MEE 361 - Metrology
MEE 361 - Metrology
MEE 361 - Metrology
Dr Tunji Owoseni
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kwara State University, Malete
Section 1.0
Metrology: meaning and its aspects
Accuracy and precision
General concept of measurement
Errors in measurement
Systematic or controllable errors
Random errors
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Reference standard metrology—the enforcement,
verification, and validation of predefined standards.
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Metrology deals with establishing the units of measurements and
their reproduction in the form of standards, ascertaining the
uniformity of measurements, developing methods of measurement,
analysing the accuracy of methods of measurement, establishing
uncertainty of measurement, and investigating the causes of
measuring errors and subsequently eliminating them.
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Accuracy is the degree of agreement of the measured dimension with
its true magnitude.
It can also be defined as the maximum amount by which the result differs from the
true value or
As the nearness of the measured value to its true value, often expressed in
True value may be defined as the mean of the infinite number of
measured values when the average deviation due to the various
contributing factors tends to zero. In practice, realization of the true
value is not possible due to uncertainties of the measuring process and
hence cannot be determined experimentally.
Positive and negative deviations from the true value are unequal; they
will not cancel each other.
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Two terms are associated with accuracy, especially when one strives for
higher accuracy in measuring equipment: sensitivity and consistency.
Sensitivity means the ability of the measuring equipment to detect small
variations in the quantity being measured. It can be calculated as the ratio
of the change of instrument indication to the change of quantity being
Consistency means the ability of the measuring instrument to return the
same readings all the time.
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Precision means the degree of repetitiveness of the measuring
It represents the degree of agreement of the repeated measurements of a
quantity made by using the same method, under similar conditions.
Precision refers to the consistent reproducibility of a measurement. If an
instrument is not precise, it would give different results for the same
dimension for repeated readings.
The ability of the measuring instrument to repeat the same results
during the act of measurements for the same quantity is known as
Repeatability is random in nature; it does not assure accuracy, though it is a
desirable characteristic.
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Accuracy gives information regarding how far the measured value
is with respect to the true value, whereas precision indicates quality
of measurement, without giving any assurance that the
measurement is correct.
In most measurements, precision assumes more significance than
It is important to note that the scale used for the measurement must
be appropriate and conform to an internationally accepted standard.
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Concept of Measurements
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Basic Measurement Devices
Surface Plates
Test Stands
Dial Gages
Gauge Blocks
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Measurement Units
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Unit Prefixes
Metric Prefixes Symbol Multiples and Submultiples Factor
Exa E 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 1018
Peta P 1,000,000,000,000,000 1015
Tera T 1,000,000,000,000 1012
Giga G 1,000,000,000 109
Mega M 1,000,000 106
Kilo k 1,000 103
Hecto h 100 102
Deca da 10 10
Deci d 0.1 10-1
Centi c 0.01 10-2
Milli m 0.001 10-3
Micro µ 0.000001 10-6
Nano n 0.000000001 10-9
Pico p 0.000000000001 10-12
Femto f 0.000000000000001 10-15
Atto a 0.0000000000000000001 10-18
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Errors in
What is error?
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Error and its Types
Error is a measure of the uncertainty associated with
Error is the difference between a measurement result and
the value of the measurand.
Uncertainty describes the reliability of the assertion that
the stated measurement result represents the value of the
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Error and its Types
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Reasons for occurrence of S/CE
Calibration errors
Ambient conditions
Deformation of workpiece
Avoidable errors
Datum errors
Reading errors
Errors due to parallax
Effect of misalignment
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Error and its Types
Random errors provide a measure of random deviations when
measurements of a physical quantity are carried out repeatedly.
Specific causes for these variations cannot be determined
the variations are unpredictable and uncontrollable by the experimenter and are
random in nature.
They are of variable magnitude and may be either positive or negative.
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What are the sources of
random error?
