Intellect Cards Capability v1.2
Intellect Cards Capability v1.2
Intellect Cards Capability v1.2
Confidential to Intellect 1
Who are we? Intellect Payments
Research Commitment | Exemplary Execution | Strong Customer Relationship | Multi Dimensional Learning
Confidential to Intellect 2
Intellect Cards – An Overview
Confidential to Intellect 3
Intellect Cards An Overview
Confidential to Intellect 4
How Intellect Cards Operates
Intellect Origination Intellect Collect Intellect FEWS Intellect Loyalty Core Banking
Confidential to Intellect 5
What Intellect Cards Contains
Product Customer Transaction Payment Customer Merchant Fraud and Risk Loyalty Financial Regulatory
Authorization Collections
Classes Acquisition Processing Processing Services Management Management Management Accounting Compliances
Online/Batch Billing Process Online OTB Reissues and Commissions and Data Update Stock Hand Off to GL EMV Compliance
Workflow Set Up Authorization Parameters Replenishment Renewals Discounts from Cards Host Queue Allocation Management
Business Rule Online OTB Interchange Daily Payment Installment NMAS/MATCH Queue Fulfillment and PA DSS
Case Review Despatch GL Process Compliance
Definitions Update Clearing Process Allocation Simulation Checks Allocation
Confidential to Intellect 6
What Intellect Cards Contains
Product Customer Transaction Payment Customer Fraud and Risk Loyalty Merchant Financial Regulatory
Authorization Collections
Classes Acquisition Processing Processing Services Management Management Management Accounting Compliances
Card Non-financial
Customer Billing
Personalization Updates
Statements of Disputes and
Card Activation
Accounts Chargebacks
Credit Communications
PIN Requests
Restructuring and Alerts
Confidential to Intellect 7
What Intellect Cards Contains
Customer Transaction Payment Customer Fraud and Risk Loyalty Merchant Financial Regulatory
Product Classes Authorization Collections
Acquisition Processing Processing Services Management Management Management Accounting Compliances
Confidential to Intellect 8
What Intellect Cards Contains
Customer Transaction Payment Customer Fraud and Risk Loyalty Merchant Financial Regulatory
Product Classes Authorization Collections
Acquisition Processing Processing Services Management Management Management Accounting Compliances
Confidential to Intellect 9
What Intellect Cards Contains
Customer Transaction Payment Customer Fraud and Risk Loyalty Merchant Financial Regulatory
Product Classes Authorization Collections
Acquisition Processing Processing Services Management Management Management Accounting Compliances
Workflow Set Up
Billing Process
Online OTB options
Reissues and of installment
Data Update transactions
Queue Allocation
Stock Commissions
Hand Off to GL EMV Compliance
Authorization Parameters Replenishment Renewals from Cards Host Management and Discounts
Fulfillment and PA DSS
Business Rule Online OTB
Daily Payment • Flexible Balance
Installment Queue
GL Process
Definitions Update Allocation Simulation Allocation Despatch Checks Compliance
Clearing Process
Application Data Delinquency Follow Up & Merchant
SAF Processing Transaction • Credit Restructuring
Increase/Decreas Worklist Actions facilities such as Points
Gifting Reconciliation
Capture Posting Tracking Closure Enrolment
ande Renegotiation
Credit Bureaus Interface to Cycle Code Agency Referrals to Cobrand Merchant
Interfacing Switch Installments Change Management Collections Conversion Payments
• Definable fees and charges
Scoring and Files for STIP Product
Evaluation Support Fees & Charges Swaps/Upgrades
Credit Card
• Support for up to 28 Billing Cycles in a calendar
Financial Utilitymonth
Underwriting Authentication
Card Non-financial
Personalization Customer Billing
• Configurable
Updates Billing process parameters
Disputes and
Card Activation
Statements of • Parametric
Chargebacks definition of statement interfaces
PIN Requests
Credit and Alerts
Confidential to Intellect 10
What Intellect Cards Contains
Customer Transaction Payment Customer Fraud and Risk Loyalty Merchant Financial Regulatory
Product Classes Authorization Collections
Acquisition Processing Processing Services Management Management Management Accounting Compliances
