Individual Difference
Individual Difference
Individual Difference
4. Differences in achievement:
It has been found through achievement tests that individuals differ in their
achievement abilities. These differences are very much visible in reading,
writing and in learning mathematics.
• 5. Differences in motor ability:
• Heredity:
• Some heretical traits bring a change from one
individual to other. An individual’s height, size,
shape and color of hair, shape of face, nose, hands
and legs so to say the entire structure of the body is
determined by his heretical qualities. Intellectual
differences are also to a great extent influenced by
hereditary factor.
• Environment:
• Environment brings individual differences in
behaviour, activities, attitude, and style of life
characteristics. Personality etc. Environment does
not refer only physical surroundings but also it
refers the different types of people, society, their
culture, customs, traditions, social heritage, ideas
and ideals.
• Race and Nationality:
• Race and Nationality is one cause of
individual difference. Indians are very peace
loving, Chinese are cruel; Americans are
very frank due to race and nationality.
• Sex:
• Due to sex variation one individual differs from
other. Men are strong in mental power. On the
other hand women on the average show small
superiority over men in memory, language and
aesthetic sense. Women excel the men in
shouldering social responsibilities and have a
better control over their emotions.
• Age:
• Age is another factor which is responsible in
bringing individual differences. Learning ability and
adjustment capacity naturally grow with age. When
one grows in age can acquire better control over our
emotions and better social responsibilities. When a
child grows then this maturity and development goes
side by side.
• Education:
• Education is one major factor which brings
individual differences. There is a wide gap in
the behaviors of educated and uneducated
persons. All traits of human beings like
social, emotional and intellectual are
controlled and modifies through proper
Role of Individual Differences in Education
• 1. Limited size of the class:
Generally there are 50 or more than 50 students in a class.
In such a large class, it is not possible for the teacher to
pay individual attention to the students. The size of the
class should be small. It should be divided into various
units so that after class-room work their various difficulties
may be found out.
2. Proper division of the class:
Now there are separate classes for the students, who have
different intelligence. While bringing about this
classification, the teacher should keep in mind the
difference in age, interests, emotional and social qualities.
• 3. Home task:
The teacher should assign home task to the students while keeping in
view the individual differences.
4. Factor of sex:
Boys and girls are to play different roles in society. Hence the factor
of sex should be kept in mind.
5. Curriculum:
7. Educational Guidance:
8. Vocational Guidance: