Mba 405 Unit - 3
Mba 405 Unit - 3
Mba 405 Unit - 3
Reference Books:
2. Pattanayak, B. (2018). Human Resource Management. Delhi.
Prentice hall of India.15th Ed.
3. Rastogi, S. Management of Human Resource. Sun India.
Simple pricing involves charging what competitors charge for similar goods and services. This strategy is
often used by retailers and wholesalers selling commodities. Companies that make simple pricing
decisions often try to increase sales by making small, competitive adjustments such as purchase
discounts, volume discounts and purchase allowances.
Complex pricing is based on the originality of a product or service and what customers are willing to
pay for it. This type of pricing is determined through negotiation with the customer and is common for
custom furniture, artworks and consulting services.
BBA303, Human Resource Management 8
pricing environment
Price environments are either market-controlled,
company-controlled or government controlled. A
market-controlled environment shows a higher level of
competition with similar products and little price control
by individual companies
BBA303, Human Resource Management
Pricing paradox
A paradox is a perception that many may classify as being contradictory or
absurd. If a statement is false it true, and if a statement is true it has to in turn be
false. For an example; No one frequents that restaurant because it is always busy.
This sentence is a paradox because if no one frequent the said restaurant how
can it always be busy? The pricing paradox belief is when you lower the price,
more people will buy your service or product.