Card Non-financial
Customer Billing
Personalization Updates
Statements of Disputes and
Card Activation
Accounts Chargebacks
Credit Communications
PIN Requests
Restructuring and Alerts
Confidential to Intellect 11
What Intellect Cards Contains
Customer Transaction Payment Customer Fraud and Risk Loyalty Merchant Financial Regulatory
Product Classes Authorization Collections
Acquisition Processing Processing Services Management Management Management Accounting Compliances
Workflow Set Up
Online/Batch Billing Process Online OTB
Reissues and
Data Update • Supportfor card
Queue Allocation
Stock life cycle management
Commissions – Off to GL
Hand EMV Compliance
Authorization Parameters Replenishment from Cards Host Management and Discounts
Renewals Renewals, Reissues, Replacements
Business Rule Online OTB Interchange Daily Payment Queue Fulfillment and NMAS/MATCH PA DSS
Installment Case Review GL Process
Definitions Update Clearing Process Allocation Allocation Despatch Checks Compliance
Simulation • Easy Billing Cycle Code Change backed by
Application Data Transaction Delinquency Follow Up & Merchant
SAF Processing Limit Worklist Actions configurable Points
Gifting rules Reconciliation
Capture Posting Tracking Increase/Decreas Closure Enrolment
Credit Bureaus Interface to Installments Agency Referrals to Cobrand Merchant
Interfacing Processing Cycle Code Management
• Online
Credit Limit Increase
Scoring and Files for STIP Fees & Charges
Evaluation Support Computation Product
• Online Product Swap for product upgrades
Credit Card Financial
Underwriting Authentication Adjustments • Support for Utility Payments
Utility Payments
Customer Billing
Personalization Non-financial • Effective Dispute management in
Statements of
Updates conformance to rules and regulations of
Card Activation
Accounts Disputes and Schemes
PIN Requests
and Alerts
Confidential to Intellect 12
What Intellect Cards Contains
Customer Transaction Payment Customer Fraud and Risk Loyalty Merchant Financial Regulatory
Product Classes Authorization Collections
Acquisition Processing Processing Services Management Management Management Accounting Compliances
Card Non-financial
Customer Billing
Personalization Updates
Statements of Disputes and
Card Activation
Accounts Chargebacks
Credit Communications
PIN Requests
Restructuring and Alerts
Confidential to Intellect 13
What Intellect Cards Contains
Customer Transaction Payment Customer Fraud and Risk Loyalty Merchant Financial Regulatory
Product Classes Authorization Collections
Acquisition Processing Processing Services Management Management Management Accounting Compliances
Workflow Set Up
Online/Batch Billing Process Online OTB Reissues and Data Update
Stock fraudCommissions
Hand Off to GL EMV Compliance
Authorization Parameters Replenishment Renewals from Cards Host Allocation Management and Discounts
Fulfillment and • Configurable parameters PA DSS
GL Process for
Business Rule Online OTB Interchange Daily Payment Installment Queue NMAS/MATCH
Definitions Update Clearing Process Allocation Simulation Allocation Case Review Despatch Checks Compliance
fraud detection
Application Data Transaction Delinquency Merchant
SAF Processing Increase/Decreas Worklist Actions Follow Up & Points Gifting Reconciliation
Capture Posting Tracking Enrolment
e Closure • Effective Queue
Credit Bureaus Interface to Installments Cycle Code Agency Cobrand Merchant
Processing Referrals to Conversion
management and case review
Interfacing Switch Change Management Payments
Collections mechanism
Scoring and Files for STIP Fees & Charges Product
Evaluation Support Computation Swaps/Upgrades
• Support for collection
Credit Card Financial
Underwriting Authentication Adjustments
Utility Payments referrals
Card Non-financial
Customer Billing
Personalization Updates
Statements of Disputes and
Card Activation
Accounts Chargebacks
Credit Communications
PIN Requests
Restructuring and Alerts
Confidential to Intellect 14
What Intellect Cards Contains
Customer Transaction Payment Customer Fraud and Risk Loyalty Merchant Financial Regulatory
Product Classes Authorization Collections
Acquisition Processing Processing Services Management Management Management Accounting Compliances
Card Non-financial
