Report Writing Presentation
Report Writing Presentation
Report Writing Presentation
Define a report
Formal report
A formal report is one which is prepared in a prescribed form and is presented in
the proper way to the prescribed authority.
• The formal report is the collection and interpretation of data and
• The formal report is complex and used at an official level.
• It is often a written account of a major project or event.
• Examples of subject matter include new technologies, the feasibility of
launching a new project line, results of a study or experiment, an annual
report, or a year old review of developments in the field.
Report Writing
Once one is clear about the purpose of the report, there is need to begin gathering relevant
information. The information may come from a variety of sources, but how much
information the writer needs will depend on how much detail is required in the report. One
may want to begin by reading relevant literature to widen understanding of the topic or
issue before going on to look at other forms of information such as questionnaires and
survey. As one reads and gathers information he/she needs to assess its relevance to the
report and select accordingly. There is need to keep referring to the report brief to help
decide what is relevant information. Citing sources such as articles, case studies and
interviews helps solidify the report.
Stage 3: Organizing and analyzing the material.
Having organized your material into appropriate sections and headings you can begin to write
the first draft of your report. You may find it easier to write the summary and contents page at
the end when you know exactly what will be concluded.
Report Writing
This part summarizes the ground covered in the body of the report
so that anyone wanting a quick review about what the report is
about will have something. It should enable the reader to make an
informed decision about whether they want to read the whole report.
The summary must include the aims of the report, the depth of the
study that went into research and whether the objective has been
achieved. It must not introduce any aspects not included in the
report body.
Table of contents
This sets the scene for the main body of the report. The aims and
objectives of the report should be explained in full. Its length
depends upon the targeted reader’s existing knowledge on the
subject being reported on. The introduction can be used to provide
the necessary background information like the sequence of events
leading to the problem. It should also outline the scope of the report
especially for longer reports. It can also give a description of the
research methods.
The main body is where discussion of the main material takes place.
The facts gathered should be analyzed and discussed with specific
reference to the problem or issue. Use of subheadings to create a
clear structured is recommended if the report is lengthy. Points
should be grouped and arranged in an order that is logical and easy
to follow