Free Convection
Free Convection
Free Convection
Basic Definitions
Buoyancy effect:
Film temperature( Tf): averaged boundary layer temperature Tf=1/2(Ts+T )=50 C.
kf=0.03 W/m.K, Pr=0.7, =210-5 m2/s, =1/Tf=1/(273+50)=0.0031(1/K)
g (TS T ) L3 (9.8)(0.0031)(100 0)(0.1) 3 6
Ra 2
Pr 5 2
(0.7) 7.6 10 .
(2 10 )
0.387 Ra1/ 6 2
NuD {0.6 9 /16 8 / 27
} 26.0 (equation 11.15 in Table 11.1)
[1 (0.559 / Pr) ]
kf 0.03
h NuD (26) 7.8(W / m 2 K )
D 0.1
q hA(TS T ) (7.8)( )( 0.1)(1)(100 0) 244.9(W )
Can be significant if the pipe are long.