Customer Billing
Personalization Updates
Statements of Disputes and
Card Activation
Accounts Chargebacks
Credit Communications
PIN Requests
Restructuring and Alerts
Confidential to Intellect 15
What Intellect Cards Contains
Customer Transaction Payment Customer Fraud and Risk Loyalty Merchant Financial Regulatory
Product Classes Authorization Collections
Acquisition Processing Processing Services Management Management Management Accounting Compliances
Workflow Set Up
Online/Batch Billing Process • OTB
Online Merchant definition
Reissues and Hierarchy
Data Update
Queue Allocation
Commissions Hand Off to GL EMV Compliance
Authorization Parameters Replenishment Renewals from Cards Host Management and Discounts
Business Rule Online OTB Interchange Daily•Payment Queue Fulfillment and PA DSS
Enrolment with NMAS/MATCH
Case Review NMAS/MATCH GL Process
Definitions Update Clearing Process Allocation Simulation Allocation Despatch Checks
checks Limit
Application Data Transaction Delinquency Follow Up &
SAF Processing Increase/Decreas Worklist Actions Points Gifting Merchant Reconciliation
Capture Posting Tracking Closure Enrolment
• Various options e for definition of Merchant
Credit Bureaus Interface to Installments Cycle Code Agency Referrals to Cobrand
Interfacing Switch Processing CommissionsChange
and discountsManagement Collections Conversion Merchant
Scoring and Files for STIP Fees & Charges Product
Evaluation Support Computation • Effective Terminal management
Credit Card Financial
Underwriting Authentication Adjustments • MultipleUtility
options for merchant settlements
Confidential to Intellect 16
What Intellect Cards Contains
Customer Transaction Payment Customer Fraud and Risk Loyalty Merchant Financial Regulatory
Product Classes Authorization Collections
Acquisition Processing Processing Services Management Management Management Accounting Compliances
Business Rule Online OTB Interchange Daily Payment Installment Queue Fulfillment and NMAS/MATCH PA DSS
Case Review
Definitions Update Clearing Process Allocation Simulation Allocation • Ability to interface with
Despatch Checks GL Process Compliance
Application Data Transaction Delinquency various GLUpsystems
Follow &
Points Gifting
SAF Processing Increase/Decreas Worklist Actions
Capture Posting Tracking Closure Enrolment Reconciliation
Credit Bureaus Interface to Installments Cycle Code Agency Referrals to Cobrand Merchant
Interfacing Switch Processing Change Management Collections Conversion Payments
Scoring and Files for STIP Fees & Charges Product
Evaluation Support Computation Swaps/Upgrades
Credit Card Financial
Utility Payments
Underwriting Authentication Adjustments
Card Non-financial
Customer Billing
Personalization Updates
Statements of Disputes and
Card Activation
Accounts Chargebacks
Credit Communications
PIN Requests
Restructuring and Alerts
Confidential to Intellect 17
What Intellect Cards Contains
Customer Transaction Payment Customer Fraud and Risk Loyalty Merchant Financial Regulatory
Product Classes Authorization Collections
Acquisition Processing Processing Services Management Management Management Accounting Compliances
Payment Fraud Rewards Acquiring VISA &
Organization / Limits and Transaction Block Codes Fin Act Codes
Credit Cards
Product Set Up Velocity Checks Parameters
Parameters Set
Workflow Set Up Regulatory
Parameters Set Compliances
Schemes Parameters Set
Up Up Definition Up
Customer Data Refresh Franchise
Currency and Interest Rates Payment Elite Schemes GL Accounts Base II & IPM
Debit Cards Credit Segments
Exchange Rates Management Allocation Logic
Relationship Queue Definition • Compliant
from Core
Set Up
to the Schemes of Mapping File Formats
View Processes Definition
Contracts Billing Cycle Payment Lost/Stolen Customer VISA and MasterCard
Fraud Extraction Accrual and Terminal Accounting Entry Scheme Bi-
Prepaid Cards Request Types Annual
Management Definition Processing Reporting Segmentation and Detection Redemption Management posting Mandates
Online/Batch Billing Process Online OTB Reissues and Data Update • PA-DSS v2.0
Stock certifiedCommissions
Workflow Set Up Queue Allocation Hand Off to GL EMV Compliance
Authorization Parameters Replenishment Renewals from Cards Host Management and Discounts
