Comparison of Signature-Based Detection and Behavior-Based Detection For Effective Malware Detection
Comparison of Signature-Based Detection and Behavior-Based Detection For Effective Malware Detection
Comparison of Signature-Based Detection and Behavior-Based Detection For Effective Malware Detection
Signature-based Detection
and Behavior-based
Detection for Effective
Malware Detection
Akbar Rosyidi - 20220130008
Table of
01 What is malware and how Contents
Detect it
Study Literature
02 What Method we use to
detect it
03 Sample Case and Evaluation
04 It is a Good Method?
What is Malware
What is Malware
Malware is a term used to describe malicious software
that is designed to harm or exploit computer systems.
These types of software are designed to carry out
unauthorized actions on a computer system, such as
stealing sensitive information, compromising the
security of the system, or disrupting the normal
functioning of the computer.
Methods Of Malware Detection
In recent years, various
techniques have been
developed to detect malware,
ranging from signature-based
methods to behavior-based and
machine learning-based
approaches. Each of these
methods has its own strengths
and weaknesses, and the choice
of approach depends on the
specific requirements of the
organization and the type of
malware that is being targeted.
What Method We Use To Detect It
Methods Of Malware Detection
01 02
Signature-based Behavior-based
identifies malware analyzes the behavior
based on its unique of software.
signature or pattern.
03 04
Heuristics-based Machine learning
uses algorithms and uses artificial intelligence
statistical analysis to and machine learning
detect malware. algorithms to detect
Example Case
Signature-based detection Case
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Pros: Pros:
• Simple and straightforward to • Effective against unknown malware.
implement. • Can detect malware that is designed to evade
• Requires relatively few resources. signature-based detection.
• Effective against known malware. •Does not rely on a database.
Cons: Cons:
• Can be easily defeated by malware. • More complex.
• The signature database must be updated • Can generate false positives.
regularly. • May require more expertise.
• Can generate false positives.