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Systematic Errors vs Random Error
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Methods of Measurement
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Why do measurement?
Measurements are conducted to determine the magnitude
of the value and the unit of the quantity under
consideration. E.g., the temperature of a rod is 3 °C, in this
case the digit 3, represents the magnitude of the measured
temperature and the unit of measurement is Celsius.
The required accuracy and the amount of permissible error
would determine the choice of the method of
How many methods of measure are there?
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Task 1
Describe each of the
following terms; state
examples for each.
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Measurement procedures
Direct method
This involves direct comparison between the measured quantity
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Measurement procedures
Indirect method
In this case, measurement of the quantity is carried out directly
and then the value is determined using a mathematical model.
Some examples of indirect measurement are:
angle measurement using sine bar,
measurement of strain induced in a bar due to the applied force,
determination of effective diameter of a screw thread, etc.
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Measurement procedures
Fundamental or absolute method
In this case, the measurement is based on the measurements of
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Measurement procedures
Transposition method
This method involves making the measurement by direct
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Measurement procedures
Coincidence method
This is a differential method of measurement wherein a very
Deflection method
This method involves the indication of the value of the quantity to
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Measurement procedures
Complementary method
The value of the quantity to be measured is combined with a known value
of the same quantity. The combination is so adjusted that the sum of these
two values is equal to the predetermined comparison value. E.g. the
determination of the volume of an (irregular) solid by liquid displacement.
Composite method
The actual contour of a component to be checked is compared with its
maximum and minimum tolerance limits to know the cumulative errors of
the interconnected elements of the component. This method is very reliable
to ensure interchangeability and is usually effected through the use of
composite GO gauges. The use of a GO screw plug gauge to check the
thread of a nut is an example of this method.
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Measurement procedures
Null measurement method
In this method, the difference between the value of the quantity to
be measured and the known value of the same quantity with which
comparison is to be made is brought to zero. Examples of the null
method are the measurements of
electrical quantities like emf, voltage, resistance, capacitance
nonelectrical quantities that are converted into electrical
quantities by means of potentiometers and bridges e.g.
temperature, pressure, strains, etc.
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Measurement procedures
Contact method
In this method, the surface to be measured is touched by the sensor
or measuring tip of the instrument. Care is taken to ensure constant
contact pressure in order to avoid errors due to excess constant
pressure. Examples of this method include measurements using
micrometer, vernier calliper, and dial indicator.
Contactless method
Indicates, there is no direct contact with the surface to be measured.
Examples of this method include the use of optical instruments, tool
maker’s microscope, and profile projector.
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Standards of
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Roles of standard
Standards make it possible to perform trade in national and
international arenas. It ensures fair international trade and commerce.
It also helps accomplish complete interchangeability of manufacture.
When a manufacturer adheres to accepted standards, the manufacturer
can convince the customers about the quality of the articles of trade
like products.
It also helps manufacturers globally in achieving consistency,
accuracy, precision, and repeatability in measurements and in
supporting the system that enables the manufacturers to make such
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Task 2
Sep. 2022
End standard/measurement
This is when the distance between two flat parallel surfaces is considered
a measure of length.
The end faces of the end standards are hardened to reduce wear and
lapped flat and parallel to a very high degree of accuracy.
The end standards are extensively used for precision measurement in
workshops and laboratories. The commonest examples are measurements
using slip gauges, end bars, ends of micrometer anvils, vernier callipers, etc.
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Which of line standard and end standard
applies to measure the distance
between two edges?
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Between line
and end
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Task 3
Write five characteristics for each of
line and end standards
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Transfer from line standard to end
2. Basic length of primary line standard with end 4. End standard of known length as obtained
blocks from the standard
Sep. 2022 42
• The Brookes level comparator is used to calibrate
Brookes level standards by comparing with a master standard.
comparator • End standards can be manufactured very
accurately using a Brookes level comparator.
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• The displacement method is used to compare an
edge gauge with a line standard.
