Fyp1 Group Presentation
Fyp1 Group Presentation
Fyp1 Group Presentation
Covid-19 Manufacturing
Retail Industry
Supply Chain
Introduction Logistics
Timeliness cannot
MCO&SOP Total Cost
be guaranteed
shipping cost
Covid-19 has hit the retail industry hard
1. What are the factors of covid-19 that affect outbound logistics activities
in the context of Malaysian retail business?
2. How do these factors affect the outbound logistic activities in the
context of Malaysian retail business?
Research Objective
• OutBound Logistics
• Lead Time
• Inventory Management
• Consumer Satisfaction
• Requirements chain Model
• 3rd Party Logistics
Research Gaps
H1: There is a strong Correlation between Excellent lead time and retailers satisfaction
H2: There is a close link between effective inventory management and the capacity to fullfil demand spikes
H3: There is a correlation of the limited physical work capacity and the efficiency of the outbound logistics
H4: There is a correlation between the introduction of new SOP and the efficiency of the outbound logistics
H5: There is a close link between retailers satisfaction with distributors ability to meet order demand
H6: There is a close link between 3rd party logistics and Mlaysian retailers logistic activities
Research Method
• Online questionnaire
• Collect the data easily and shorten the steps of analysis
• Standardize questions
• Relationship between independent and other dependent variables
• Multivariate Regression method