Cognitive Errors: Definition
Cognitive Errors: Definition
Cognitive Errors: Definition
Definition :
“ Cognitive errors or cognitive distortions are irrational or faulty
ways of thinking. These are thoughts that cause individuals to
perceive reality inaccurately”.
“Cognitive distortions are biased perspectives we take on ourselves
and the world around us. they are irrational thoughts and beliefs
that we unknowingly reinforce over time”.
Cognitive errors
• We all have patterns of thinking, which impact our behavior and emotional
state .Sometimes our patterns are less than accurate.
• These inaccurate thoughts are usually used to reinforce negative thinking or
• A mistake in our thinking that makes the situation seem worse then it
actually is.
All cognitive distortions are:
• Tendencies or patterns of thinking or believing…
• That are false or inaccurate…
• And have the potential to cause psychological damage.
Categories of cognitive errors
Healthy Diet
Proper Sleep
Regular Exercise
Avoiding mood enhancing foods and drinks like caffeine and alcohol.
Deep Breathing
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Guided Imagery
A simple, but powerful, technique
It is the only bodily function that we do both voluntarily and involuntarily.
We can consciously use breathing to influence the involuntary (sympathetic
nervous system) that regulates blood pressure, heart rate, circulation,
digestion and many other bodily functions. Breathing exercises can act as a
bridge into those functions of the body of which we generally do not have
conscious control.
Take a long, slow breath in through your nose, first filling your lower lungs,
then your upper lungs.
This exercise will help you to lower your overall tension and stress levels, and
help you relax when you are feeling anxious.
It can also help reduce physical problems such as stomach-aches and
headaches, as well as improve your sleep.
Foot curl your toes downward
Lower leg and foot tighten your calf muscle by pulling toes towards you
Picture a setting that is calm and peaceful. This could be a beach, a mountain setting, a meadow, or a specific
situation/scene that you choose.
Imagine your scene, and try to add some detail. For example, what is there? How does it feel? What do you smell?
What does look like?
It often helps to add a path to your scene. For example, as you enter the scene, imagine a path leading you through
making you more relaxed
When you are deep into your scene and are feeling relaxed, take a few minutes to breathe slowly and feel the calm.
Think of a simple word or sound that you can use in the future to help you return to this place. Then, when you are
ready, slowly take yourself out of the scene and back to the present.
Count to 3, and open your eyes. Notice how you feel right now.
Cognitive Techniques
Thought Record
It is a worksheet to introduce the concept of identification of automatic
thoughts and linking these to emotional states.
Cognitive Restructuring/Reframing
Replace or reframe cognitive distortions or maladaptive thoughts with
more balanced and realistic thoughts and beliefs about oneself, the
future, and the world around.
Evidence that supports Some co-workers pointed out that we don't have enough resources to implement my idea.
the thought
Evidence that doesn't A few people did think it was a good idea. Mine was not the only idea that the group didn't like.
support the thought People tell me they like the way I work. I usually do a good job.
Alternative/balanced People at work think that I am capable and often have good ideas.
Thought I do my work well, but this wasn't one of my best ideas.
Thoughts My friends don't like me. They think I am boring. I will end up having no friends.