Chapter 1 - The Foodservice Industry
Chapter 1 - The Foodservice Industry
Chapter 1 - The Foodservice Industry
Hotel and other tourist Provision of food and drink together with accommodation
accommodation services
Transport Catering (Railways, airlines Providing of food and drink to people on the move
& marine)
Outdoor Catering (ODC) – Off Providing of food and drink away from home base
premises catering or Event catering
• Restricted Market
• Captive: customer have no choice, eg:
• Semi-captive: customers have a choice
before entering, for example, marine, airline,
Types of Foodservice Operations
Type of Operation Description
Fine Dining Formal fine dining restaurants with classical preparation and
presentation of food and offering a high level of table.
Cafeteria Primarily self service with customer choosing selection from a counter in
varying design and layouts.
Themed Restaurant Often international in orientation which is the restaurant built around an
idea emphasizing fun & fantasy.
Fast Food Offered fast service with limited menus featuring burgers, chicken in
many forms, tacos, burritos, hot dogs, fries & so on
Health food & Increasing specialization of operations into vegan/health foods to meet
Vegetarian lifestyle needs as well as dietary requirements
The Meal Experience
1. Physiological
2. Economic
3. Social
4. Psychological
5. Convenience
The Meal Experience
1. Physiological- 2. Economic
To satisfy one’s appetite or the The need for good value /fast
need for special foods such as service/convenient location
The Meal Experience
5. Convenience
As a result of being unable to get home (shoppers/workers)/attending
some other event (cinema)
Food Production Methods
**Being effective is about doing the right things, while being efficient is about
doing things right
Food Production Methods
Method Description
1. Conventional Term used to describe production utilizing mainly fresh
foods and traditional cooking methods.
Method Description
4. Continuous Flow Method involving production line approach where
different parts of the production process may be
separated (eg: fast food).
Conventional Convenience
Continuous flow
Sous Vide
Sous Vide
Cook Freeze
Cook Chill/Freeze
Cook Chill
Type of establishment
Time available for the meal
Type of menu presented
Site/location of the establishment
Type of customer to be served
Expected turnover
Cost of the meal served
Food & Beverage Service Personnel
Different terminology can be used for the various job roles in differing types of
10. Carver/trancheur
11. Floor or room service staff/chef d’etage/floor or room waiter
12. Lounge staff/chef de sale
13. Wine butler/wine waiter/sommelier
14. Bar staff/bartender/mixologist
15. Barista
16. Buffet assistant/buffet chef/chef de buffet
17. Cashier
18. Counter assistants
19. Table clearers
20. Function catering/banqueting staff/events staff
Textbook : Food and Beverage Service
Authors : Lillicrap, D.R. & Cousins, J. A
Images source: Google
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