Rec Selection Chapter-2
Rec Selection Chapter-2
Rec Selection Chapter-2
Factors Affecting Human Resource Planning:
1.Size of recruiting
An organization with one hundred thousand employees will find
recruiting less problematic than an organization with just one hundred
2.Cost of recruiting
They are calculated per new hire and the figure is considerably high
nowadays. Recruiters must, therefore, operate within the budgets.
Therefore careful HR Planning and forethought by recruiters can
minimize recruitment costs. Evaluating the quality, quantity and costs of
recruitment helps ensure that it is efficient and cost-effective.
3.Growth and expansion
Finally an organization registering growth and expansion will have
more recruiting on hand than the one which finds its fortune declining.
Factors Affecting Human Resource Planning:
4.Technological Changes:
The high degree planning is required to match the global
technological changes in the production techniques,
managerial methods and marketing strategies.
5.Lead Time:
It is gestation period for the employees to learn and
implement new production and managerial techniques in the
organization. Manpower planning may decrease the lead time
by proper coordination of the training and development
2.Recruitment Planning
• Recruitment planning is the first step of the recruitment
process, where the vacant positions are analyzed and
described. It includes job specifications and its nature,
experience, qualifications and skills required for the job, etc.
• A structured recruitment plan is mandatory to attract potential
candidates from a pool of candidates. The potential candidates
should be qualified, experienced with a capability to take the
responsibilities required to achieve the objectives of the
organization •
3.Organizational Structure
• An organizational structure is the number of employees working at
different levels depending on their responsibilities, power, and
position. It helps various departments in a company exchange data,
coordinate, and work together to achieve business goals.
• A company devises an organizational structure to ensure that
suitable employees with the right set of skills occupy each position
in the company.
• The organizational structure reveals the accountability and
authority of each role. This removes any uncertainty with regard to
task performance and reporting and enhances employee
• Source:
Organizational Structure
Source: structure-3.png
• The Octavo Shipping company divides its operational areas
into the western, northern, eastern, and southern divisions
to monitor and control the business properly. Each division
has separate accounts and finance, human resources,
marketing, and operations departments. Each division makes
its own operational decisions.
• Prepare an organizational structure for this organization .
4. Identifying Vacancy
The first and foremost process of recruitment plan is
identifying the vacancy. This process begins with receiving the
requisition for recruitments from different department of the
organization to the HR Department, which contains
• Number of posts to be filled
• Number of positions
• Duties and responsibilities to be performed
• Qualification and experience required
4. Identifying Vacancy
When a vacancy is identified, it is the responsibility of the •
sourcing manager to ascertain whether the position is required or
.not, permanent or temporary, full-time or part-time, etc
5.Job Analysis
• Job analysis is a process of identifying, analyzing, and
determining the duties, responsibilities, skills, abilities, and
work environment of a specific job. These factors help in
identifying what a job demands and what an employee must
possess in performing a job productively.
• Job analysis helps in understanding what tasks are important and
how to perform them. Its purpose is to establish and document
the job relatedness of employment procedures such as
selection, training, compensation, and performance appraisal.
• The immediate products of job analysis are job descriptions and
job specifications.
5.Job Analysis
The following steps are important in analyzing a job:
• Recording and collecting job information
• Accuracy in checking the job information
• Generating job description based on the information
• Determining the skills, knowledge and skills, which are
required for the job
Reference source:
6.Job Description
• Job description is an important document, which is
descriptive in nature and contains the final statement of the
job analysis. This description is very important for a
successful recruitment process.
• Job description provides information about the scope of job
roles, responsibilities and the positioning of the job in the
organization. And this data gives the employer and the
organization a clear idea of what an employee must do to
meet the requirement of his job responsibilities.