Business Rule Online OTB Interchange Daily Payment Installment Queue • Compliant toand
Case Review GL Process
Definitions Update Clearing Process Allocation Simulation Allocation specifications for chip card
Despatch Checks Compliance
Application Data Transaction Delinquency Follow management
Up & Merchant
SAF Processing Increase/Decreas Worklist Actions Points Gifting Reconciliation
Capture Posting Tracking Closure Enrolment
Credit Bureaus Interface to Installments Cycle Code Agency • to
Cobrand of Scheme
Interfacing Switch Processing Change Management Collections Conversion Payments
updates and Bi-annual mandates
Scoring and Files for STIP Fees & Charges Product
Evaluation Support Computation Swaps/Upgrades
• Ability to interface with other
Credit Card Financial
Utility Payments Regulatory requirement
Underwriting Authentication Adjustments
management systems
Card Non-financial
Customer Billing
Personalization Updates
Statements of Disputes and
Card Activation
Accounts Chargebacks
Credit Communications
PIN Requests
Restructuring and Alerts
Confidential to Intellect 18
Intellect Cards : Key Features
MCP Technology
1 Multiple Credit Lines
Ease of
Integration using
FT Message Hub 5
Rapid Card
4 2 Issuance
Differential Interest Rates
with Transaction Level
Integrated Installment Module with Credit Pricing
Confidential to Intellect 19
MCP Technology
Confidential to Intellect 20
What is MCP Technology?
Channel Seasonal
based Credits Promotions
Flexible Repayment • Different interest rates can be offered for different types of loan
One Billing Single
Options offerings
Easy Instalment Plans
2 3 Consolidated view of the • The transactions are configurable with easy repayment tenure
complete portfolio
• Loans can be given based on the customer profile and
• Credit can be extended as promotions for specific periods and
• Credit lines can be defined for spends made on specific channels
(e.g Internet)
Confidential to Intellect 21
Multiple Credit Lines : Business Models
Example 2: Assess Once and extend
Example 1: Specific Merchant across multiple lines
Based lines • Applicant is evaluated for credit
Three distinct credit lines can be and assigned a limit of 20,000 AED
offered for example, out of which 60% can be set up as
Line 1: Spends on credit line on the card
Line 2: Spends on • 40 % can be offered later as
Line 3: Spends on specific target based limit as an offer
exclusively for spends for specific
category E.g Electronic Goods
Example 3: Rewards linked Sub Models Example 4: Restrict the spends
Limits based on sub limit
Define sub limits for target based Define sub limits for high risk
segments as Airlines say 5000 of segments such as Jewellery for
the Credit line, for example and instance 2000 AED and restrict
offer 2% Cashback for spends in exposure and by not approving
this limit with a cap of maximum beyond the defined sub limit
cash back amount of 500 during
the offer period
Confidential to Intellect 22
MCP Technology Powered by Intellect Cards: In Practice
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Rapid Card Issuance
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Rapid Card Issuance : Customer Delight
• Issuance of Card in 20 minutes or less Credit
from filling up of application Decisioning
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Transaction Level Pricing
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Transaction Level Pricing: Hierarchical Management
The interest rate definition is a function of the customer segmentation and the transaction attributes with a seven level hierarchy
thereby giving a refined framework for business to promote various flavours of installment transactions for different target groups
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Integrated Installments Module
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Integrated Instalments Module
The fully integrated instalments module of Intellect Cards brings with it the ease of definition and
processing of various flavours of instalment transactions
Online Refinance
Confidential to Intellect 29
Ease of Integration with Intellect MH
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Intellect MH: An Overview
What is MH?
