Dr. Mohammed H Saiemaldahr Blood Bank Med Tech Dep @kaau
Dr. Mohammed H Saiemaldahr Blood Bank Med Tech Dep @kaau
Dr. Mohammed H Saiemaldahr Blood Bank Med Tech Dep @kaau
The purpose of the antibody screen is to detect red blood cell
antibodies other than anti-A or anti-B.
These antibodies are called “unexpected” because only
0.3 to 2 % of the general population have positive
antibody screen.
Once an unexpected antibody is detected, antibody
identification studies are performed to determine the
antibodies specificity and clinical significance.
Antibody Screening
Screening Cells.
The screening cells are available in three form
1- a single vial of no more than two donors pooled
together in one vial.
2- two vials each with a different donor.
3- 3 vials representing three different donors.
Auto-logous Control.
Autologous control is considered as part of the Ab
screening, it can be performed in parallel with the Ab
screen and involves testing the patient’s serum against
the patient’s red blood cells.
Grading Reactions.
Aggregation or hemolysis of test red blood cells is the
visible end point of an Ab-Ag interaction.
Evaluation of the antibody screening and auto-
logous control results can provide clues and give
direction for the identification and resolution of
the Ab or Abs. The investigator should consider
the following questions;
Abs of the IgG class will react best at the AHG Phase
(37°C). Of the commonly encountered Abs are; anti-Rh,
kell, Kidd, and Duffy (IgG).
3- Did more than one screening cell react and if so, did
they react at the same strength and phases?
3 I P L L J F
CC AHG N M s S k y k K e c E C D
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ya No
2+ 0 0 + 0 + + + + 0 + + + 0 0 + + +0 + + I
2+ 0 0 0 + 0 + + 0 + 0 0 + 0 + + 0 0 ++ 0 + II