• Displacement method (a) With line standard only
method (b) With line and end standards combined
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Calibration • Calibration of end bars (a) Comparison of metre
bar and end bars wrung together (b) Comparison
of end bars of individual end bars
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Numerical examples
1. It is required to obtain a metre standard from a calibrated line standard using a
composite line standard. The actual length of the calibrated line standard is 1000.015
mm. The composite line standard comprises a length bar having a basic length of 950
mm and two end blocks, (a + b) and (c + d), each having a basic length of 50 mm. Each
end block contains an engraved line at the centre.
Four different measurements were obtained when comparisons were made between the
calibrated line standard and the composite bar using all combinations of end blocks: L 1
= 1000.0035mm, L2 = 1000.0030mm, L3 = 1000.0020mm, and L4 = 1000.0015mm.
Determine the actual length of the metre bar. Block (a + b) was found to be 0.001mm
greater than block (c + d) when two end blocks were compared with each other.
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Numerical examples
2. A calibrated metre end bar, which has an actual length of 1000.0005mm, is to be
used in the calibration of two bars X and Y, each having a basic length of 500mm.
When compared with the metre bar, the sum of L X and LY is found to be shorter by
0.0003mm. When X and Y are compared, it is observed that X is 0.0004mm longer
than Y. Determine the actual length of X and Y.
3. Three 200 mm gauges to be calibrated are measured on a level comparator by
wringing them together and then comparing them with a 600mm gauge. The
600mm gauge has an actual length of 600.0025mm, and the three gauges together
have a combined length of 600.0035 mm. When the three gauges are
intercompared, it is found that gauge A is longer than gauge B by 0.0020mm but
shorter than gauge C by 0.001mm. Determine the length of each gauge.
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1. It is required to calibrate four length bars A, B, C, and D, each having
a basic length of 250mm. A calibrated length bar of 1000mm is to be
used for this purpose. The 1000 mm bar has an actual length of
999.9991 mm. It is also observed that
a) LB = LA + 0.0001 mm
b) LC = LA + 0.0005 mm
c) LD = LA + 0.0001 mm
d) LA + LB + LC + LD = L + 0.0003 mm
Determine LA, LB, LC, and LD.
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2. A calibrated end bar having an actual length of 500.0005 mm is to be used to
calibrate two end bars A and B, each having a basic length of 250 mm. On
comparison, the combined length LA + LB is found to be shorter than the 500mm
end bar by 0.0003 mm. When the two end bars A and B are intercompared with
each other, A is found to be 0.0006 mm longer than B. Determine L A and LB.
3. Three 200 mm end bars (P, Q, and R) are measured by first wringing them together
and comparing with a 600 mm bar. They are then intercompared. The 600 mm bar
has a known error of 40 µm and the combined length of the three end bars is found
to be 64 µm less than the 600 mm bar. It is also observed that bar P is 18µm longer
than bar Q and 23 µm longer than bar R. Determine the lengths of the three end
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Answers to the DIY
1. LA = 249.999725 mm, LB = 249.999825 mm, LC =
= 199.9826667 mm
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Sep. 2022
Section 2.0
Linear measurement: meaning and associated matters
Design of linear measurement instruments
Surfaces for measurement: surface plate and v-block
Scaled Instruments
Vernier Instruments
Micrometer Instruments
Slip gauges
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Linear measurement: meaning and associated
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Design of linear measurement Instruments
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Design considerations for linear measurement
The measuring accuracy of line-graduated instruments depends on the
original accuracy of the line graduations.
Excessive thickness or poor definition of graduated lines affects the accuracy of
readings captured from the instrument.
Any instrument incorporating a scale is a suspect unless it provides
compensation against wear.
Attachments can enhance the versatility of instruments.
However, every attachment used along with an instrument, unless properly
deployed, may contribute to accumulated error.
Wear and tear of attachments can also contribute to errors.
