Lecture 7 Sqa

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Lec 07

- Debugging

- The Debugging Process

- Difference between Testing & Debugging

- Bug Life Cycle

- Bug Management

- Reporting

- Bug/Defect Types

- Defect Report

- Methods of Debugging

 Debugging is that activity which is performed after

executing a successful test case.

 Remember that a successful test case is one that shows

that a program does not do what it was designed to do.

 Debugging is a two-step process that begins when you find

an error as a result of a successful test case.

 Step 1 is the determination of the exact nature

and location of the suspected error within the

 Step 2 consists of fixing the error.

 Locating the error represents about 95% of the activity

 Process of finding the location of an error, given a

suspicion that an error exists, based on the results of a
successful test case.
Debugging Lifecycle
Debugging Process

 Debugging will always have one of two


1. The cause will be found and

corrected or

2. The cause will not be found.

 In the latter case, the person performing

debugging may suspect a cause, design
one or more test cases to help validate
that suspicion, and work toward error
correction in an iterative fashion.
Difference between Testing and Debugging


Testing is the process of Correcting these errors

executing a program or or bugs (found during
system with the aim of testing) is debugging.
findings errors or bugs.
What is a BUG

 A fault in a program, which causes the program to perform in an

unintended or unanticipated manner.

 Reports detailing bugs in a program are commonly known as bug

reports, fault reports, problem reports, trouble reports, defect
reports etc.

Why BUG Occurs

 There are so many reasons that can cause a bug some of them
can be:

 Syntax errors in the Codes

 logical errors in the Codes
 Unfinished requirements
 Misunderstanding of user needs
 Errors in the design documents
 Lack of documentation
Bug Lifecycle

In software development process, the bug has a life

cycle. The bug should go through the life cycle to be
closed. A specific life cycle ensures that the process is
standardized. The bug attains different states in the life
cycle. The life cycle of the bug can be shown
diagrammatically as follows:
States of a bug:
1) New
2) Open
3) Assign
4) Test
5) Verified
6) Deferred
7) Reopened
8. Rejected
9) Closed
Description of Stages

 New: When the bug is posted for the first time, its state will be NEW.
This means that the bug is not yet approved.

 Open: After a tester has posted a bug, the lead of the tester approves
that the bug is genuine and he changes the state as OPEN.

 Assign: Once the lead changes the state as OPEN, he assigns the bug
to corresponding developer or developer team. The state of the bug
now is changed to “ASSIGN”.

 Resolved/Fixed/Test: When developer makes necessary code

changes and verifies the changes then he/she can make bug status as
‘Fixed’ and the bug is passed to testing team.

 Deferred: The bug, changed to deferred state means the bug is

expected to be fixed in next releases. The reasons for changing the bug
to this state have many factors. Some of them are priority of the bug
may be low, lack of time for the release or the bug may not have
major effect on the software.
Description of Stages
 Rejected/Invalid: Some times developer or team lead can
mark the bug as Rejected or invalid if the system is working
according to specifications and bug is just due to some

 Pending Retest: After the bug is fixed, it is passed back to

the testing team to get retested and the status of ‘Pending
Retest’ is assigned to it.

 Retest: The testing team leader changes the status of the

bug, which is previously marked with ‘Pending Retest’ to
‘Retest’ and assigns it to a tester for retesting.

 Duplicate: If the bug is repeated twice, then one bug status

is changed to “DUPLICATE”.

 Verified: Once the bug is fixed and the status is changed to

TEST, the tester tests the bug. If the bug is not present in
the software, he approves that the bug is fixed and changes
the status to VERIFIED.
Description of Stages
 Could not reproduce: If developer is not able to reproduce
the bug by the steps given in bug report by QA then
developer can mark the bug as ‘CNR’. QA needs action to
check if bug is reproduced and can assign to developer with
detailed reproducing steps.

 Reopened: If the bug still exists even after the bug is fixed
by the developer, the tester changes the status to
REOPENED. The bug traverses the life cycle once again.

 Closed: Once the bug is fixed, it is tested by the tester. If

the tester feels that the bug no longer exists in the software,
he changes the status of the bug to CLOSED. This state
means that the bug is fixed, tested and approved.

