Chapter 4-Systems Design

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Systems Analysis And Design

Chapter Four: Systems Design

Designing Forms and Reports

• System inputs and outputs are produced at the end of

the analysis phase
– Precise appearance is not necessary
• Forms and reports are integrally related to DFD and E-R
– every input form is associated with a data flow entering a
process on a DFD
– every output form or report is a data flow produced by a
process on a DFD
– data on all forms and reports must consist of data elements in
data stores and on the E-R data model
Designing Forms and Reports
Key Concepts

• Form
– A business document that contains some predefined
data and areas where additional data are to be filled in
– An instance of a form is typically based on one database
• Report
– A business document that contains only predefined data
– A passive document for reading or viewing data
– Typically contains data organized/summarized from
many database records or transactions
Designing Forms and Reports (Cont.)

• Common Types of Reports:

– Scheduled: produced at predefined time

intervals (daily, weekly or monthly) for routine
information needs of an organization.
– Key-indicator: provide summary of critical
information on regular basis.

Chapter 11 © 2008 by Prentice Hall

Designing Forms and Reports (Cont.)
– Exception: highlights data outside of normal
operating ranges.
– Drill-down: provide details behind summary of
key-indicator or exception reports.
– Ad-hoc: respond to unplanned requests for non-
routine information needs.

Chapter 11 © 2008 by Prentice Hall

The Process of Designing Forms and Reports

• Is a User Focused Activity

• Follows a Prototyping Approach
• Requirements Determination:
– Who will use the form or report?
– What is the purpose of the form or report?
– When is the report needed or used?(periodic)
– Where does the form or report need to be delivered
and used?
– How many people need to use or view the form or
The Process of Designing Forms and
• Prototyping
– Initial prototype is designed from requirements
– Users review prototype design and either
accept the design or request changes
– If changes are requested, the construction-
evaluation-request cycle is repeated until the
design is accepted
Deliverables and Outcome
• Design specifications are major deliverables
and contain three sections
1. Narrative overview
2. Sample design
3. Testing and usability assessment
Formatting Forms and Reports
• Meaningful titles: clear, specific, version
information, current date, valid date.
• Meaningful information: include only
necessary information, with no need to
Formatting Forms and Reports (Cont.)
• Balanced layout: adequate spacing, margins,
and clear labels.
• Easy navigation system: show how to move
forward and backward, and where you are
General Formatting Guidelines for
Forms and Reports

• Highlighting
– Use sparingly to draw user to or away from certain
– Blinking and audible tones should only be used to
highlight critical information requiring user’s
immediate attention
– Highlighting Methods should be consistently
selected and used based upon level of importance
of emphasized information
Methods of Highlighting

– Blinking and audible tones

– Color differences
– Intensity differences
– Size differences
– Font differences
– Boxing
– Underlining
– All capital letters
General Formatting Guidelines for Forms
and Reports

• Displaying Text
– Display text in mixed upper and lower case and use
conventional punctuation
– Use double spacing if space permits. If not, place a blank
line between paragraphs
– Left-justify text and leave a ragged right margin
– Do not hyphenate words between lines
– Use abbreviations and acronyms only when they are
widely understood by users and are significantly shorter
than the full text
General Formatting Guidelines for Forms
and Reports

• Displaying Tables and Lists

– Labels
• All columns and rows should have meaningful labels
• Labels should be separated from other information by
using highlighting
• Redisplay labels when the data extend beyond a single
screen or page
General Formatting Guidelines for
Forms and Reports
 Displaying Tables and Lists (continued)
› Formatting columns, rows, and text
 Sort in a meaningful order (intuitive design)
 Place a blank line between every 5 rows in long columns
 Columns should have at least two spaces between them
 Allow white space on printed reports for user to write
 Use a single typeface, except for emphasis
 Use same family of typefaces within and across displays
and reports
 Avoid overly fancy fonts
General Formatting Guidelines for Forms and
Reports (continued)

• Displaying tables and lists (continued)

– Formatting numeric, textual, and alphanumeric
• Right-justify numeric data and align columns by
decimal points or other delimiter
• Left-justify textual data. Use short line length, usually
30 to 40 characters per line
• Break long sequences of alphanumeric data into small
groups of three to four characters each
Assessing Usability

• Objective for designing forms, reports and all

human-computer interactions is usability.
• There are three characteristics:
– Speed. Can you complete a task efficiently?
– Accuracy. Does the output provide what you
– Satisfaction. Do you like using the output?
Assessing Usability (Cont.)
• Usability: an overall evaluation of how a
system performs in supporting a particular
user for a particular task.
Usability Success Factors