Use attachments when their presence improves reliability more than their added
chance for errors decreasing it.
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Design considerations for linear measurement
The principle of alignment states that the line of measurement and the
line of dimension being measured should be coincident.
This principle is fundamental to good design and ensures accuracy and reliability of
Dial versions of instruments add convenience to reading. Electronic
versions provide digital readouts that are even easier to read.
However, neither of these guarantees accuracy and reliability of measurements
unless basic principles are adhered to.
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Design considerations for linear measurement
The instrument should have enhanced readability.
The smallest division on a micrometer is several times larger than that on a steel
rule of say 0.1 mm resolution, which is difficult to read. However, the micrometer
provides better least count, say up to 0.01 mm, compared to the same steel rule—a
micrometer is more reliable than a vernier scale but it has a lesser range than
If cost is not an issue, digital instruments may be preferred.
Electronic method allows ease of signal processing to express readings directly in
the required form without additional arithmetic e.g. readings may be expressed in
either metric or British units, and can also be stored on a memory device for further
use and analysis.
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Design considerations for linear measurement
Whenever a contact between the instrument and the surface of the job
being measured is inevitable, the contact force should be optimum to
avoid distortion.
The designer cannot leave the fate of the instrument on the skill of the user alone. A
proper device like a ratchet stop can limit the contact force applied on the job
during measurements, thereby avoiding stress on the instrument as well as
distortion of the job.
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Surfaces for
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Surface plate
A surface plate is a hard, solid, and
horizontal flat plate, which is used as the
reference plane for precision inspection,
marking out, and precision tooling set-up.
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Granite Surface plate
Natural granite that is seasoned in the open for thousands of years is
free from warp age or deterioration.
It is twice as hard as cast iron and not affected by temperature
It is not vulnerable to rusting and is non-magnetic.
it is free from burrs or protrusions because of its very fine grain
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V-blocks are extensively used for inspection of jobs with a circular cross
Generally, the angle of the V is 90°, though an angle of 120° is preferred in
some cases.
V-blocks are made of high-grade steel, hardened above 60 HRC (6.83
GPa), and ground to a high degree of precision.
V-blocks are manufactured in various sizes ranging from 50 to 200mm.
The accuracy of flatness, squareness, and parallelism is within 0.005mm for V-blocks of
up to 150mm length, and 0.01mm for those of length between 150 and 200mm
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Magnetic V-block V-block with a stirrup V-block
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Scaled Instruments
Combination set
Depth gauge
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Scaled Instruments
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Instrument: Types
Type A
• Vernier calliper
• Dial calliper
• Electronic digital calliper
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Dial and Digital calliper
The accuracy of the reading mechanism of the dial calliper is a function of
length of travel, unlike the vernier calliper that has the same accuracy
throughout its length.
A dial calliper is also subject to malfunctioning because of the delicate nature of the dial
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• Vernier depth gauge
Instrument: • Vernier height gauge
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A micrometer can provide better least counts and
Micrometer accuracy than a vernier calliper. Better accuracy results
because of the fact that the line of measurement is in
Instruments line with the axis of the instrument, unlike the vernier
calliper that does not conform to this condition. This
fact is best explained by Abbe’s principle, which states
that ‘maximum accuracy may be obtained only when
the standard is in line with the axis of the part being
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Micrometer Instruments
• Micrometer has better accuracy than verniers, but it has a
shorter measuring range and can only be used for end
• The ranges of micrometers are normally 0–25, 25–50, or
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Micrometer Instrument: Types
Types of outside micrometers (a) Disk type (b)
Screw thread type (c) Dial type (d) Blade type
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• Universal micrometer It has interchangeable anvils
Micrometer such as flat, spherical, spline, disk, or knife edge. It is
called universal because of its modular design. The
Instrument: micrometer fitted with the required accessories can
Types function as an outside micrometer, a depth micrometer, a
step micrometer, etc.
