2ادارة الاغذية والمشروبات
2ادارة الاغذية والمشروبات
2ادارة الاغذية والمشروبات
الوحدة االولى
Food and beverage
management concept and
Food & Beverage (F&B) Management is a
segment of the hospitality industry that
focuses on operations in restaurants, hotels,
resorts, catering companies, hospitals, hotels,
and more
The food and beverage department holds the
responsibility for maintaining high standards of
food and service, costing of the food, and
maintenance of bar and restaurant. With fast-
changing customer demands and strict health
regulations, the importance of the handling
processes for food and beverage plays a vital
Size and scope of food and
beverage operations
Food & Beverage Manager
• External influence
• Internal influence
External influence
.1األنظمة الحكومية واالحداث السياسية:
• باالسم.
• نوعية الطعم المقدم ( برجر ,دجاج ,بيتزا ,مشاوي ،المطاعم
• تصنيف" حسب طبيعة اإلدارة او العمل ( business format
مطعم بإدارة شخصية ,مطاعم السالسل ,حقوق االمتياز )