.15 meters by 6.0 meters for
parallel parking. The driveway may be used
as parking area provided that the minimum
right-of-way shall be maintained.

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Building Design Standards and Guidelines

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Building Design Standards and Guidelines

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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
2. Building Design Standards
a. Living Units In general, all building design standards for the single-family dwelling shall apply to all living
units of multi-family dwellings, except that, the minimum floor area of a living unit in multi-family dwellings
shall be 22 square meters for economic housing and 18 square meters for socialized housing. For BP 220
condominium projects, the minimum floor area shall be 18 square meters.
b. Exits, Corridors, Exterior Exit Balconies and Common Stairways Standards for exits, corridors, exterior
balconies and common stairways shall conform with the provisions of the National Building Code of the
Philippines and its Implementing Rules and Regulations as well as Section 3.1007 of the Implementing Rules and
Regulations of the Fire Code of the Philippines (Annex 1).
Automatic fire alarm suppression system should be provided for structure more than 15 meters in height.

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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
c. Utilities and Services
To ensure healthful and livable conditions in the project, basic utilities and services shall be provided, the minimum requirements of
which shall be:
1.Water Supply
Water supply shall be potable and adequate in amount; a main service connection and a piping system with communal faucets to
serve the common areas like the garden, driveways, etc. shall be provided. Pipes branching out from the main water line shall
service the individual units which shall be provided with individual water meters.
2. Power Supply/Electrical Service
If available in the vicinity, a main power service shall be provided with a main circuit to service common lighting as well as
common power needs of the dwellings. Like the water system, however, branch circuits with separate meters shall service the
individual living units.
3. Drainage System
Surface run-offs shall be channeled to appropriate repositories.
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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
4. Sewage Disposal System
Sewage disposal may be accomplished by any of the following means:
a. discharge to an existing public sewerage system 36
b. treatment in a community disposal plant or communal septic tank
c. treatment in individual septic tanks with disposal by absorption field or leaching pit
5. Garbage Disposal System
Adequate services for the regular collection and disposal of garbage and rubbish shall be in compliance with
applicable local ordinances.

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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
6) Elevator Requirements (If Applicable)
Provision of elevators shall be required for buildings 6 storeys and beyond. The same shall conform with the
plans and specifications of the duly licensed design architect/engineer who shall determine the requirement for
elevators including the number of cars, capacity, safety features and standards, elevator type, speed and location
in relation to the over all design and use of the building. The design architect/engineer shall certify under oath
that all components thereof are in accordance with the National Building Code of the Philippines, Accessibility
Law, National Industry Standards and other pertinent laws. Compliance to the provisions of the Fire Code of the
Philippines shall be mandatory.

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Building Design Standards and Guidelines
3. General Construction Requirements
a. Structural Requirements. All construction shall conform with the provisions of the latest edition of the
Philippine Structural Code.
b. Electrical Requirements. All electric systems, equipment and installation shall conform with the provisions of
the latest edition of the Philippine Electrical Code and the requirements of the electric utility that serves the
c. Sanitary Requirements. All sanitary systems, equipment and installation shall conform with the provisions of
the latest edition of Sanitation Code of the Philippines and its Implementing Rules and Regulations and National
Plumbing Code.
d. Construction Materials. The use of indigenous materials for site development and construction of dwellings
shall be encouraged, as long as these are in conformity with the requirements of these Rules and ensures a
building life span of at least 25 years, or in correspondence to loan terms payment.

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Variances from these standards and requirements may be granted pursuant to the
conditions stipulated in Board Resolution No. R-97, series of 1982 (Annex 2) under
strict observance hereof will cause unnecessary hardship to the case of regional
considerations/characteristics, peculiarities of the location and other relevant factors.


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