• Consistency: of terminology, abbreviations,

formatting, titles, navigation, response time.
• Efficiency: minimize required user actions.
• Ease: self-explanatory outputs and labels.
• Format: appropriate display of data and symbols.
• Flexibility: maximize user options for data input
according to preference.
Usability Success Factors (Cont.)
• Characteristics for consideration:
– User: experience, skills, motivation, education,
– Task: time pressure, cost of errors, work durations.
– System: platform.
– Environment: social and physical issues, e.g, lighting,
sound, temperature, humidity, task interruptions.
Measures of Usability
• Time to learn.
• Speed of performance.
• Rate of errors.
• Retention over time.
• Subjective satisfaction.
Designing Interfaces and Dialogues

• Focus on how information is provided to and

captured from users
• Dialogues are analogous to a conversation
between two people
• A good human-computer interface provides a
unifying structure for finding, viewing, and
invoking the different components of a system
The Process of Designing Interfaces and
• Is a user-focused activity
• Parallels Form and Report Design Process
• Employs Prototyping Methodology
– Collect information
– Construct prototype
– Assess usability
– Make refinements
• Deliverables - Design Specifications
– Narrative overview
– Sample design
– Testing and usability assessment
Bad Screen Navigation
Good Screen Navigation
Designing Layouts

• Flexibility and consistency are primary design

– Users should be able to move freely between
– Data should not be permanently saved until the
user explicitly requests to do so
– Each key and command should be assigned to one
Structuring Data Entry
Entry Never require data that are already online or that
can be computed
Defaults Always provide default values when appropriate
Units Make clear the type of data units requested for
Replacement Use character replacement when appropriate
Captioning Always place a caption adjacent to fields
Format Provide formatting examples
Justify Automatically(Left/Right) justify data entries
Help Provide context-sensitive help when appropriate
Controlling Data Input
• One objective of interface design is to reduce data-
entry errors
• As data is entered into an information system, steps
must be taken to ensure that the input is valid
• Systems analysts are expected to anticipate the
types of errors users may make and design features
into the system’s interfaces to avoid, detect, and
correct data-entry mistakes
• See the guideline for detecting data errors in the
next slide
Providing Feedback
1. Status Information
› Keeps users informed of system state
› Displaying status information if the operation takes longer than
a second or two
2. Prompting Cues
› Keep as specific as possible
3. Error and Warning Messages
› Messages should be specific and free of error codes and jargon
› User should be guided toward a result rather than scolded
› Use terms familiar to user
› Be consistent in format and placement of messages
Providing Help
• Put yourself in user’s place when designing help
• Guidelines
– Simplicity - Messages should be short and to the point
– Organization – Use lists to break information into manageable pieces.
– Show examples - Provide examples of proper use and the
outcomes of such use.

• Context-Sensitive Help
– Enables user to get field-specific help
• Users should always be returned to where they
were when requesting help
Designing Dialogues
• The process of designing the overall
sequences that users follow to interact with
an information system is called dialogue
• A dialogue is the sequence in which
information is displayed to and obtained from
a user
Dialogue Design Cont’d…
• The primary design guideline for designing
dialogues is consistency; dialogues need to be
consistent in sequence of actions, keystrokes,
and terminology
• In other words, use the same labels for the
same operations on all screens and the same
location for the same information on all
Designing the Dialogue Sequence
• Your first step in dialogue design is to define
the sequence.
• A method for designing and representing
dialogues is dialogue diagramming.
• Dialogue diagrams have only one symbol, a
box with three sections; each box represents
one display (which might be a full screen or a
specific form or window) within a dialogue
Dialogue Designs
• The three sections of the box are used as follows
1. Top: Contains a unique display reference number
that will be used by other displays for referencing it
2. Middle: Contains the name or description of the
3. Bottom: Contains display reference numbers that
can be accessed from the current display
• See the example in the next slide
Dialogue Design (Sample)
Deliverables and Outcomes
• Logical database is the representation of
data using a model like relational database
model, which represents data in simple
tables with common columns to link related
• Physical database is the representation of
relations into files
Process of Database Design
 Logical Design
› Four key steps:
1. Develop a logical data model for each known user interface
for the application using normalization principles
2. Combine normalized data requirements from all user
interfaces into one consolidated logical database model
3. Translate the conceptual E-R data model for the application
into normalized data requirements
4. Compare the consolidated logical database design with the
translated E-R model and produce one final logical database
model for the application
Process of Database Design
 Physical Design
› Based upon results of logical database design
› Key decisions:
1. Choosing storage format for each attribute from the logical
database model
2. Grouping attributes from the logical database model into
physical records
3. Arranging related records in secondary memory (hard disks
and magnetic tapes) so that records can be stored,
retrieved, and updated rapidly
4. Selecting media and structures for storing data to make
access more efficient
Relational Database Model
 Data represented as a set of related tables or relations
 Relation
› A named, two-dimensional table of data. Each
relation consists of a set of named columns and an
arbitrary number of unnamed rows
› Properties
 Entries in cells are simple
 Entries in columns are from the same set of values
 Each row is unique
 The sequence of columns can be interchanged without
changing the meaning or use of the relation
 The rows may be interchanged or stored in any sequence
Relational Database Model

