Unit V: Retail Management
Unit V: Retail Management
Unit V: Retail Management
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1.Problem Recognition
Simple terms, the consumer must have a reason to assume that what they
want, what they're after or how they view themselves or a circumstance is
different from where they really are before a transaction will even take
place. The intention is detached from the typical, which presents the client
with a dilemma.
V. The Six Stages of the
Consumer Buying Process
and How to Market to
2. Information Search
The customer search process starts once an issue is identified. They realize
that there is a problem and they're searching for a solution. If it's a new
makeup base, they're searching for a foundation; if it's a new refrigerator
with all the latest technology thrown in, they're beginning to look at
refrigerators-pretty it's straight forward.
V. The Six Stages of the
Consumer Buying Process
and How to Market to
3. Evaluation of Alternatives
Only because you stand out from the competition doesn't mean that your
product or service will be purchased entirely by a consumer. In fact, now
more than ever, clients want to be sure that before buying a product, they
have done thorough research. Because of this, they may always want to
compare other choices to ensure their choice is the correct one, even
though they might be sure of what they want.
V. The Six Stages of the
Consumer Buying Process
and How to Market to
4. Purchase Decision
5. Purchase
Need has been established, study has been performed and a purchase has
been determined by the client. All the steps leading to a transition have
been completed. This doesn't imply it's a sure thing, however. A customer
could still be lost. During this process, advertising is just as relevant as
during the previous one.
V. The Six Stages of the
Consumer Buying Process
and How to Market to
6. Post-Purchase Evaluation
Just because a purchase was made, there was no end to the process.
Revenue and consumer satisfaction can potentially be quickly lost. It is
likely that the consumer must determine after a transaction is made
whether or not they are happy with the decision that was made. Evaluating
VI. How To Build Here are 7 ways to build brand
loyalty with your audience and
Brand Loyalty customer base.
1. Deliver On Quality And Value (More Than 2. Talk To Your Clients/Customers Regularly
What Is Expected)
Several of the common tool to generate brand Talking to your clients on a regular basis helps to
loyalty is to produce everythingyou improve the partnership between you and your
have promised to the highest standard and to company, and your client and their organization.
deliver it. Don't ever let them down. The services Tell your customers about the changes within
and goods you deliver must also be of the highest your organisation (and where applicable in your
quality - in anything you do, preserving this personal life) and ask them about theirs. Using
quality such that the value you provide is never social media to keep you updated so that
challenged. Understand what satisfies your you can engage in their posts actively. In this
customers and concentrate your resources here. case, on a personal level, you are looking for
If you can meet theneeds of your client, there the customer to like you and there is no better
would be no incentive for your client to look in way to do this than to take an interest.
the direction of your rivals elsewhere.
VI. How To Build Here are 7 ways to build brand
loyalty with your audience and
Brand Loyalty customer base.
6.The right to redress – to receive a fair 7.The right to consumer education – to 8.The right to a healthy environment
settlement of just claims, including acquire knowledge and skills needed to to live and work in an environment that i
compensation for misrepresentation, make informed, confident choices about non-threatening to the well-being of
shoddy goods or unsatisfactory services. goods and services, while being aware of present and future generations
basic consumer rights and responsibilities
and how to act on them.