CE-226: Surveying – I
Lecture # 01
Associate Professor
t of Nasim
Civil EAyub
ngineering UET
eshaw ar , Peshawar
Topics to be Covered
3. Instruments used
Introduction to land surveying
1. Introduction to land surveying
Surveying is the art/science/technique
for determining the relative positions of
different features on, above or beneath
the surface of the earth by means of
direct or indirect measurements and
finally representing them on a sheet of
paper called Plan or Map.
Uses of Surveying
1. To prepare a
topographical map which
shows hills, valleys, rivers,
forests, villages, towns etc.
Uses of Surveying
2. To prepare a cadastral
map which shows the
boundaries of fields, plots,
houses and other
Uses of Surveying
3. To prepare an engineering map which shows the position of
engineering works such as buildings, roads, railways, dams, canals.
4. To prepare a contour map to know the topography of the area to find out the
best possible site for roads, railways, bridges, reservoirs, canals, etc.
Uses of Surveying
6. For setting out work and transferring details from the map on the ground.
Fundamental Principles of Surveying
According to the first principle, the whole survey area is first enclosed by main
stations (i.e.. Control stations) and main survey lines. The area is then divided
into a number of divisions by forming well conditioned triangles.
Fundamental Principles of Surveying
1. Plane Surveying
The plane surveying is that type of surveying in which earth surface is
considered as a plane and the curvature of the earth is ignored. In such
surveying a line joining any two stations is considered to be straight.
The triangle formed by any three points is considered as a plane
triangle, and the angles of the triangle are considered as plain angles.
Plane Surveying is carried out for a small area of less than 250 km2. The
degree of accuracy required in this type of surveying is comparatively
Primary Classification of Surveying
2. Geodetic Surveying
The geodetic Surveying is that type of surveying in which the curvature
of the earth is taken into account. It is generally extended over larger
The line joining any two stations is considered as curved line. The
triangle formed by any three points is considered to be spherical and
the angles of the triangle are considered to be spherical angles.
Geodetic surveying is conducted for a larger area exceeding 250 km2
Difference between Plane & Geodetic Surveying
a. Triangulation
Triangulation is basic method of surveying, when the area to be surveyed is large,
triangulation is adopted. The entire area is divided into network of triangles.
b. Traversing
A Traversing is a circuit of survey lines. It may be open or closed. When the linear
measurements are done with a chain and a tape and the directions or horizontal
angles are measured with a compass or a theodolite respectively the survey is
called traversing.
Secondary Classification of Surveying
Fig: Triangulation
Fig: Traversing
Secondary Classification of Surveying
3) Mine Surveys for exploring mineral wealth such as gold, coal, etc.
4) Military Surveys for determining points of strategic importance both offensive and
Geological Map Archaeological Map
Secondary Classification of Surveying
1) Land Surveying: Land Survey is done on land to prepare plan and maps of a given area. It is further subdivided
into following types:
a) Topographical Surveys: This consists of horizontal and vertical location of certain points by linear and angular
measurements and is made to determine the natural features of a country such as rivers, streams, lakes, woods,
hills, etc., and such artificial features as roads, railways, canals, towns and villages .
b) Cadastral Surveys: Cadastral surveys are made incident to the fixing of property lines, the calculation of land
area, or the transfer of land property from one owner to another. They are also made to fix the boundaries of
municipalities and of State and Federal jurisdictions.
c) City Surveying: They are made in connection with the construction of streets, water supply systems, sewers
and other works.
Secondary Classification of Surveying
d) Engineering Survey: This is undertaken for the determination of quantities or to afford sufficient data
for the designing of engineering works such as roads and reservoirs, or those connected with sewage
disposal or water supply. Engineering survey is further subdivided into:
i. Reconnaissance Surveys (Reconnoitre) primary investigation for determining the feasibility and rough cost
of the schemes.
ii. Preliminary (data collection) Surveys for collecting more precise data to choose the best location for the
work and to estimate the exact quantities and costs.
iii. Location Surveys for setting out the work on the ground.
Topographical Maps
Cadastral Map
Engineering Map
Secondary Classification of Surveying
a. Chain Survey
b. Compass Survey
c. Chain and Compass Survey
d. Plane Table Survey
e. Theodolite Survey
f. Tachometry Survey
g. Levelling Survey
h. Photogrammetric Survey
i. EDM (Electronic Distance Measurement) Survey
Classification of Surveying Based on Instruments
Chain Survey
Chain Surveying is the simplest type of surveying in which only linear measurement are made
with a chain or a tape. Angular measurement are not taken
Classification of Surveying Based on Instruments
Compass Survey
Classification of Surveying Based on Instruments
Plane Table Surveying
Plane Table Surveying is a graphical method of surveying in which field works and plotting
both are done simultaneously
Classification of Surveying Based on Instruments
Theodolite Survey
Theodolite Surveying in which the horizontal angles are measured with a theodolite more precisely than
compass and the linear measurements are made with a chain or a tape.
Classification of Surveying Based on Instruments
Tachometry Survey; is a method of angular surveying in which the horizontal
distance from the instrument to the staff stations are determined from
instrumental observations only.
Classification of Surveying Based on Instruments
Levelling Survey
Levelling is a type of survey is used to determine the vertical distances and relative
Heights of points with the help of an instrument known as level
Classification of Surveying Based on Instruments
Photogrammetric or Aerial
is the sciences of taking measurement with the help of the photographs taken by aerial camera from the air craft.
Classification of Surveying Based on Instruments