• A lightweight Java-based integration platform
• Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) based MH decoupling client
Client Application and service provider
software framework to interface between
disparate (client/service provider) applications
MH helps in easy and seamless integration of Intellect Cards with any other application in the ecosystem
Confidential to Intellect 31
Intellect Cards – Other Modules
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Intellect Acquiring: Merchant Management
Comprehensive Dispute Management Effective Terminal
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Intellect Acquiring: Commission & Discounts
Multiple MDR Plans
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Merchant Discount and Commissions
Merchant Discount &
Commission Setup Flexibility
Level (L1)
Scheme Based Pricing
Product Level / BIN based
Pricing Business Level
Transaction Code Based (L2)
Parent / Child level
Store Level
Merchant rates
Multiple MDR Plans
Level (L4)
Confidential to Intellect 35
Merchant Fees and Charges
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Scheme Compliance: VISA and MasterCard
Confidential to Intellect 37
Intellect Loyalty : An Overview
Accrual based on transaction
types and Promotions
Schemes Differentiated Rewards
Highly Parameterized
programs based on MCC,
Multiproduct system with
transaction based rewards
Multiple Redemption Options
Gift/Inventory Management
Confidential to Intellect 38
Intellect Loyalty : Highlights
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Intellect FEWS : Fraud Early Warning System
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Technology Landscape
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Intellect Cards Hardware and Software
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Intellect Cards Technical Architecture
Client Layer
The Client Layer consists typically of a thin client
that is a browser running on a user’s desktop
Web Controller
A gateway servlet is deployed to listen to all client
Application Controller
The application controller gives a business event
view for the Client listeners
Event Handlers
This component implements the logic to navigate
between different business components
Business Components
Business components are highly cohesive and
loosely coupled meeting the requirements of a
particular functional requirement
Confidential to Intellect 44
Complete Solution: Rich Functionalities
A plethora of functionalities as offered by a Credit Cards solution to meet market requirements and much more.....
Confidential to Intellect 45
Intellect Advantages
SO chi
A tec
• Superior SOA based architecture providing a Integration
strong core framework for easy customization
• Implementation Accelerators to ensure
execution excellence e c u ti on
Ex nce
c el le
• Seamless integration with existing technology Ex
Confidential to Intellect 46
Intellect : What we can Offer
‘State of the art’ solution leveraging our global expertise and best practices
Confidential to Intellect 47
Case Studies
Confidential to Intellect 48
Case Study 1: Our Experience with Walmart Presto Chile
Business Need & Objective
To migrate the existing retail cards business from a 3rd party
2.5 million hosted model to an in-house model Compliance to
Cards Local
1200 Users Regulations
150+ Business
interfaces specific retail
(20+ real-time) functionalities
Highly parametric and Retail rich business specific Compliant to regulations of SBIF
configurable solution functionalities and Sernac Financiero
Confidential to Intellect 49
Case Study 2: Our Experience with Canara Bank India
Business Need & Objective
Replacement of several custom-built in-house satellite Systems
1.0 million and migrate to a single integrated platform Compliance to
Credit Cards Local
3000+ branches Regulations
Meeting Bank
10 million Card
Debit Cards requirements
Progressive modernization
approach for a seamless Comprehensive reports
migration (150+) and advices
Highly parametric and J2EE enabled SOA architecture Compliant to RBI and Visa
configurable solution /MasterCard Regulations
Confidential to Intellect 50
Case Study 3: Our Experience with ABC Din Chile (Under Implementation)
Business Need & Objective
To replace their existing custom-built in-house Card Management
System and integrate with multiple satellite systems Comprehensive
1.8 million Cards reports & advices
Multiple flavors of
Multiple Satellite Campaigns for
system interface retail segment
Compliance to Comprehensive
regulatory and scheme Associate Commerce
mandates (VISA / Merchant Management
MasterCard) solution
Confidential to Intellect 51
Intellect Cards: Customer Journeys
Confidential to Intellect 52
User Journey 1a : Application Processing - Portal
John Smith applies for a card through online portal of the bank
L0 Mapping:
