Lecture 5 Product Specifications.: Ecen 490 - Winter 2011
Lecture 5 Product Specifications.: Ecen 490 - Winter 2011
Lecture 5 Product Specifications.: Ecen 490 - Winter 2011
Product Specs
How did you do on the Homework Assignment Go through the process describe in the lecture (and text) with your team. Email me with the following,
Description of the customer for your project, The questions you would like to ask this customer, The customer responses that you think the customer would give, and, The interpreted customer needs that you determined. The method of prioritizing the needs that you used.
Product Specs
Identifying customer needs. Homework assignment What were some of the challenges in coming up with customer needs? How did some of you arrive at a definition of your customer? What were some of the 5 top needs as identified by your process? How will you use these needs in developing your product?
Product Specs
Mission Statement
Identify Customer Needs Establish Target Specs Generate Product Concepts Select a Product Concept Test Product Concept Set Final Specs
Development Plan
Plan Downstream Development
Perform Economic Analysis Benchmark Competitive Products Build and Test Models and Prototypes
Concept Development
Exhibit 3 Chapter 5 Ulrich & Eppinger
Product Specs
Needs and Specifications Customer Needs describe What the end product or service does for the user. They are expressed in the language of the customer. The product__________ Product Specifications allow quantification of the customer needs. The Specification has both a metric and a value. The Product Metrics describe the measures used to determine IF the product meets the required needs. The Value is the actual numeric specification that the designers use to determine when the product meets the customer requirements. yes Successful Metrics/ IF What Product Values no
ECEn 490 Winter 2011
Product Specs 5
Example: Specialized mountain bike design. Customer need: The Suspension enables high-speed descents on bumpy roads. Product Metrics: 1. Attenuation from dropout to handlebar at 10 Hz. 2. Maximum value from the Monster (suspension test by Mountain Bike Magazine.) 3. Minimum descent time on test track. Note: the metric does not yet have an actual value assigned at this point. Why not?
Product Specs
The process of developing product specifications begins with your completed matrix of interpreted customer needs. Again note that there are no values.
# 1 Can win 2 Can control the ball while moving 3 Want a simple design Customer Need Statements Interpretation of Needs Robot can score more goals than opponent Robot can maintain possession of the ball while moving Robot has simple design so as to facilitate functionality void of problems Robot positions itself between its goal and the ball to prevent a goal Robot is able to shoot the ball at different angles so as to score Imp. 4 4 4
4 Can block shots 5 Robot is able to score from anywhere on the field
4 4 4
6 Able to determine position of ball and opponent Robot is able to determine the position of the ball and its opponent
Product Specs
Product Specs
# 1 Can win
Interpretation of Needs Robot can score more goals than opponent Robot can maintain possession of the ball while moving Robot has simple design so as to facilitate functionality void of problems Robot positions itself between its goal and the ball to prevent a goal Robot is able to shoot the ball at different angles so as to score
Imp. 4 4 4
4 Can block shots 5 Robot is able to score from anywhere on the field
4 4 4
6 Able to determine position of ball and opponent Robot is able to determine the position of the ball and its opponent
Product Specs
Goals scored minus conceded goals Distance from ball to robot Time from possession of ball Radius of circle made while in possession of ball at top speed Number of motors, circuits, batteries, moving parts
Goals cm s cm parts
Marginal Value
>0 <10 >10 >=50 <=12
Ideal Value
>2 <2 >=30 >=10 <=6
6 7 8
3 4 5
Number of lines of code Percentage of blocked shots given random speed and location of ball and robot Percentage of goals given random location of shot and opponent
lines % %
Maximum difference between calculated ball position and actual ball position Maximum difference between calculated opponent position and actual opponent position
Product Specs
Types of Metrics
Some metrics are dependent, some are independent variables
Independent metrics can be set by the designer, number of motors, amount of battery time required Dependent metrics are the result of other design decisions, mass of robot, size of the battery
- It is important to identify the dependent variables to insure the other design choices dont compromise the customer needs.
Values of Metrics
1. At least X-- set a minimum amount,
2. At most X -- set a maximum, 3. Between X and Y -- set a range, 4. Exactly X -- set a fixed value, 5. Discrete values parts are only available in discrete increments, Are all needs quantifiable?
ECEn 490 Winter 2011
Product Specs 15
Product Specs
Needs-Metrics Tables
Metric #
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Need #
1 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8, 18 9, 18 10,25,27 11 Goals scored minus conceded goals Distance from ball to robot Time from possession of ball
Goals cm s cm parts lines % % cm cm %/s %/s m/s^2 m/s s N/A
Radius of circle made while in possession of ball at top speed Number of motors, circuits, batteries, moving parts Number of lines of code Percentage of blocked shots given random speed and location of ball and robot Percentage of goals given random location of shot and opponent Maximum difference between calculated ball position and actual ball position Maximum difference between calculated opponent position and actual opponent position Maximum percentage error between calculated ball position and actual ball position per second Average percentage error between calculated opponent position and actual opponent position per second Acceleration Mx speed Time elapsed from a change in the environment to a change in the robot's action Whether or not a victory dance is implemented at the right time (ie after robot scores)
Product Specs
1 2 3 4 5 Robot can score more goals than opponent Maintain possession of the ball while moving simple design with functionality w/o problems positions itself between its goal and the ball able to score from anywhere on the field
Product Specs
Competitive Benchmarking
Metric # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Need # 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 Metric Goals scored minus conceded goals Distance from ball to robot Time from possession of ball Radius of circle made while in possession of ball at top speed Number of motors, circuits, batteries, moving parts Number of lines of code Percentage of blocked shots given random speed and location of ball and robot Percentage of goals given random location of shot and opponent Maximum difference between calculated ball position and actual ball position Maximum difference between calculated opponent position and actual opponent position Units Goals cm s cm parts lines % Marginal Value >0 <10 >10 >=50 <=12 3000 >=50 Ideal Value >2 <2 >=30 >=10 <=6 1500 >=90
Product Specs
In-Class Exercise
Get into your teams take the Interpreted Customer Needs from your homework assignment develop 3-5 target product specifications for the product (both the metric and value) Remember, you havent picked a final product concept yet try keep the specifications in terms of what not how be prepared to present your ideas to the class.
ECEn 490 Winter 2011
Product Specs 21
Homework assignment Complete the Preliminary Functional Specifications Document (PFSD) for your senior project. You can use the template illustrated in Example FSD on the website, or a similar format to capture the relationship between your customer needs and the product specs you will need meet in your design. Have the First pass available on your management site and emailed to Prof. Clifford by next Tuesday, Jan 25th . Read Chapter 6 Concept Generation or the class notes on the website.
Product Specs
The Four sections of the FSD 1. 2. 3. 4. Project Description and background: What is the project, and what is expected to be accomplished. Project Requirements: Who is the customer, and what are the interpreted needs and requirements including their relative importance. (customer needs table) Product Specifications: The measurable engineering characteristics (metrics) and target values for the product. Linking of the Project Requirements and Product Specifications: The analysis of the specifications to insure that critical program and customer requirements are being met. (table showing needs, specs, and values)
Product Specs