 Postponed: Sometimes, testing of a particular bug has to be

postponed for an indefinite period. This situation may occur
because of many reasons, such as unavailability of Test data,
unavailability of particular functionality etc. That time, the
bug is marked with ‘Postponed’ status.
 It is common practice for software to be released
with known bugs that are considered non-critical.
While software products may, by definition,
contain any number of unknown bugs,
measurements during testing can provide an
estimate of the number of likely bugs remaining.

 Most big software projects maintain two lists of

"known bugs"— those known to the software
team, and those to be told to users. This is not
dissimulation, but users are not concerned with
the internal workings of the product. The second
list informs users about bugs that are not fixed in
the current release, or not fixed at all, and a
workaround may be offered.
 There are various reasons for not fixing bugs:

 The developers often don't have time or it is not

economical to fix all non-severe bugs.

 The bug could be fixed in a new version or patch

that is not yet released.

 The changes to the code required to fix the bug

would be large, and would bring with them the
chance of introducing other bugs into the system.

 It's "not a bug". A misunderstanding has arisen

between expected and provided behavior
Common Types Of Bugs
 Maths bugs
 Division by zero
 Arithmetic overflow or underflow

 Logic bugs
 Infinite loops and infinite recursion

 Syntax bugs
 Use of the wrong operator, such as performing assignment instead
of equality

 Resource bugs
 Using an un-initialized variable
 Resource leaks, where a finite system resource such as memory or
file handles are exhausted by repeated allocation without release.
 Buffer overflow, in which a program tries to store data past the end
of allocated storage.

 Team working bugs

 Comments out of date or incorrect: many programmers assume
the comments accurately describe the code
 Differences between documentation and the actual product
 Daily Summary Data : In addition to entering new bugs and
closing fixed bug in the bug tracking application,

 Number of test cases completed

 Number of new issues identified and reported
 Number of test cases, which failed
 The current list of existing bugs by severity

 Weekly Summary Report : At the end of each week, creates a

weekly report to provide some additional information to clients.

 End of Cycle Reports: QA engineers execute all test cases for a

build, supply a complete set of test results for the cycle. provide
the following information:

 List of bugs found in this testing cycle

 List of bugs fixed in this testing cycle
 List of bugs deferred to a later release
Types of Bugs/Defects

 Defects that are detected by the tester are classified into

categories by the nature of the defect. The following are the

 Showstopper (X): The impact of the defect is severe and the

system cannot go into the production environment without
resolving the defect since an interim solution may not be available.

 Critical (C): The impact of the defect is severe, however an

interim solution is available.

 Non critical (N): All defects that are not in the X or C category
are deemed to be in the N category. These are also the defects
that could potentially be resolved via documentation and user
training. These can be GUI defects.
Defect Report
Particulars that have to be filled by a tester are:

Defect Id: Number associated with a particular defect, and

henceforth referred by its ID.

Date of execution: The date on which the test case which

resulted in a defect was executed.

Severity: As explained, it can be Critical, Non-Critical and


Module ID: Module in which the defect occurred


Defect description: Description as to how the defect was

found, the exact steps that should be taken to simulate the
defect, other notes and attachments if any.

Test Case Reference No: The number of the test case which
resulted in the defect
Defect Report

 Owner: The name of the tester who executed the test


 Test case description: The instructions in the test

cases for the step in which the error occurred

 Expected Result: The expected result after the

execution of the instructions in the test case descriptions

 History of the defect: Normally taken care of the

automated tool used for defect tracking and reporting.

 Attachments: The screen shot showing the defect

should be captured and attached

 Responsibility. Identified team member of the

development team for fixing the defect.
Points for Effective Bug Reporting

 Bug Description should be clearly


 Bug should be reported after building a

proper context

 Steps should be clear with short and

meaningful sentences

 Give references to specifications

 Assign severity and priority

 Provide Screenshots
Methods of Debugging

The methods of debugging are listed below.

1. Debugging by Brute Force Attack

2. Debugging by Induction

3. Debugging by Deduction

4. Debugging by Backtracking

5. Debugging by Testing
Debugging by Brute Force

 The most common scheme for debugging a

program is the “brute force” method. It is popular
because it requires little thought and is the least
mentally taxing of the methods, but it is inefficient
and generally unsuccessful.

 Brute force methods can be partitioned into at least

three categories:

1. Debugging with a storage dump.

2. Debugging according to the common

suggestion to “scatter print statements
throughout your program.”