The application is evaluated for the basic policy checks and John is
contacted by a field executive for collection of the required documents - G2.6
- G2.7
The Origination module receives and processes the application - G2.8
received online along with the documents received - G2.9
Confidential to Intellect 53
User Journey 1b : Application Processing – DSA sourced
Elton John applies for a card through Rhombus Associates, one of the
sales partners (DSA) of the Bank
The application is checked for the fulfillment of all the basic L0 Mapping:
requirements (DIP – Documents Image Processing) and data entered
- G3.2.6
as it cleared the DIP check
- G3.2.7
The application is evaluated for the basic policy checks, credit bureau - G2.8
checks and is scored - G2.9
The VISA Platinum card account is created for John and the card is
embossed and sent by courier
Confidential to Intellect 54
Application Processing Data Entry
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User Journey 2 : Card Issuance
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User Journey 2a : Card Issuance
The system validates the application data and card number is generated
The embossing file is generated for individual or as a batch file for card L0 Mapping:
- G3.2.9
- G3.2.10
The embossing file is handed off to the embossing vendor for card - G3.2.11
embossing and printing
The card is dispatched to the customer and card is activated upon request
Confidential to Intellect 57
User Journey 2b : Rapid Card Issuance
L0 Mapping:
Rodney signs the contract as an agreement for the T&C’s
- G3.2.9
- G3.2.10
The card account is set up and the card number is generated - G3.2.11
Confidential to Intellect 58
Card Booking
Card Number Generation
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Card Booking
Card Embossing
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Card Booking
Print Card
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Card Booking
Card Acknowledgement
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Card Booking
Card Acknowledgement
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Card Booking
Card Activation
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User Journey 3 : Purchase Transaction
The transaction is authorized successfully and the OTB of the card - G3.3.1
account is updated online - G3.3.3
- G3.3.4
- G3.3.5
The authorized transaction is displayed in the authorization log - G3.4.5
- G3.4.6
The clearing files are received from ABC Bank and matched off
The transaction is matched off successfully and posted into the card
Confidential to Intellect 65
User Journey 4 : T&E Transaction – Pre-authorization
Mr. Maurice checks into Hilton Hotel of XYZ bank and the hotel
requests for Pre-authorization
The OTB of the card account is reduced for the Pre-Authorization - G3.3.1
amount and is ear-marked - G3.3.3
- G3.3.4
Maurice extends the stay and the final transaction amount exceeds the - G3.3.5
Pre-authorization amount - G3.4.5
- G3.4.6
The clearing files are received from XYZ Bank and matched off
The difference is updated to the OTB and the final amount posted into
the card account
Confidential to Intellect 66
User Journey 5: MCP Technology - Super Advance
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Manual Authorization
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Authorization Log View – Search Options & View
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Authorization Log View – Search Options
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User Journey 6: Credit Limit Increase
L0 Mapping:
The customer’s credit worthiness is assessed by interfacing online with
the credit bureaus - G3.6.6
- G3.2.7
- G3.2.8
The bureau results are positive*** and the scoring and credit evaluation
- G3.2.9
recommends the eligible credit limit increase
*** - A negative bureau check or a negative credit evaluation would have resulted in the Credit Line
request getting declined and an SMS/email alert being sent across to Ms. Martina on the same
Confidential to Intellect 71
Customer Service
Credit Limit Increase / Product Swap
Confidential to Intellect 72
User Journey 7: Balance Transfer
The balance transfer transaction is configured with the interest rates for L0 Mapping:
the different tenure options extended
- G3.4.7
- G3.4.8
Chris Martin wishes to transfer his balance outstanding on his other
Bank card account to ABC Bank
Chris Martin calls the Customer Service and requests for the balance
transfer request. The details are captured online and a request is placed
Confidential to Intellect 73
User Journey 8: Reissuance of Card
L0 Mapping:
The card is reissued as requested by the customer and is sent to the
mailing address - G3.6.4
- G3.2.10
The card is updated with a block status of ‘23’ - G3.2.11
A new card number is generated for reissue under the card account
Confidential to Intellect 74
