Building Engagement With Parents
Building Engagement With Parents
Building Engagement With Parents
Speaker: Ann Arcissa A. Nilooban PhD.
They relate to parents not as a partner but an advisor who guides them
through academic support for their child.
Why is parent/
involvement &
Parental involvement
in education matters
now more than ever
because it's in decline.
In 2016, research showed a drop in parent should believe
that intimate parent-teacher communication is effective.
parents now prefer remote methods of communication, like
online student portals, and they are less likely to attend
parent-teacher conferences or school activities. This shift is
sudden and concerning due to what it means for parent
engagement. While digital tools can help families stay
infromed, students are missing out when parents don't offer
their time and support.
Parent Parent
Involvement Engagement
Parents are children's first teacher and they have a key
role in shaping up their character. A balance of
education at home and school molds a student's actual
learning. Their role is not limited to home but
involvement in school activities too.
A child's learning scale
is highly related to how
they are treated at
Be a Role Model
Maintain an open
communication with them Read and watch TV Together
Ways Parents
Maintain parent-parent Help with their Don't overschedule
relationship child's Education