3. Debugging with automated debugging

Brute force Method- use of Storage Dump
 Storage dump is the display or printout of the contents of memory.

 When a program abend, a memory dump can be taken in order to examine

the status of the program at the time of the crash.

 The programmer looks into the buffers to see which data

items were being worked on when it failed. Counters,
variables, switches and flags are also inspected.

 Brute force debugging method is applied when all else fails

 It is the most inefficient of the brute force methods. Here’s


There’s a massive amount of data, most of which is


A memory dump is a static picture of the program,

showing the state of the program at only one instant in
time; to find errors, you have to study the dynamics of
a program (state changes over time).
Brute force Method- Automated Debugging Tools

 Automated debugging tools work similarly to inserting print

statements within the program, but rather than making
changes to the program, you analyze the dynamics of the
program with the debugging features of the programming

 A common function of debugging tools is the ability to set

breakpoints that cause the program to be suspended when a
particular statement is executed or when a particular
variable is altered, and then the programmer can examine
the current state of the program.
Debugging by Induction
 It should be obvious that careful thought will find most
errors without the debugger even going near the
computer. One particular thought process is induction,
where you move from the particulars of a situation to the
whole. That is, start with the clues (the symptoms of the
error, possibly the results of one or more test cases) and
look for relationships among the clues. The induction
process is illustrated in Figure
Debugging by Induction
The steps are as follows:

1. Locate the pertinent data. A major mistake debuggers make is failing to

take account of all available data or symptoms about the problem. The first
step is the enumeration of all you know about what the program did correctly
and what it did incorrectly

2. Organize the data. Remember that induction implies that you’re processing
from the particulars to the general, so the second step is to structure the
pertinent data to let you observe the patterns.

3. Devise a hypothesis. Next, study the relationships among the clues and
devise, using the patterns that might be visible in the structure of the clues,
one or more hypotheses about the cause of the error.

4. Prove the hypothesis. A major mistake at this point, given the pressures
under which debugging usually is performed, is skipping this step and jumping
to conclusions to fix the problem. However, it is vital to prove the
reasonableness of the hypothesis before you proceed. If you skip this step,
you’ll probably succeed in correcting only the problem symptom, not the
problem itself.

5. Fix the Error. If hypothesis is proved successfully then go on to fix the error
else repeat steps 3 and 4
Debugging by Deduction

 The process of deduction proceeds from some

general theories or premises, using the processes
of elimination and refinement, to arrive at a
conclusion (the location of the error). See the
Debugging by Deduction
1. Enumerate the possible causes or hypotheses. The first
step is to develop a list of all conceivable causes of the error.
They don’t have to be complete explanations; they are
merely theories to help you structure and analyze the
available data.

2. Use the data to eliminate possible causes. Carefully

examine all of the data, particularly by looking for
contradictions, and try to eliminate all but one of the possible
causes. If all are eliminated, you need more data through
additional test cases to devise new theories.

3. Refine the remaining hypothesis. The possible cause at

this point might be correct, but it is unlikely to be specific
enough to pinpoint the error. Hence, the next step is to use
the available clues to refine the theory.

4. Prove the remaining hypothesis. This vital step is identical

to step 4 in the induction method.
Debugging by Backtracking

 Backtracking is a fairly common

debugging approach that can be
used successfully in small programs

 Beginning at the site where a

symptom has been uncovered, the
source code is traced backwards till
the error is found.

 Unfortunately as the no of source

lines increases, the no of potential
backward paths may become
unmanageably large
Debugging by Testing

 The last “thinking type” debugging

method is the use of test cases.
consider two types of test cases:

 Test cases for testing, where the

purpose of the test cases is to
expose a previously undetected
error, and

 Test cases for debugging, where the

purpose is to provide information
useful in locating a suspected error.
 The difference between the two is that test cases for
testing tend to be “fat” because you are trying to
cover many conditions in a small number of test
cases. Test cases for debugging, on the other hand,
are “slim” since you want to cover only a single
condition or a few conditions in each test case.

 In other words, after a symptom of a suspected

error is discovered, you write variants of the original
test case to attempt to pinpoint the error. Actually,
this method is not an entirely separate method; it
often is used in conjunction with the induction
method to obtain information needed to generate a
hypothesis and/or to prove a hypothesis. It also is
used with the deduction method to eliminate
suspected causes, refine the remaining hypothesis,
and/or prove a hypothesis.

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