• Well-Structured Relation
– A relation that contains a minimum amount of
redundancy and allows users to insert, modify,
and delete the rows without errors or

 The process of converting complex data

structures into simple, stable data structures
 Eliminates redundancy
• Second Normal Form (2NF)
– Each non-primary key attribute is identified by the whole key (called
full functional dependency) i.e No Partial dependency
• Third Normal Form (3NF)
– Non-primary key attributes do not depend on each other (called
transitive dependencies) i.e No transitive dependency
• The result of normalization is that every non-
primary key attribute depends upon the whole
primary key (No partial dependency) and nothing
but the primary key (No transitive dependency).
Functional Dependencies and
Primary Keys

• Functional Dependency
– A particular relationship between two attributes. For a
given relation, attribute B is functionally dependent on
attribute A if, for every valid value of A, that value of A
uniquely determines the value of B.
– Instances (or sample data) in a relation do not prove the
existence of a functional dependency
– Knowledge of problem domain is the most reliable method
for identifying functional dependency
Functional Dependencies and
Primary Keys

• Second Normal Form (2NF)

– A relation is in second normal form (2NF) if any
of the following conditions apply:
1. The primary key consists of only one attribute
2. No non-primary key attribute exists in the relation
3. Every non-primary key attribute is functionally
dependent on the full set of primary key attributes
Functional Dependencies and
Primary Keys

• Conversion to second normal form (2NF)

– To convert a relation into 2NF, decompose the
relation into new relations using the attributes,
called determinates that determine other
– The determinants become the primary key of the
new relation
Functional Dependencies and
Primary Keys
• EMPLOYEE2 below is an example of a relation
that is not in second normal form.
– EMPLOYEE2(Emp_ID, Name, Dept, Salary, Course,
• The functional dependencies in this relation
are the following:
– Emp_ID:Name, Dept, Salary
– Emp_ID, Course:Date_Completed
Functional Dependencies and
Primary Keys
• EMPLOYEE2 is decomposed into the following
two relations:
– EMPLOYEE1(Emp_ID, Name, Dept, Salary)
– EMP_COURSE(Emp_ID, Course, Date_Completed)
Functional Dependencies and
Primary Keys

• Third Normal Form (3NF)

– A relation is in third normal form (3NF) if it is in
second normal form (2NF) and there are no
functional (transitive) dependencies between two
(or more) non-primary key attributes
– To convert a relation into 3NF, decompose the
relation into two relations using the two
Functional Dependencies and
Primary Keys
• Consider the relation below:
– SALES(Customer_ID, Customer_Name, Salesperson,
• The following functional dependencies exist in the
SALES relation where Customer_ID is the primary
key :
– Customer_ID:Customer_Name, Salesperson(non-key
attribute), Region
– Salesperson:Region (Each salesperson is assigned to a
unique region.)
Functional Dependencies and
Primary Keys
• SALES relation is decomposed into two
relations to convert it into 3NF as follows:
– SALES1(Customer_ID, Customer_Name,
– SPERSON(Salesperson, Region)
Functional Dependencies and
Primary Keys

• Foreign Key
– An attribute that appears as a non-primary key attribute in
one relation and as a primary key attribute (or part of a
primary key) in another relation
• Referential Integrity
– An integrity constraint specifying that the value (or
existence) of an attribute in one relation depends on the
value (or existence) of the same attribute in another
– Is implemented by using a foreign key
Transforming E-R Diagrams into Relations

• It is useful to transform the conceptual data

model into a set of normalized relations
• Steps:
– Represent entities
– Represent relationships
– Normalize the relations
– Merge the relations
Transforming E-R Diagrams into Relations