Importance of job descriptions
Job descriptions improve an organization’s ability to manage people and roles in the
following eight ways:
Importance of job descriptions
Characteristics of a Good Job Description
A good job description must be:
• It should contain major job/tasks to do the job
• It must contain the major responsibilities
• It should contain the reporting system
• It must be Brief and concise
• Covers a list of 8-15 short sentences of the main responsibilities
If you need to re-write job descriptions (or your own job
description) then structure it in terms of main responsibilities -
not the detail.
The main content of a job description it usually consist of following details or data.
Job Description: A statement containing items such as
1. Job title / Job identification / organization position /• Location
2. Job summary
3. Duties
4. Machines, tools and equipment
5. Materials and forms used
6. Supervision given or received
7. Working conditions
8. Hazards
Source :
Source :
7.Job Specification
• Job specification focuses on the specifications of the candidate,
whom the HR team is going to hire. The first step in job
specification is preparing the list of all jobs in the organization
and its locations. The second step is to generate the information
of each job.
• It tells that what kind of person to recruit and also under what
qualities that person should be tested. Job Specification
translates the job description into terms of the human
qualifications, which are required for performance of a job. They
are intended to serve as a guide in hiring and job evaluation.
7.Job Specification
• Job specification is a written statement of qualifications,
traits, physical and mental characteristics that an individual
must possess to perform the job duties and discharge
responsibilities effectively.
• In this, job specification usually developed with the co-
operation of personnel department and various department
heads in the whole organization.
Job Specification Information: -
Job Specification Information: -
1.Physical specifications: - Physical specifications include the physical qualifications or
physical capacities that vary from job to job. Physical qualifications or capacities Include
physical features like height, weight, chest, vision, hearing, ability to lift weight, ability to
carry weight, health, age, capacity to use or operate machines, tools, equipment etc.
Job Specification Information: -
3.Emotional and social specifications: - Emotional and social specifications
are more important for the post of managers, supervisors, foremen etc.
These include emotional stability, flexibility, social adaptability in human
relationships, personal appearance including dress, posture etc.
Job Specification Information: -
Source :
Uses of job description and job specification:
The job description and job specification are used in the following areas:
1) Recruitment and selection, where it is provided a basis for a specification of what the
company is looking for.
2) Training, where by means of skills and task analysis it produces training specifications which
set out training needs and are used to prepare training programmes.
3) Job evaluation, where by means of whole job or factor comparison, job descriptions can be
compared and decisions made on the relative position of a job in the hierarchy.
4) Performance appraisal, where the job description resulting from job analysis is used to decide
on the objectives and standards the job holder should reach against which his or her performance
will be measured.
8.Job Evaluation
• According to Wendell French “Job evaluation is a process of
determining the relative worth of various jobs within the
organisation, so that different wages may be paid to jobs of
different worth”.
• According to Dale Yoder “Job evaluation is a practice which
seeks to provide a degree of objectivity in measuring the
organisation value of jobs within organisation and among
similar organisations”
Job classification
Example-1 Example-2
Job Evaluation
Objectives of job evaluation
1. Establish a standard procedure for determining the relative
worth of each job in an organization;
2. Determine the rate of pay for each job which is fair and
equitable with relation to other jobs in the plant, community
or industry;
Objectives of job evaluation
Advantages of job evaluation
According to the International Labour Organization, job •
evaluation offers the following advantages
It is job evaluation helps in rating all the jobs in the.1 •
organization and determining the wages and salary and also
.removing ambiguity in them
Job evaluation rates the job, not the workers..2 •
.Organizations have large number of jobs with specializations
By eliminating wage differentials within the organization,.3 •
job evaluation helps in minimizing conflict between labour
unions and management and, in turn, helps in promoting
.harmonious relations between them
Advantages of job evaluation
The information generated by job evaluation may also be used.4 •
for improvement of selection, transfer and promotion procedures
.on the basis of comparative job requirements
Limitations/Drawbacks of job evaluation
Case Study-1
• Suggest here different steps that ABC Systems can utilize to resolve
its problems.
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