In a 70 kg adult : approx 4000 mmol of sodium
• Dietary food sources
Table salt (NaCl) , salty foods , animal foods /milk,
baking soda , baking powder , some vegetables
5g NaCl /day : for adults without hypertension
1g NaCl /day : for adults with hypertension
• Absorption and Excretion
Sodium is readily reabsorbed in the blood stream
via the epithelial cells by an active transport .
Filtered Sodium is
70-80% :actively reabsorbed in the PT
20-25% : reabsorbed in the loop of Henle along
with Cl and water
5% -10%: distal tubules (this is influenced by
the hormone -Aldosterone )
Urinary sodium output is regulated by four
• Maintenance of osmotic pressure & normal
distribution of water in the extracellular
fluid compartment.
• Regulates the body’s acid base balance
HCl + Na2HPO4 - - > NaH2PO4 + NaCl
• It maintains muscle and nerve excitability
• Sodium is involved in cell membrane
Clinical Conditions Related to Plasma Sodium
Level Alteration : HYPERNATREMIA
Is an increase in serum sodium concentration
above the normal range of 135mEq/Lit to 145
mEq/lit :
Causes : lack of water intake /loss of water
a. Dehydration (due to lack of H2O intake)
b. due to excessive Aldosterone secretion eg.
Cushings syndrome >> hyperactivity of adrenal
cortex . >> Aldosterone excess >> Increases
Sodium reabsorption in the kidney >>
retention of sodium
c. Diabetes Insipidus –involves inadequate
production of the hormone –ADH /Vasopressin
(from the pituitary gland ) >> increased H2O
excretion >> blood sodium unaffected =
hypernatremia (hyperosmolality )
Symptoms of hypernatremia
Lethargy , seizures , coma
If due to excess salt gain : those of hypertension and
Osmolality :
Is the concentration of solution in terms of
osmoles of solute /lit of solution
Osmolality = 275 to 295 mOsm/kg.
Pseudo hyponatremia = Normal /High
Normal Osmolality : hyperlipidemia ,
High Osmolality : Hyper glycemia
Plama sodium concn falls by 1.4mmol/lit for every
100mg/dl rise in plasma concn
1. Causes for Hyponatremia with Normal ECF
Volume = Normal ECF low Sodium
Example : SIADH (Syndrome of inappropriate
ADHsecretion) :
2. Causes for Hyponatremia with High ECF
Volume = High ECF Normal Sodium
Example : Congestive cardiac Failure ,
Cirrhosis and , Renal Failure
3. Causes for Hyponatremia with Low ECF
Volume = low ECF low Sodium
Causes : Renal and Non Renal
Non Renal loss
Vomiting and diarrhoea :
LOSS OF WATER >>Decrease of ECF
volume>> water and sodium are both
lost :
Sodium loss exceeds H2O=
(hypovolemic hyponatremia)
Renal Loss
• Diuretics Use : : Diuresis LOSS OF WATER
>> water is lost through kidney and so
together does Sodium = hypovolemic
• Adrenal insufficiency : (e.g Addisons disease)
No Aldosterone =No reabsorption of Sodium
from the DT = hypovolemic hyponatremia
Symptoms of Hyponatremia :
Causes :
a. Redistribution b. Excretion
Redistribution : Hypokalemia
a. Alkalosis : K+ moves into the cell in
exchange of H+
Redistribution : Hypokalemia
b. Insulin therapy for diabetic hyperglycemia :
Insulin enhances transport of Pot into the cell
causing the fall : Hence Hypokalemia
• Excretion Renal Causes
Non Renal Causes
Renal loss cause
a. Diuretic phase of ATNecrosis
b. Excess mineralocorticoid –Aldosteronism
or excess gluco corticoid –Cushings syndrome
c. Conn’s syndrome ( an aldosterone producing adrenal
Aldosterone increases Na+reabsorption =
obligatory K+ excretion
Non Renal Causes :
Gastrointestinal losses : due to vomiting ,
diarrhoea ,excessive sweating, purgative use
• Symptoms :
Muscular weakness , constipation and paralytic
ileus (common problems)
Cardiac arrythmias
Cardiac arrest (ECG changes –T wave is inverted
, ST segment is lowered )
Less common but is more dangerous
Causes :
a. Redistribution
b. Increased production
c. Decreased Excretion
a. Acidosis : transfer of intracellular K in ECF
occurs in Acidosis as H+ (shifts out to maintain
electrical neutrality .
Mg2+ 2 12
SO 4
1 24
Others 1 Org. anions 5
Proteins 16