Customer Service
Lost / Stolen Block
Confidential to Intellect 75
User Journey 9: Change of Address
Ms. Priyanka has changed her job and wishes to change the address
The customer also chooses to change the mailing instructions from Office L0 Mapping:
to Residence
- G3.6.10
The mailing instruction details are updated by the customer service
Letters are sent to the old and new addresses for validation and
confirmation, if configured
Confidential to Intellect 76
Customer Service
Address Change
Confidential to Intellect 77
User Journey 10: Purchase to EMI
- G3.6.5
- G3.4.7
The normal purchase transaction is converted into an installment
Confidential to Intellect 78
User Journey 11: Billed Total Refinance
Bank offers easy repayment in installments for the billed total of the
card account to its select group of customers
The offer renders the customer the flexibility to repay his billed total in L0 Mapping:
easy installment of 6 ,12 or 24 months
- G3.4.12
- G3.4.7
The customer Mr. Patrick chooses to repay in 6 months period and avails
the offer
The billed total is converted into an installment transaction and posted into
the card account under the normal line of credit
The card account is however in open status for the customer to make
further transactions
Confidential to Intellect 79
Billed Total Re-finance
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User Journey 12: Product Swap
The history data on the Gold Card is moved to the new Platinum card
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Customer Service
Product Swap
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User Journey 13: Installment Pre-payment
Susan wishes to pre-pay the next two months’ EMI considering his
travel and non-availability for the next two months
The request is processed by marking the next two EMIs as paid once the L0 Mapping:
customer makes payments
- G3.4.7
The next two EMIs are accelerated and posted into the card account
The payment received is allocated towards these two EMIs as they are
Confidential to Intellect 85
User Journey 14: Installment Pre-closure
The request is processed by marking the remaining EMIs as paid once L0 Mapping:
the customer makes payments
- G3.4.7
The transaction is accelerated completely and posted into the card
Confidential to Intellect 86
Prepayment / Pre-closure
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User Journey 15: Credit Renegotiation
The card account is in Due status of delinquency and the customer Mr.
James seeks for a credit restructuring plan
The bank offers an easy repayment option for the customer through
an installment plan
- G3.4.12
- G3.4.7
The customer makes a down payment upfront and the remainder
outstanding is converted into an installment plan
The open installments on the card account are accelerated and posted
into the card account
Confidential to Intellect 88
Credit Re-negotiation
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User Journey 16: Customer Disputes
Rodney Stewart upon seeing the billed statement of his VISA Gold
card identifies one of the transactions as not performed by him
- G3.6.11
The customer is given a credit to the extent of the disputed amount - G3.4.5
Confidential to Intellect 91
User Journey 17: Card Activation
Customer Ms. Diana calls the Customer Service for New Card
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Card Activation
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User Journey 18: Loyalty Points Accumulation (Earn)
ABC bank defines the Loyalty scheme and the Loyalty points for
Visa Gold Shell product
The earn rate is defined as 3 points for every spend of INR 100 at
Shell outlets and 1 point for spends at other petrol pumps L0 Mapping:
- G3.9.1
Customer Mr. David holds a Visa Gold Shell Card and performs a - G3.9.3
transaction at Shell Outlet for INR 2000
The system identifies the transaction during the authorization and based
on the Points defined the Loyalty Points of 60 is accumulated to the card
Confidential to Intellect 94
User Journey 19: Loyalty Points Redemption (Burn)
ABC bank defines the Loyalty scheme and the Loyalty points for Visa
Gold Shell product
The bank also defines Products and its equivalent points for Points
- G3.9.1
Customer Service executive informs that the outstanding points for
- G3.9.3
redemption is 2000
The Customer orders for a Gift Voucher of value INR 500 which is equal to
1000 points
The Customer also places request to gift 1000 points to one of his friends
Mr. David who is also holding the same product
The Order is placed for the Gift voucher to be sent to the Mailing address
and the points is gifted his friend’s card account and Mr. Ronaldo’s
outstanding points goes to Zero
Confidential to Intellect 95
Rewards Order Booking
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Points Gifting