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• A micrometer that we considered hitherto can
Vernier provide an accuracy of at best 0.01mm or
10µm. Placing a vernier scale on the
Micrometer micrometer permits us to take readings up to
the next decimal place. In other words, one can
accurately measure up to 1 µm or 0.001mm,
which is an excellent proposition for any
precision workmanship.
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• A micrometer that we considered hitherto can
Vernier provide an accuracy of at best 0.01mm or
10µm. Placing a vernier scale on the
Micrometer micrometer permits us to take readings up to
the next decimal place. In other words, one can
accurately measure up to 1 µm or 0.001mm,
which is an excellent proposition for any
precision workmanship.
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Other • Digital micrometer
Micrometer • Inside micrometer calliper
Instrument • Inside micrometer
• Micrometer depth gauge
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Slip Gauges
• The accuracy of the previously de described
instruments depends on the accuracy of the
workmanship involved in their manufacture.
Any minor misalignment or error in a screw
often leads to errors in measurement.
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Grades of Slip Gauges
• Slip gauges are classified into grades depending on their guaranteed
accuracy. The grade defines the type of application for which a slip gauge is
suited, such as inspection, reference, or calibration.
• Slip gauges are designated into five grades, namely:
• Grade 2 This is the workshop-grade slip gauge. Typical uses include setting up machine
tools, milling cutters, etc., on the shop floor.
• Grade 1 This grade is used for tool room applications for setting up sine bars, dial
indicators, calibration of vernier, micrometer instruments, and so on.
• Grade 0 This is an inspection-grade slip gauge. Limited people will have access to this slip
gauge and extreme care is taken to guard it against rough usage.
• Grade 00 This set is kept in the standards room and is used for inspection/calibration of high
precision only. It is also used to check the accuracy of the workshop and grade 1 slip gauges.
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Grades of Slip Gauges
Calibration grade
This is a special grade, with the actual sizes of slip gauges
stated on a special chart supplied with the set of slip gauges.
This chart gives the exact dimension of the slip gauge, unlike
the previous grades, which are presumed to have been
manufactured to a set tolerance.
Calibration grade are the best-grade slip gauges because even
though slip gauges are manufactured using precision
manufacturing methods, it is difficult to achieve 100 %-
dimensional accuracy.
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Standard sets of Slip Gauges
Slip gauges are available in standard sets in both metric and inch units. In
metric units, there are sets of 31, 48, 56, and 103 pieces. For instance:
A set of 56 slip gauges consists of the following:
One piece of 1.0005mm
Nine pieces ranging from 1.001 to 1.009mm in steps of 0.001mm
Nine pieces ranging from 1.01 to 1.09mm in steps of 0.01mm
Nine pieces ranging from 1.0 to 1.9mm in steps of 0.1mm
25 pieces ranging from 1 to 25mm in steps of 1.0mm
Three pieces ranging from 25 to 75mm in steps of 25mm
A set of 103 pieces consists of the following:
One piece of 1.005mm
49 pieces ranging from 1.01 to 1.49mm in steps of 0.01mm
49 pieces ranging from 0.5 to 24.5mm in steps of 0.5mm
Four pieces ranging from 25 to 100mm in steps of 25mm
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Wringing of Slip Gauges
Wringing is the phenomenon of
adhesion of two flat and smooth surfaces
when they are brought into close contact
with each other.
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Combining Slip Gauges
Recall that gauge blocks are in standard sets of 31, 48, 56, and 103 pieces. While
figuring out the slip gauges that are required to make up a given dimension, adopt a
procedure that save time and ensure the use of the minimum number of gauges.
Thus, whenever we need to build slip gauges to the required height/dimension, the
primary concern is the selection of a gauge that gives the dimension to the required
decimal place. This is followed by selection of gauges in the order in which they
meet the dimension from the next last decimal place towards the left until the entire
selection is complete.
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