Cervical Cancer
Cervical Cancer
Cervical Cancer
MohmmadRjab Seder
The Cervix - Overview
Squamocolumnar Junction (SCJ)
The area between the original SCJ and the current SCJ is called as
“Transformation Zone” TZ
Cervix Histology
Cervical Cancer - Overview
o Also called: invasive cervical carcinoma (ICC).
o Classified into:
o Premalignant/Precancer disease of the cervix.
o Malignant disease of the cervix.
o About 90% of the new cases and deaths worldwide in 2020 occurred
in low- and middle-income countries.
342,000 deaths
Clinical Presentation
o Cervical cancer often has no symptoms in its early stages.
o There are more than 100 different types of HPV classified as low-risk
or high-risk types, depending on their ability to cause cancer.
o High-risk types 16, 18, 31, 33, and 45 cervical cancer.
o Low-risk types 6 and 11 condylomata acuminata.
o HPV has two proteins known as E6 and E7 which turn off some tumor
suppressor genes, such as p53 and Rb.
o Cervical cytology
o Pap smear
o Liquid-based cytology (LBC)
o Cervical biopsy
o Colposcopy
o Low-grade CIN:
o 60% regresses spontaneously.
o Cold coagulation.
o Cone biopsy (Conization).
o High-grade CIN:
o Treatment + excision or ablation.
o Diathermy (thermal ablation).
o Cold coagulation.
o Cone biopsy (Conization).
Cold Coagulation.
o Procedure to treat women with abnormal cells on their cervix, by
destroying the abnormal cells with a heated probe.
o A procedure in which a cone-
shaped piece of abnormal tissue is
removed from the cervix.
o AKA: cervical cautery.
Malignant Disease
of the
Cancer is diagnosed when CIN breaks the basement
Clinical Presentation
o Cervical cancer often has no symptoms in its early stages.
o The tumour can grow through the cervix to reach the parametria,
bladder, vagina and rectum.
Staging - Video
Depends on the stage.
o Preclinical lesions; stage IA
o Clinical invasive cervical carcinoma: stages IB-IV
o Surgery
o Radiotherapy
o Palliative care
Preclinical lesions; stage IA
o Local excision.
o Total simple hysterectomy.
o Modified radical hysterectomy: surgery to remove the uterus, cervix,
upper part of the vagina, and nearby ligaments and tissues.
Clinical invasive cervical carcinoma:
stages IB
o Radical hysterectomy.
o Radiotherapy:
o External beam radiotherapy.
o Internal radiotherapy (brachytherapy).
External beam radiotherapy Brachytherapy
o Kenny, L., & Bickerstaff, H. (Eds.). (2017). Gynaecology by ten teachers, 20th edition (20th ed.). CRC Press.
o Kaplan Medical. (2018). USMLE Step 2 CK Lecture Notes 2019: 5-book set. Kaplan Publishing.