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Ease of Configuration – Bank User Journeys
Confidential to Intellect 99
User Journey 1: Product Setup
XYZ bank wants to launch new VISA Credit Card Revolving Product. The bank
creates the Product through Module Maintenance Product Setup screen
The product information section includes Product Category, Franchise, Sub Category,
Product Class, Product Code, Product Name, BIN and Sub BIN is captured
The billing information section comprises of Billing cycle (28 billing cycles), Product
Member type (Individual/Corporate), Addon count, Product type (Revolving) of the
The billing information section also includes Interest Method, Payment Allocation logic,
Product expiry, auto renewal option, Min and Max Credit Line for the product
The Card plastic section consists of card number length, pattern, plastic technology
(Mag stripe, Chip) and the currency section includes Base billing currency, dual
currency and the cash limit % details for the product
The Product is created and the system allows the bank to issue credit cards under this
Mr. John is an existing customer of XYZ bank holding Visa Classic Account and
applies for a MasterCard Gold Product
The bank receives the request to create MasterCard Gold Product and checks if the
customer has an existing relationship
The system processes the request and the MasterCard Gold Account is created for the
customer with the same Customer ID
A separate credit line is created and a credit limit is assigned to the new MasterCard
Gold Account
All the accounts / Products is linked to the Customer and enables a single view of
accounts through Customer Service with the Card status
Mr. Peter
Addon Card 2
Confidential to Intellect 103
User Journey 3: Corporate Setup
Ford India Ltd wants to issue corporate credit cards to its employees and ties up
with bank XYZ
The bank receives the information of the corporate and creates a corporate setup
through Card Booking Corporate Master screen after all the checks
The system generates a Corporate number and bank chooses a Product Type
(Corporate Gold / Corporate Platinum) which is linked to the Corporate
The system captures the Financial Details of the Corporate, Demographic details and
the Fee details. An overall credit limit and the total no. of cards is setup at a corporate
Cards are issued to the employees based on the approval of the designated officials of
the corporate
Confidential to Intellect 105
User Journey 4: Transaction Code and Transaction Sub Code
This is a campaign offered to its existing customers wherein they can avail cash loans
over and above their credit limit with repayment options of 6 to 48 months EMI with
The bank defines a new Transaction code through Module Maintenance Billing
Maintenances Transaction code Maintenance screen and creates a new transaction
code 038 with interest and the tenure options
The bank also defines a new Transaction sub codes through Module Maintenance
Billing Maintenances Transaction Sub code Master screen for Principal and interest
components separately
The bank chooses these transaction codes to be included as part of Minimum due
payment and created under a new credit segment say ‘L4’
XYZ bank wants to onboard a merchant multi brand chains across the city
The bank on boards the merchant Head quarter as the Parent merchant through
Merchant Operations Intellect Application Entry Merchant Details Merchant
Setup screen
The merchant details are captured through the Merchant setup screen which includes
the demographic information, contact representative and merchant category details
The merchant setup also comprises of capturing the merchant settlement details
including the frequency, mode and the payment information including the bank account
The bank chooses the merchant code (or MID) and the system performs validations and
the merchant account is setup
The parent merchant code is selected and the child merchant (Store) details is captured
which also includes the demographic and settlement information for the merchant
One parent merchant can be linked to as many stores (child merchants) and definition
of payments, commissions and discounts is a configuration
The Terminal ID can be setup either at Parent merchant or at child merchant. The
terminal can be linked to as many Parent or Child merc
The Product Grouping, Merchant Category Grouping and the country grouping is
defined through Module Maintenance Cards FEWS Maintenance Maintenance
Separate Group for Jewellery MCC’s, Classic Card products are grouped and countries
in Asia Pacific region is grouped
The velocity parameter is defined for this group with High Value amount, Daily
Transaction count and Limit, X days and Y days count and limits
Risk ranking and risk grouping is defined to this maintenance and any transaction that
breaches this velocity parameter is shown as Fraud Alert for further decisioning