■ Words that are not terms include verbs, non-substantive adjectives, adverbs,
prepositions, conjunctions, and all non-syntactic arrangements of words.
■ The following words or phrases are not terms; none can serve as the subject
of a statement: dictatorial, above and beyond, craves, runs quickly, moreover,
cabbages into again the forest
■ The use of a word from the mention of a word.
■ “‘Wherever’ is an eight-letter word.”- Mentioned
■ “I will follow you wherever you go.”- Used
■ Words are usually considered to be symbols, and the entities they
symbolize are usually called meanings.
■ The intentional meaning (intension or connotation) consists of the qualities
or attributes that the term connotes, and the extensional meaning (extension
or denotation) consists of the members of the class that the term denotes.
■ E.g. The term “cat” consists of the attributes of being furry, of having four
legs, of moving in a certain way, of emitting certain sounds, and so on,
while the extensional meaning consists of cats themselves- all the cats in
the universe.
■ logic uses the terms ‘connotation‘‘ and ‘denotation‘‘ differently from the way
they are used in grammar.
■ In grammar, ‘connotation‘‘ refers to the subtle nuances of a word, whereas
‘denotation‘‘ refers to the word‘s direct and specific meaning.
■ conventional connotation-The conventional connotation of a term includes the
attributes that the term commonly calls forth in the minds of competent speakers
of the language.
■ The connotation of a term remains more or less the same from person to person
and from time to time.
■ The denotation of a term also typically remains the same from person to person,
but it may change with the passage of time. The denotation of ‘currently living
cat,‘‘ for example, is constantly fluctuating as some cats die and others are born.
The denotation of the term ‘cat,’ on the other hand, is presumably constant
because it denotes all cats, past, present, and future.
■ Empty extension- e.g. “current king of France”
■ Intension determines extension- The intentional meaning of a term
serves as the criterion for deciding what the extension consists of.
■ Looking at serious of terms
■ Increasing intension: animal, mammal, feline, tiger
■ Increasing extension: tiger, feline, mammal, animal
■ Decreasing intension: tiger, feline, mammal, animal
■ Decreasing extension: animal, mammal, feline, tiger
■ E.G exceptions
■ Unicorn; unicorn with blue eyes; unicorn with blue eyes and green horn;
unicorn with blue eyes, green horn, and a weight of over 400 pounds
Meaning, Types, and Purposes of Definitions
■ definition as a group of words that assigns a meaning to some word or
group of words.
■ Every definition consists of two parts: the definiendum and the definiens.
■ The definiendum is the word or group of words that is supposed to be
defined, and the defines is the word or group of words that does the
■ E.g. In the definition ‘Tiger’ means a large, striped, ferocious feline
indigenous to the jungles of India and Asia.
■ The word ‘tiger‘‘ is the definiendum, and everything after the word
‘means’ is the definiens.
Types and Purposes of Definitions
■ Based on the functions that they actually serve, definitions can be classified
into five: stipulative, lexical, précising, theoretical, and persuasive
■ Stipulative Definitions:- assigns a meaning to a word for the first time.
■ It involve either coining a new word or giving a new meaning to an old word.
E.g. ‘tigon‘‘ and ‘liger‘‘
■ a stipulative definition is a completely arbitrary assignment of a meaning to a
word for the first time, there can be no such thing as a ‘true‘‘ or ‘false‘‘
stipulative definition.
■ Lexical Definitions- used to report the meaning that a word already has in a
language. Dictionary definitions
■ can be true or false depending on whether it does or does not report the way a
word is actually used
Types …
■ Précising Definitions- reduce the vagueness of a word.
■ May assign meaning but not arbitrarily.
■ Theoretical Definitions- assigns a meaning to a word by suggesting a theory that
gives a certain characterization to the entities that the term denotes. ‘heat’ – kinetic
theory : ‘heat’ means the energy associated with the random motion of the molecules
of a substance.’
■ Persuasive Definitions- engender a favorable or unfavorable attitude toward what is
denoted by the definiendum. E.g.
■ “Abortion’ means the ruthless murdering of innocent human beings.
■ “Abortion’ means a safe and established surgical procedure whereby a woman is
relieved of an unwanted burden
■ While persuasive definitions may, like lexical definitions, be evaluated as either true
or false, the primary issue is neither truth nor falsity but the effectiveness of such
definitions as instruments of persuasion.
Techniques of Definition
■ The Extensional (Denotative) Definitional Techniques
■ An extensional definition is one that assigns a meaning to a term by
indicating the members of the class that the definiendum denotes
■ Demonstrative (Ostensive) Definitions
■ a definition is the meaning of pointing. Either partial or complete
■ “Chair” means this and this and this- as you point to a number of chairs, one
after the other.
■ “Washington Monument” means that- as you point to it
■ Enumerative Definitions
■ assign a meaning to a term by naming the members of the class the term
■ Either partial or complete
■ E.g. “Actor” means a person such as Abebe Balicha, Samsom Taddesse, or
Mahder Assefa
■ Definition by Subclass:- assigns a meaning to a term by naming subclasses of
the class denoted by the term.
■ may be either partial or complete.
■ E.g. “Tree” means an oak, pine, elm, spruce, maple, and the like.
“Fictional work” means a poem, a play, a novel, or a short story.
The Intensional (Connotative) Definitional Techniques
An intensional definition one that assigns a meaning to a word by indicating the
qualities or attributes that the word connotes.
Synonymous Definition- one in which the definiens is a single word that
connotes the same attributes as the definiendum- that the definiens is a synonym
of the word being defined. “Physician” means doctor. “Observe “means see.
■ Etymological Definition- assigns a meaning to a word by disclosing the
word‘s ancestry in both its own language and other languages.
■ Operational Definition assigns a meaning to a word by specifying certain
experimental procedures that determine whether or not the word applies to
a certain thing.
■ Examples: One substance is ‘harder than’ another if and only if one
scratches the other when the two are rubbed together.
■ A solution is an ‘acid’ if and only if litmus paper turns red when dipped
into it.
■ Definition by Genus and Difference- assigns a meaning to a term by
identifying a genus term and one or more difference words that, when
combined, convey the meaning of the term being defined.
■ generally applicable and achieves more adequate results than other def.
■ ‘genus’ means a relatively larger class, and
■ ‘species‘‘ means a relatively smaller subclass of the genus
■ ‘difference’ is the attribute or attributes that distinguish the various species
within a genus
■ E.g. Species Difference Genus
■ Ice means frozen water
■ Species Difference Genus
■ Daughter means female offspring
■ Husband means married man