1. Represent Entities
– Each regular entity is transformed into a relation
– The identifier of the entity type becomes the primary
key of the corresponding relation
– The primary key must satisfy the following two
a. The value of the key must uniquely identify every row in the
b. The key should be non-redundant and Non-Nullable
Transforming E-R Diagrams into Relations
2. Represent Relationships
– Binary 1:N and 1:1 Relationships
• A binary one-to-many (1:N) relationship in an E-R diagram
is represented by adding the primary key attribute (or
attributes) of the entity on the one side of the relationship
as a foreign key in the relation that is on the many side of
the relationship.
• For a binary or unary one-to-one (1:1) relationship
between the two entities A and B (for a unary relationship,
A and B would be the same entity type), the relationship
can be represented by any of the following choices:
1. Adding the primary key of A as a foreign key of B
2. Adding the primary key of B as a foreign key of A
3. Both of the above
Transforming E-R Diagrams into Relations

2. Represent Relationships (continued)

– Binary and Higher-Degree M:N Relationships
• Suppose that a binary many-to-many (M:N)
relationship (or associative entity) exists
between two entity types A and B. For such a
relationship, we create a separate relation C.
The primary key of this relation is a composite
key consisting of the primary key for each of the
two entities in the relationship.
Transforming E-R Diagrams into Relations

– Unary 1:N Relationships

• Relationship between instances of a single entity type
• Utilize a recursive foreign key
– A foreign key in a relation that references the primary key values of
that same relation
– Unary M:N Relationships
• Create a separate relation
• Primary key of new relation is a composite of two attributes that
both take their values from the same primary key( but one of
them renamed)
Transforming E-R Diagrams into Relations

3. Merging Relations (View Integration)

› Purpose is to remove redundant relations
› View Integration Problems
• Synonyms
 Two different names used for the same attribute
 When merging, get agreement from users on a single,
standard name
• Homonyms
 A single attribute name that is used for two or more different
 Resolved by creating a new name
• Dependencies between non-keys
 Non-key Dependencies may be created as a result of view
 In order to resolve, the new relation must be normalized
Physical Database Design
• Physical Database Design is involved with how
data are stored and related based on a
particular DBMS.
• It involves two major activities:
– Designing Fields
– Designing Physical Tables
Designing Fields
• A field is the smallest unit of data recognized
by database management systems
• In general, each attribute from each
normalized relation is represented as one or
more fields
• The basic decisions concerning a field are:
– the type of data (or storage type) and
– data integrity controls for the field.
Choosing Data Types
• A data type is a coding scheme for representing
organizational data.
• The specific database management software to be
used dictates which data type choices are available
• Selecting a data type balances four objectives that will
vary in degree of importance for different applications:
– Minimize storage space
– Represent all possible values of the field
– Improve data integrity for the field
– Support all data manipulations desired on the field
Controlling Data Integrity
• The five popular data integrity control methods are:
– default value: is the value a field will assume unless an explicit
value is entered for the field
– input mask: is a pattern of codes that restricts the width and
possible values for each position within a field
– range control: is a limited set of permissible values both
numeric and alphabetic data may have
– referential integrity: is constraint specifying that the value (or
existence) of an attribute in one relation depends on the value
(or existence) of the same attribute in another relation
– null value control: is a constraint that insures that mandatory
fields are given a value.
Designing Physical Tables
• A relational database is a set of related tables (tables are
related by foreign keys referencing primary keys)
• a physical table is a named set of rows and columns that
specifies the fields in each row of the table.
• A physical table may or may not correspond to one relation
• Whereas normalized relations possess properties of well-
structured relations, the design of a physical table has two
goals different from those of normalization:
– efficient use of secondary storage and
– data-processing speed.
Designing Physical Tables
• De-normalization is the process of splitting or
combining normalized relations into physical
tables based on affinity of use of rows and fields.
• By placing data used together closer to one
another on disk, the number of disk I/O
operations needed to retrieve all the data needed
in a program is minimized.
Designing Physical Tables
File Organization
• File Organization is a technique for physically
arranging the records of a file.
• The basic three families of file organizations
used in most file management environments
– Sequential
– indexed, and
– hashed
Sequential File Organization
• The rows in the file are stored in sequence according to a
primary key value
• To locate a particular row, a program must normally scan
the file from the beginning until the desired row is located
• Sequential files are fast if you want to process rows
sequentially, but they are essentially impractical for
random row retrievals
• Deleting rows can cause wasted space or the need to
compress the file
• Adding or updating rows requires rewriting the file
Indexed File Organizations
• The rows are stored either sequentially or
non-sequentially, and an index is created that
allows software to locate individual rows.
• The main disadvantages of indexed file
organizations are the extra space required to
store the indexes and the extra time necessary
to access and maintain indexes.
Hashed File Organizations
• In hashed file organization, the address of each
row is determined using a hash
function/algorithm that converts a primary key
value into a row address
• rows are located non-sequentially as dictated
by the hashing algorithm. Thus, sequential data
processing is impractical.
• On the other hand, retrieval of random rows is

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