Govt Polytechnic College Punalur
One Touch Multi-banking
Transaction ATM System
• Introduction
• Smart ATM pin recovery and secured ATM transactions based on fingerprint identification
• Architecture
• Applications
• Advantages
• Conclusion
• So the ATM card have number of drawbacks like breaking card, losing
card, stolen card, losing PIN, forgot PINs, etc. due to such issues there
are maximum chances of frauds .
• To overcome the bugs in traditional ATM system, introducing
a new ATM terminal customer recognition system, “One
touch Multi-banking Transaction system using Biometric
and GSM Authentication” .
• Biometric based fingerprint authentication technique is one of
the most secure systems, unauthorized accesses are restricted,
as this makes fingerprint a unique identification for everyone.
• This system also assures a secure GSM (OTP-One time
Password) based transaction.
• Here the proposed system has no risk overhead in managing
multiple account transactions and achieves high security as
compare to the traditional ATM system
A Self-Banking Biometric Machine with Fake Detection
• In this seminar two most stable physiological biometrics as a means of
identification of an individual has made the system more reliable.
• The OTP concept added in the system using GSM modem further
enhances the security.
• The growing direct attacks of thieves has motivated us to focus our prime
concern on the security over money transaction.
• The accuracy of biometrics in identification is increasing its usage
• The method proposed in this paper focuses on how the money
transaction in an ATM machine will be secured by providing personal
identification by analyzing biometrics like fingerprints patterns which are
known for their steadiness and diversity. Use of biometrics provides a
paperless banking environment along with the smart ATM access.
Fingerprint Along with GSM Technology for OTP
• In this system the samples of the fingerprint along with the registered mobile number of the
customer needs to be collected and saved in the database by the banker if the customer is to
access the ATM.
• The actual operation of the system begins when the customer is to access the ATM to make
a money transaction.
• The fingerprint samples will be captured and matched. The system will distinguish between
the real Genuine person and fake samples by comparing it with the samples saved in the
database during enrollment.
• After finding valid samples the system generates a 3 digit code which is received by the
customer on his/her registered mobile number.
• This process is carried out using a GSM modem
• The entered OTP will be checked, after the OTP is found valid the customer is allowed to
make further transactions otherwise the account is blocked.
Biometric based fingerprint authentications
systems in ATM
• Access control has been a great concern in this Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) .
• The need to control access to certain information and resources has been taken seriously by the
ICT community.
• no single security method, algorithm, key or procedure is entirely secure. Hence, a combination
of multiple security compliments is mandatory to provide a high level of protection against
fraud and other threats.
• We combines two security components which are the magnetic stripe card and fingerprint
• It looks into the vulnerabilities of magnetic-stripe cards authentication combined with Personal
Identification Numbers (PIN) or passwords widely used on Automated Teller Machines (ATMs)
• As a result, a framework for user identification and authentication in ATMs using PIN
fingerprints and magnetic stripe cards as opposed to the PIN and magnetic stripe cards
authentication method.
Smart ATM Pin Recovery and Secured ATM
Transactions Based on Fingerprint Identification:-
Secure-PIN-Authentication-as-a-Service for ATM
Using Mobile and Wearable Devices:-
• we propose the Secure-PIN Authentication-as-a-Service a cloud-based
PIN-authentication service for using personal mobile or wearable devices.
• In ATM card skimming and video recording with hidden cameras while
users perform PIN-based authentication is one of the common threats for
common users.
• Researchers have struggled to come up with secure solutions for secure
PIN authentication.
• we propose Secure-PIN-Authentication), a secure PIN authentication
protocol for ATM
• The working of system starts with reading input from user as a fingerprint of user.
It will be read by fingerprint scanner. The input will be verified from the data
stored in the database and gets validated.
• The architecture of proposed system is divided into three dierent working modules,
• The databases are stored on cloud. Web services give access to all the bank
accounts of user.
• The details of all the bank accounts of user are displayed for
the further transaction.
Design and Implementation of Anti-theft ATM Machine
using Embedded Systems
• In proposed anti-theft ATM system, comprising of the modules namely,
authentication of shutter lock, web enabled control, sensors and camera control.
• This technology is recent attraction for security purpose using embedded systems
to obtain ATM security.
• .
• All the bank accounts are managed in a single finger touch thus
no need to carry multiple cards and remember their passwords.
I hope you are understood my topic very well….so if any doubts…please freely ask to me……