Qiii-Melc 1
Qiii-Melc 1
Qiii-Melc 1
Describe the different types of volcanoes
and volcanic eruptions (S9ES-IIIa-25)
Where Does the Word ‘Volcano’ Come From?
The word 'volcano' The island
comes from the island actually gets
‘Vulcano’, which is a
volcanic island in Italy. its name from
the Roman
god of fire –
Vulcano, Italy.
The Roman God of Fire
Roman mythology says that Vulcan lived in a volcano. As well
as being the god of fire, he made many weapons and forged
them using metal and fire. He was a very skilled blacksmith.
•Shield cone
volcano- has a
wide base with
gently sloping
sides. It is made
up purely of
solidified lava
What Types of Volcano Are There?
Shield Volcanoes like this one in Hawaii are common in this part of the world.
Shield Volcanoes
Shield volcanoes are bowl or shield-shaped in the middle. When they
erupt, the lava is quite runny and it travels long distances down the
side of the volcano before it cools down. This lava forms long, gentle
slopes that look like a warrior's shield, which is how they got their
name. These volcanoes do not often explode.
Shield cone volcano
Cinder cone volcano
• Cinder cone volcano-
made up of loose
fragments called cinders
(pyro clasts and tephra) -
it is formed from
explosive eruption. -it
has a narrow base and a
steep slope
What Types of Volcano Are There?
Sunset Crater in Arizona, USA is a cinder cone.
Cinder Cones
Cinder cones are circular or oval cones. They are made up of small
fragments of lava, which are blown into the air through a single vent.
When they cool down, they form rock around the vent. They grow
quickly, but are not usually very big. They are not usually dangerous
Cinder cone volcano
• Taal Volcano is
a complex
volcano located on the
island of Luzon in
the Philippines. It is the
second most active
volcano in the Philippines
with 33 historical
Composite Volcano
• Composite Volcano or
Stratovolcano composed
of alternating layers of
lava and cinders. It is
formed when volcanic
eruptions vary between
quiet and violent and
What Types of Volcano Are There?
Mount St. Helens in Washington, USA is a composite volcano.
Composite Volcanoes
These volcanoes are steep-sided volcanoes and are made up of
lots of layers of volcanic rocks. They usually erupt in an
explosive way because the magma in these volcanoes is quite
sticky. It clogs up the passage that it has to pass through.
Pressure is built inside the volcanic chamber and this results in
the volcano erupting violently.
Composite Volcano
Pinatubo Volcano
Types of Volcano According to
Record of Eruption or activity
• Active Volcano
• Inactive Volcano
Why Do Volcanoes Erupt?
We know that the earth's crust is made up of huge slabs called tectonic
plates. These fit together like a jigsaw puzzle and they sometimes move.
A dormant volcano is one that has not erupted for a long time,
however, it may still erupt in the future.
An extinct volcano is one which has erupted
thousands of years ago, but it will
probably never erupt again.
What Is the Largest Active Volcano?
Mauna Loa
Vesuvius has erupted over 50 times Over the years, archaeologists have
in the last 200 years. The last time found bodies preserved by the ash from
was in 1944 during the Second the volcano along with other items,
World War. such as heating stoves and cooking
Mount Fuji, Japan
Mount Fuji is the highest
mountain in Japan. It is Over 100,000 people climb
3776m high. It is on the Mount Fuji every year. It is
island of Honshu, about the most climbed mountain
100km from Tokyo. in the world.