Early Childhood
Early Childhood
Early Childhood
(The Preschooler,
3-5 years of age.)
Big ideas about the Physical Development of Preschoolers
4. Proper nutrition and the right amount of sleep are very important for the
5. Caregivers and teachers can do a lot in maximizing the growth and development of
6. Preschoolers with special needs in inclusive classrooms cam thrive well with the
appropriate adaptations made in the classrooms, materials and activities.
Significant Changes in
Physical Growth
● Physical growth increases in the preschool years, although it is much
slower in pace than in infancy and toddlerhood. At around 3 years of
age, preschoolers move.
Stage 3. Schematic stage. More elaborate scenes are depicted. Children usually
draw from experience and exposure. Drawings may include houses, trees, the
sun and sky and people. Initially, they may appear floating in air but eventually
drawings appear to follow a ground line.
Cognitive Development
Preschoolers Symbolic and Intuitive Thinking
● Symbolic stage- being able to draw objects that are not present, by their
dramatic increase in their language and make-believe play.
For Piaget, private speech is egocentric and immature, but for Vygotsky it is an
important tool of thought during early childhood. Full cognitive development
requires social interaction and language.
Vygotsky asserted that preschool children are unable to achieve their highest
cognitive development (language development included) on their own and that
they can improve their cognitive development through use of scaffolding from
more-skilled children and adults.
He introduced the term Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) to refer
to tasks too difficult for a child to master alone but can be mastered
with the guidance and assistance of adults or more skilled children
(Santrock, 2002).
But one deficit in attention during preschool years is that attention is focused only on
aspects that stand out at the expense of those that are relevant to solving a problem to
performing well on a task Preschool children recognize previously encountered
information, recall old information, and reconstruct it in the present .
She will be able to. Among the interesting questions about memory in the preschool years
are those involving short-term memory In short-term memory (STM) information for up to
15-30 seconds, assuming there is no rehearsal, which can help keep information in STM for
a much longer period (Santrock, 2002).
Socio-emotional Development
Preschoolers' Initiative Erikson's view of initiative
aptly portrays the emotional and social changes
that happen during the preschool years.
Preschoolers deal with the psychological conflict
of initiative versus guilt. Initiative, the tendency of
preschoolers to want to take action and assert
2. Onlooker. The child spends time watching others play. He may talk to them but does not
enter into play with them.
4. Parallel Play. The child plays with toys similar to those near him, but only plays
beside and not with them. No interaction takes place.
5. Associate Play. the child plays with others. There is interaction among them,
but no task assignment, rules, and organization are agreed upon.
6. Cooperative. The child plays with others bound by some agreed rules and roles.
Caregiving Styles
● Caregiving styles affect the socio-emotional development of the children. Caregivers
here refer to both parents and teachers and even other adults that care for the child.
Baumrind gave a model that describes the different types of caregiving styles.